
Obsession is Just Not My Thing

Bakugo is obsessed with Kirishima but refuses to believe it till its too late... “...him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good.“

Crude_Kyle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Way He Looks

Bakugo's POV:

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! HOW DID THEY FIND HER SO FAST? I was at least hoping for her body to start decomposing just a little bit. At Least so that the marks on her neck were unrecognizable. Well too late to start wishing I have to go downstairs and not look suspicious. Easier said than done. I shower, get dressed and walk downstairs.

I'm just kind of standing in a corner trying to stay out of the way and trying not to get noticed. This is what I usually do right? RIGHT? I cant fucking remember. I hope it is otherwise Im fucked. Apparently I'm wrong because before I can even register what happened Iida comes out of nowhere and starts talking to me.

"Bakugo, if you need help processing your feelings at this time please come to your class representatives. We don't want another meltdown of your anger."

"Hey alright Ill let you know but right now I'm just fucking dandy." I reply with the strongest urge to throw a hissy fit but I won't. I need to stay hidden in this corner.

"I would say watch your language but I feel like this is one of your ways of coping so I'll leave you to it." And with that he leaves.

Thank fuck.

As I scan the room I notice Uraraka crying with Tysu on the couch. Pathetic in my opinion. Couldn't she see how much time she spent with Ejiro? I mean like she barely even hung out with other people. How could you be sad about someone you barely spent time with? Doesn't make any fucking sense to me.

I look around some more and suddenly see Kirishima walking over. He also looks sad… but I mean it's worth it. Soon I'll be his only person in his life. The only one that he should care about. He asks me why I look guilty, fuck do I really look like that? I try to play it off as confusion but by the way his face looks he can see my bullshit. So I tell him the most shitty lie. I hate lying to him but I can't tell him the truth now can I? I just hope that he takes the bait. Looks like he did because after that he left.

That's enough socializing for me today, I think I'm gonna go back up to my room and think about my next plan of action.