
Obsession: i love you

Start: 08/07/2021 End: (?) ___ Everyone has an obsession. His own mother's main obsession was money. No, in fact, money brings. It's the social environment. He could not exist without his money. It was nothing. Talk as much as your money. Her self-confidence could only be measured by the large stones on her finger and the shiny pearls on her necklace. His father wasn't even himself. It was just an undesirable blemish from an undesirable accident, from coercion. The more her mother looked, the more she thought of that disgusting night and cursed her. He was obviously homeless. Or so it should be. But that person... had unknowingly become his obsession. This obsessive heart is the kind that a thousand bugs tread and itch. Blended with regret, she was so numb to him that she looked at him with bright eyes as she smoldered... And himself. He has no obsession. Or so he thought... To call it obsession is a little childish. It would be more appropriate to call it regret, desires, and the thousands of complex underlying emotions. ____ Master x apprentice relationship in the world of magic. Warning: Although the main character is a girl, she is disguised as a boy. Since the element of love begins without knowing the gender of the male character, this fiction also falls into the category of 'gender bender'.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

-Illusion Crystal- /00/

It was an ancient magic object. It was usually made of seeds extracted from the hearts of powerful animals.

How many there are in the world is uncertain, even its existence is uncertain, and normal, powerless people knew it as a myth.

Its maker was, in a way, the new founder of Amoli, the country that reigns over the entire continent today.

Emperor Huajin.

Of course, magic crystals with complex structures were divided according to many features and types.

Magic Crystals.

The most familiar and common of these was the "illusion crystal". Because based on this, imitations were produced and used. The imitations were quite simple compared to the original.

Illusion boxes (imitations of the Illusion crystal, ie flashing) contained the experience of the person who made it. The illusion box is built from memories and experiences, so it had a great deal of reality. So even the events in it were not a kind of fabrication...

There were several ways to get rid of the illusion.

Wait for the power to run out first. When this illusion box ran out of energy, it would automatically appear.

(This is a dream for a high-energy stone like an illusion crystal)

Another option is to die, break, disappear in the illusion, the most valuable thing that will make you suffer.

It shatters the illusion and returns to reality. Still, it was dangerous.

How would you know if you were under an illusion so as not to make a mistake? What if it's the real world?

There is only one way. Find the opening in the illusion.

The illusion had the memories and experiences of its owner from which it was revealed. Well...

He realized that he was not in that illusion box, but in the crystal, that legendary crystal.


The crystal it is in was built according to the memories of its master, the memories and experiences of the person who made it, the emperor.

Finding the opening and figuring out if it was in the crystal was simple. Dealing with something the Emperor never experienced...relationship.

The emperor was never with anyone. He hasn't dated anyone, he hasn't liked anyone, and he's alien to these feelings. However, he does not have this experience.

Therefore, simply...

He tried to kiss her.


He didn't feel anything. It was like kissing the air. Everything was realistic, but this was as fake as it could get. The emperor, who had no previous kissing experience, had failed here in this hyperrealistic world while making the crystal.

This was plain proof.