
Obsession: i love you

Start: 08/07/2021 End: (?) ___ Everyone has an obsession. His own mother's main obsession was money. No, in fact, money brings. It's the social environment. He could not exist without his money. It was nothing. Talk as much as your money. Her self-confidence could only be measured by the large stones on her finger and the shiny pearls on her necklace. His father wasn't even himself. It was just an undesirable blemish from an undesirable accident, from coercion. The more her mother looked, the more she thought of that disgusting night and cursed her. He was obviously homeless. Or so it should be. But that person... had unknowingly become his obsession. This obsessive heart is the kind that a thousand bugs tread and itch. Blended with regret, she was so numb to him that she looked at him with bright eyes as she smoldered... And himself. He has no obsession. Or so he thought... To call it obsession is a little childish. It would be more appropriate to call it regret, desires, and the thousands of complex underlying emotions. ____ Master x apprentice relationship in the world of magic. Warning: Although the main character is a girl, she is disguised as a boy. Since the element of love begins without knowing the gender of the male character, this fiction also falls into the category of 'gender bender'.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Season Finale /-01/

It was already dark when he came out after a long bath. It was time to meet Amanda, so she went to her room first.

Jian was still awake.

When Jian was asleep, he slowly closed the door and left the room. The spell on him was based on his strength and would continue as long as he didn't remove the spell. Or he can't use his magic, if for some reason he consumes it. In these results, the magic would always be disabled.

Only now did he notice this boy's sudden silence today. What happened to him? He clearly had no intention of asking. He just left with a heavy sleep spell causing his consciousness to go out.

He shouldn't be able to hear what's being said tonight. So he left her in the room with the sleep spell.

He was just going to make a simple speech and come back... he didn't know that things were going to get so messy...

This would be their last meeting.


He moved towards the garden. Amanda was sitting in the gazebo with two cups of tea.

"You came at last, I thought you forgot," he muttered as he handed the tea. Looking at Huajin, he remembered today's event, and his shoulders were trembling, though he pressed his lips tightly not to laugh.

"Ehem" finally collected himself and got serious.

"Go on"

"I went out to find Zhalid today. You know Zhalid better" Huajin hinted to Amanda.

While thinking, Amanda turned her gaze to Huajin.

"Well, you have a way out with this. Because you have time to live... You only have 10 years left," he was too embarrassed to point out as a writer. "I will help you" was determined.

Huajin just shook his head and continued to speak. "Even though Zhalid is a good mage, this is in the future. He can't help with his current strength. My situation will get worse day by day. This will endanger not only me, but the kingdom around me and in my hands" is one of the biggest problems.

"Medicine can be slowed down. I remember writing something called cosweed in fiction..." Amanda was a little excited at the thought.


The moonlight was hitting the window. A small child was panting and sweating in a large bed. She gripped the duvet tightly, her body trembling and fluttering like a nightmare.

It's the same dream again.

The full moon was ominously overhead. The howls of wolves intermingled with the sounds of the wind.

The forest was shaking with the strong wind, the ominous footsteps approaching.


"Do not go!"

Why ?

Even then, why didn't he turn around and even look at her?

Why was he ignoring his existence?

A black robe was embroidered with gold patterns. He had long messy red hair, and the sword he was holding gave off a depressive mood.

Many people were surrounded.

"Are you revolting?" However, the man's response was calm. Her hair, blowing in the wind, shone like fire.

A non-stop war has finally begun. Everything is the same, unchanged.

The clouds were slowly blocking the moonlight, and the environment was getting dark and wild. Predators surrounded them from all quarters.

He doesn't know what's next. As his usual cowardly body stiffened, iron chains sprang from the sky, coiling like snakes, enclosing his master's body. Inexorably, firmly...

The chains tightened, imprisoning the body.

The environment was turning into a bloodbath. Blood was running down the chain.

Pointed iron tips pierced his body, dark clouds obscuring the source of the chain stretching from the sky. The air was roaring, the gust of wind continued to blow ominously. He ran as if he had lost his reason, he was unconscious and desperately tried to pull the chains.

In vain, a heavy stream of lightning climbed down the chain and charged the body, thunder followed by thunder.

He suddenly opened his eyes!

He was covered in sweat, and his head ached to the point of cracking. His eyes were still teary and his body was trembling again. She wiped her tears on her sleeve and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

He tried to calm down as he closed his eyes. Same dream every night...

Where was he? He removed his hand from his eyes and looked at the full moon outside. He got up from the bed and walked towards the window.

He was shaken when he saw the person outside.


His eyes were misting up again.

It was painful. It's very painful.

She couldn't hold back her tears. He was squeezing the hand he had placed on the glass, accompanied by the incessant flow of drops.

Why did he kiss her today? Even though you will be disappointed...

"Hick" sniffed, looking a little weird with his kid look

"Hick, hick!" He was annoyed that his nose was running, but his mind was still not here. His head was distracted.


Did he kiss her? Why was this expected? Even if it's empty...


Does it hurt this much?


Expected this result...

Why was it so destroyed?

He was out of breath, his eyes widened. Iron chains stretching from the sky...

It swirled around the emperor's body, like prey that had sprung up from above, trapped in a spider's web.

"Emperor!" He opened the window and jumped out.

As if the chains had discovered its presence, it was pulled back into the sky, leaving behind a motionless body.

"I-emperor hold on" he tried to lift his body and lay it flat. His hands were shaking as usual.

Everything is very realistic. Including his touch, body temperature, behavior and even smells.

If it was meant to inflict pain on him, his enemies had avenged him most successfully.

Dark clouds were foaming in the sky, the same ominous wind and two corpses lying on the ground.

The air shone, and the thunder was almost deafening. Sudden lightning lit up...

Glass shards, as if the environment was starting to crack. Lightning struck a heavy blow.

Scenes of a body shattered in his hands, shattered into dust like pieces of glass...

His theory justified him.

He didn't feel it when he kissed.

Everything is an illusion.

-Season final-