
Obsessive Love

I want him, and he will be mine...Not like he has much of a choice.

J_I_Marking · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Part 00: [Ch. 01] Incident of May 6th, 1985

Psychosis, a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. A thing that has heavily impacted my life since I was a child. I've never been able to live a normal life, not even after the incident of May 6th, 1985. The day I did something I'd grow to regret.

May 06, 1985.

11:37 A.M.

"May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right." - Peter Marshall

School itself hasn't necessarily always been easy for me. I've always seemed to have struggled with fitting in. This being as I'm broken...defective. I've always had issues with myself mentally, yet whenever I try to address these issues with anyone such as the teachers, or worse, my parents. Things tend to go downhill for me.

'Oh, it's just a phase, Loren.' Or 'You're just an attention seeker, grow up.' It does hurt knowing that people I care for, and or people who should be caring for me tend to call me a liar.

I proceeded to adjust myself in my seat as I continued to stare out the window. Such beauty was hidden within our world, yet I wasn't focused on the flowers or even the ever-growing landscape. No, I was more focused on the birds. Such beautiful creatures they are, they're so free to do what they want, when they want. Nothing is able to hold them back from being them...being free. Unlike a bird, I'm stuck here at this school for another few hours before I'm able to leave for home, in which I'll be tortured by my family.

As I continue to lose myself at the beauty of the birds, from their vast colors to the tunes they sing, I feel a large hand rest onto my shoulder. A very cold, yet large hand. Ms. Kraut's hand.

I look at the site I'm already familiar with and as I expected, there's Ms. Kraut, staring at me with her Medusa-like grin.

"Is there an issue with my teachings Loren?" Spews Ms. Kraut as each and every word came out like toxic venom as she proceeded to grip my shoulder.

"N...no Ms, I just zoned out," I reply in such a remorseful tone, she lightens her grip on my shoulder. Yet even then the pain still lingered.

"Don't let it happen again, or there will be serious consequences." Retorted Ms. Kraut as she lets go of my shoulder and proceeded to head towards the front of the class so she can continue on with the lesson I so happily ignored. The reasons I wish to be a bird, to be free from here. To be free from my personal hell.

As time passed by slowly, the bell gave out the charming sound all of us love, and as it rang I was ready to leave here so I could get home, lock myself in my room, and pay none to if not very little attention to the drama my family caused. Not like they'd want to talk to me, I'm their little accident. The one who couldn't be like my perfect sister. Lily.

She's always the one they love the most, she gets top marks in her classes, she's pretty, and let's not forget. Popular. She's their prized possession while I'm their bad egg. The one who dozes off in class, the one who isn't as pretty looking, and the one who's a freak to all. As I continue to get my stuff packed into my back, I hear someone call my name. How strange it was, they sounded to be around my age, yet rarely was I ever called on by another student. That is unless they wish to pick on me.

Yet before I could turn to look at them, I'm interrupted by Jake. Jake and his little squad of fat, retarded, 5th graders. Always seemed to pick on me the most. I was always such a fun target for them, and I can't say I blame them. I'm slow and weak. Perfect for the average bully to pick on.

"Hey loser, before you go I have a gift for you?" Asked Jake as he's was trying his best to hold back a laugh.

I found it strange though, what was he gonna pull this time. The usual hitting, or maybe even the destruction of my own personal belongings. I have no clue yet I wonder. As the seconds go by I manage to muster up the courage to speak to him. "W..what is it," I reply, the slight sense of fear in my words.

Jake stares at me with an evil grin, he was obviously planning something and as I had predicted, it most likely wasn't good. I close my eyes to expect the worse for when it comes, and indeed it does. Jake grabs my bag and yanks it from my grasp. Flinging everything within it everywhere. Ms. Kraut paid no heed as she was more focused on her book, instead of the child who is of which being attacked.

The thought that she could just sit there and do nothing while I'm getting attacked was enough to send me into a blind rage.


There it is again, the voice I heard earlier. Yet this time I can see her...no, it. She looked just like me, only she was only darkness. She couldn't be real, she most definitely wasn't human and she couldn't be trusted...can she??

"You should attack them, show them that you won't take their bullying kindly." Speaks the voice as she starts to walk closer to me. Her facial features becoming more visible. She definitely was me, or at least looked like me.

"N...no, stop, I won't hurt them. I'm not an aggressive person." I reply to her, hoping she'd understand. Yet she kept coming closer.

"Who are you talking to you freak." Chuckles Jake as he's still wielding my bag, now empty as the things that were once in it, are now scattered across the area of my desk.

"Her, she's right behind you," I say to Jake, hoping he'd see her. Yet he doesn't, he looked behind him and didn't see her and it was obvious that he didn't. She wasn't really there.

Realizing my mistake Jake soon pushes me to the floor and proceeded to kick me. His little Goonies partaking in the kicking as well.

"Looks like you need my help, Loren, I can help you. You just need to say so." Spoke the voice as she gives a dark grin, her teeth being what's visible through the smile.

"Help." As expected Ms. Kraut ignored me, yet the dark entity however was eager to help. She leaps forward at me and things went dark for me. The darkness felt cold and silent. Yet all wasn't bad as within a second I wasn't in the darkness anymore. But something felt off, something wasn't right.

It didn't take me long to realize what felt off. The kicking stopped, yet most importantly, the boys were on the ground all bloodied up. I had attacked them, and somehow I won.

Ms. Kraut instantly stood up from her chair and came rushing over, yet not for me. Yet for Jake and his little Goonies. She was more focused on them and I can't blame her. With what happened, they definitely needed more attention than me. Yet before I could wipe the blood off my hands Ms. Kraut looks at me and begins to scream. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID YOU BRAT, YOU INJURED THREE INNOCENT BOYS WHEN THEY WERE ONLY PLAYING." Her voice echoed throughout the room, alerting more teachers to the situation at hand.

I know this wouldn't end well for me, I'm looking like I caused the fighting when in reality it was Jake who did that. Yet things should sort themselves out, right. Ms. Kraut knows they started it and she should be on my side when we're asked as to who started this...

...I can only hope...

[A/N:] Sorry for the short chapter, trying something new and hoping to improve me and this story as it continues. I do know that once I finish this story I'll go through a Re-writing phase, where I'll Redo all the terrible writing I've done, and replace it with better work.