
room for three

How's the room you start to assess the situation a bit better? Subject a is curled up in the corner of the motel room on the bed. Clearly regretting a lot of her decisions within the past day subject. B. On the other hand, is sitting on the edge of the bed watching cartoons you made sure to confiscate the remote from subject. B. So that she doesn't order pay-per-view and rack up your hotel bill and you are still standing at the entrance. Unsure as to what to do next. While contemplating this. You notice that your phone has been going off for more than a while now so you decide to sit down and collect the information that is provided via network. The first message you see is from GYM bro, he's making sure you're committing to losing weight to fit into that dress that you might not even have to wear you. Tell him you're doing good but you still having a hard time cutting out the fats and sodium in your life. Then you move on to the next message. It's from the boss. He had sent you photos of the Dave's eating their dinner. He also said that the fisher in the freezer that you set aside for them is starting to run low. You of course replied by telling him there's a few bucks under the cookie jar on your counter. He can use that to get some fish from the fresh fish market. The only place where you can get good fish that won't be treated with sodium and then finally a message from Mackenzie this one drives you a bit mad. You really shouldn't be checking any of her messages cuz they'll just tempt you to call her. But at the same time if you don't check the messages you won't know what all she's mad about or trying to ask you for how you know she could just be worried about your well-being. I'm trying to make sure you're alive and not at all trying to track down the runaway bride who kidnapped you. You decide to take a peek, a tiny peek at the message and that peek was your undoing for within those small. Not even considered a sentence message was want to see my swimsuit. Without even thinking about it, your brain immediately closed out of the messaging app and open up the video call app selecting McKenzie's contact information. While the call was working to connect, two things ran through your brain one. You're not supposed to be calling them because that would be a betrayal of Tiffany's trust too. You're not wearing a bra and you feel like if she knows that you're going to come up as loose in her opinion and that is one thing you cannot afford before you could hang up the call. You are face to face with two very angry people. One upset. Mackenzie who is holding the phone not in a bikini by the way and a very upset fiance whose name escapes you as they stared daggers at you. Your fingers strongly moves towards the hang-up button, but Mackenzie yells at you. Don't you dare hang up, scared and intimidated you move your finger away. You look around to see if anyone's notice what you just did but Nicole is too busy watching TV and Tiffany's practically catatonic at this point you slip into the bathroom door leaving it a bit cracked to keep an eye on. Nicole, while you take this call, they really tore into you about your disappearance and how they will worry about the three of you two of you. They knew that Nicole would probably be fine after that. They make plans to intervene before this road trip turns into a missing person case of the bathroom. Trying not to display the guilt of your betrayal, but of course Tiffany isn't paying attention. But oddly enough the two of them were different. The television was still the same channel. You have the remote so there's no way she could have changed it without walking up and you can't exactly access the pay-per-view channels without the remote but upon) Tiffany and a can of chocolate milk is next to Nicole. Both open. You immediately run to the mini fridge, the can of chocolate milk, five bucks in the mini bottle of vodka 12 bucks you fall over crying knowing that the coming days are going to be tough for you as you cry, you hear a strong knock at the door that knock was so strong. It even snapped your self-loathing friend out of her trance you'll get Nicole gets off the bed and walks over to the door. Answering it without even checking the people who taught her how to open doors. You wonder as the door flies open? Who else? But Bridget was at the door. Tiffany starts freaking out wondering how she could have been found. You still crying and not much in the mood to pretend to be panic. Just stay there while Bridget walks in. Angry is all get out that she had to be woken up in the middle of the morning to track down the three runaways after coming down for a minute. She sat on the bed while you and Tiffany were kneeling on the floor. Nicole was sitting in a corner because she couldn't sit still she tries to inquire about how the three of us ended up out here what Tiffany wasn't saying anything. Nicole doesn't know she was just going along with whatever Tiffany was saying and you hadn't gotten that far into the situation. You were just sort of here as his life. Bridget stays on the phone with the other two as they on the way to the hotel now. Having heard that information, Tiffany is starting to panic more and more. You realize that this could only get uglier if you let things keep escalating like this. So you play the one card you have you offer to let Bridget burned through the rest of your savings. One hotel goods in exchange for keeping an eye on Nicole and letting the two of you. Go outside for a while to help her pull it together. Bridget not really committed to the whole getting YouTube back where you belong thing agrees to those conditions and pretends not to notice the two of you walking outside. You see that Tiffany is more and more on the verge of tears. You try to come comfort her, but she obviously feels betrayed because you were the only one who was capable of telling them where to. you not wanting to lie about this can't clean and explained what had happened. You feel that her opinion about you may have dropped a bit knowing that you sold her out out of desperation for seeing someone who may not even like you in a swimsuit anyone would have a brain could tell that was an obvious trap. Yes, you feel even dumber for her falling for it both of you sit out in front of the hotel pool talking a bit more. You try to get to the bottom of why she's running away from this. Your thought you sorted everything out but clearly not currently explanation she gave why she just woke up in the middle of the night and felt the world closing in on her and that she had to run in order to escape. Not sure what to do or how to handle the situation. She decided to only take you and Nicole more so you. She needed Nicole to move you because you were too heavy to move on her own. You try to ignore the fact that she basically called you fat and let her continue. She then explained that while on the road she didn't exactly get what she had done until you had woken up and everything was just going a way. Every instinct of her is just kept telling her to keep going. Keep going no matter what. In the end all she could feel was running away and once that had settled she could not figure out how to fix the situation. She had hoped that you would figure something out for her, but in the end she's not sure if you're solution was the best. Especially considering that's illusion was just answering your primal instincts you do not refute that because it was mostly true. You then ask her the obvious question. Does she want to get married? She of course explains that she does but also explains that she's just doesn't know if she's ready or if she's missing out on something. If she goes through with it now, she's very much uncertain. You of course read into that as the usual runaway bride syndrome do then realizing not having that many friends who are married and only one friend who is getting married. So both the person you would ask about this is the person going through this. I can get a little bit hard for you to come up with a solution so you do the next best thing the internet you try to hide looking it up to make it look like you were all knowing but she clearly spotted you searching the answer online so you stop trying to hide it The two of you look at the screen of your phone as you search through different forms and things to try and find some answer. There is a surprisingly large number of message boards with men and women who get nervous about tying the knot none of which seem to have the answer. All the verbal exchangers just seem to be people listing reasons why they either don't want to get married or reasons why they're nervous about getting married. The ones who are nervous usually go through with it and then just occasionally submit questions on the messaging board if they really regret their decision or not. So a lot of uncertainty and the others just say that they're not going to call it off and never message on the board again. You feel like this is not helping so you decide to call the one person you know who is married and is still married to the stay so probably knows what they're talking about. Your mom calling her in the middle of the morning. She answers the phone and curses you out knowing full well who you are. You really in curse her out for being a crappy parent who is unreliable 24/7 and then ask her to do the one thing that she knows how to do brag about her marriage. You then put the phone on speaker and allow Tiffany to ask her some questions The answer she provides are surprising but most of them are expected. She does go to Brad about how great she has it and how much she loves your dad, but she also proceeds to explain that she didn't invite have confidence in her decision. In fact, the whole thing was a leap of faith that she made on a whim using a coin that her mom gave her on the day of her wedding. Apparently it's family tradition that if you're uncertain about something, you just flip a coin and let faith decide. You did not know this, which means she never intended to tell you until the last minute or never at all. She then proceed to explain that these sort of things are leaps of faith and at times it's just best to either go with it or move against it. If you keep letting uncertainty rule you eventually the decision will be made without you having to say and that's worse than that. Giving a decision at all. Remember that she was tired and would rather not be speaking with you or anyone associated with you so she hung up before any more questions could be asked. You then proceeded to text her. Thanks a lot. Followed by a few additional slurs for good measure and put your phone away. And surprisingly enough that woman gave Tiffany the reassurance she needed, but you're not even quite sure what reassurance she gave