
Officially Mine? or Still Strangers?

Running away to an Unknown City can be Scary, Refreshing, and most importantly also can be a Dream come true. Starting your new life, facing hardships and joyful moments can be fun- Until one day Symon meets Thea, the one from whom he is running away. "you are mine." "I don't know you- We are strangers, Miss." "From the moment you turned 16, you were mine.." "Who are you? Why can't you just let go of me?!" he swatted her hand away from his bag. Moving fast, the thunderstorm which entered Symon's daily run to the grocers left nothing but a note saying- "so Officially mine?" in his empty bag. "Dear... what happened? Who made you like this? I waited for 2 years... I can't wait anymore... Please..." "NO! you are like them. I don't want to see your face ever. Go away Alpha!!.." he cried "Please go away I don't know you.." Symon Perri said composing himself now. "Please don't cry... I can't see you like this.." pleaded Thea. "Don't come close to me.. Miss, please be within your limits. I would like it if you stay away from me and my life" he said distancing himself from her. "Symon.. okay if that's what you want.. and it's Thea Suzuki, not Alpha or miss.. just your Thea" . . . . "What are you doing here?" he asked with his sharp and cold voice. "It's your New Neighbour, Mr.Perri. She will move in here after a week." answered The Real Estate agent hesitatingly. He was a beta and could surely sense the tension between them. "It's my pleasure to meet you again Mr. Perri. Myself Thea Suzuki. Currently working as a lawyer for the KJ corporation" His eyes popped out. She cannot be kidding him now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see what happens to Symon and Thea 3 years later to their early encounters,

_Shikhu_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 2- Deafening silence

The Black-eyed boy ran. He ran till he reached his haven. His Cold, lonely- Most of all an isolating place. Slamming the door closed, he let his inner turmoil out by Screaming out all the frustrations.

Why?! Why now?! Why Would She bring them!? I shouldn't have trusted her. I cannot trust her. They will do that again. No. Not again- I will run again, away from here- from everyone. From every one of that Cabal member. Huffing out he stood up from the floor, messily wiping his snotty face, and started to pack his bag. " Simon. It's okay. I am here for you. I will never let you go. please don't panic." kazuto voiced out in his most soft voice, knowing how to calm the storm that's brewing inside his human mind and how it WILL affect the people. The weather which was bright and sunny changed to that of the darkest, gloomiest day. The rain started pouring out with bolts of lightning showing the world- How its master had been betrayed.

In this raging storm, a knock was heard, startling the boy packing his clothes. Who is it now?! Did they track him here? This is bad. Slowly moving towards the door, he peeped through the peephole and saw a drenched girl- the strange alpha.

"I know you are watching me through the peephole. Open the door."


"Open the door, Perri. I don't like to repeat myself. Open it or else I WILL kick it open. PERRI !"

"GO AWAY !! You are like them! I should have never trusted you. How could have I trusted YOU! AN ALPHA."

The eye color of the grey-eyed girl was now flickering to red. Rage. That's what it is. Kicking the door, she tried once then twice and it opened. The one inside now fully aware of her strength after the first kick had taken his steps back. Scared. Fear was wrapping its shawl on him when he saw her eyes. It was dominating him, his wolf - making his knees weak and submit himself to them. He sat there, showing his Blank and Beautiful Neck to the one who dominates. Tears already coloring his cheeks.

Seeing the one, the only one that matters to her submitting to her- In fear. She came back to her senses. Letting her Alpha take over, was the second mistake she had made on the very same hour after her first one. She let out her calming pheromones, trying to make the omega feel secure around his Alpha.

"no. Stand Up.... please dear" she asked him kneeling beside him. Watching him still struggle to stand, she remembered that an order can only be removed with an order. "Omega. Stand up" she said in her hoarse voice.

The omega stood up, still not meeting his eyes with hers. He didn't want to see those eyes again-the rage-filled. "GO AWAY ALPHA" he ordered, trying to calm himself. Seeing the black jeans still there, he sighed. Why can't she just leave me alone? "I said Go Away Alpha. And Don't ever show me your face." "Dear, please calm down- listen to me.. please let me explain.." she for the first time in her life pleaded. "What's there to explain huh? you ruined my peaceful life by bringing those hooligans here. Do you even know the consequences of your actions? How MY life could be in DANGER around them? For Moon goddess's sake, YOU ARE A STRANGER?! WHY SO APT IN MAKING MY LIFE MISERABLE HUH? ARE YOU ALL ALPHA'S TRAINED TO MAKE THE LIVES OF US OMEGA'S MISERABLE? first, those catcalls then harassing then the family and whatnot do I have to face? huh ?" He was now full-on furious. One wrong word from her mouth and the lightning will strike her right then and there. His Superior Omega mind was talking over. Rage-Fear-Darkness. Everything was running wild in his mind.

She gulped, making her alpha-Axel calm. He was truly showing his alpha instincts now. "Do you want our mate to hate us for the rest of our life and reject us? No right?! then calm the hell down AXEL!" She slowly took steps back from him, now showing her bare neck to her mate. An act of surrendering- the most humiliating for an Alpha. But for her mate- She can kill and be killed. "Dear.." "I am not your dear." "okay. please calm down- I never knew the reason for you running away from home, and when I went over there for the first time, they never said that you ran away. I was answered with the 'He is studying overseas' card. I waited for you for 4 years... And it was getting unbearable for me and my wolf now. We needed our Mate... And when I met you at the grocer's while traveling in this town, I was surprised. When I told you that I knew you ran away- I Lied. I apologize for that. After returning to my town, I went to your family. to get answers to the questions my mind raised. They said that you ran away with alpha and weren't even budging to leave him. Hence they never interfered. So when I told them today that I am coming to meet you with rage and sadness, they all came along- so that I don't lose my cool seeing you with some other alpha."

"M..mate?" it seemed like his world stopped at that. "Why can't.. why can't I smell your scent? The pull? huh? Stop making me lose my mind, Alpha. I need some time alone. Go Away from here. I don't want to see you. Ever. Stranger"

Axel and Thea were now heartbroken. They showed their most vulnerable state to their mate. And he Rejected them. It was because of them- The cabals. Still keeping her head low, she stood up. Walking towards him.

"Don't come close to me.. Miss, please be within your limits. I would like it if you stay away from me and my life," he said distancing himself from her.

"... okay if that's what you want.. and it's Thea Suzuki, not Alpha or miss.. just your Thea," she said glancing up at his face and slowly going away in the most broken state she has ever been in. Their mate rejected them. His family will face what they did to her and her mate's bond. That's for sure.

The night had arrived, with the moon in its half phase gloomily shining over her admirers. Symon was packing his bags. Moving away from here. With the sound of the wheels of his trolley bag made due to the stairs. He was aimless, without a destination-just moving forward. Away. Get away from here. It's Bad. We have to leave. that's what Kazuto repeated as Symon took his steps. The rain still drizzling. Thunderstorms were quiet now, not wanting to make their master afraid.

With immense love from the author to you all.

Be healthy and safe.

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