
the wrong choices we make

The three of you sat at a beach on the way to whatever destination you were heading you Tiffany, who you still weren't sure. If you're ready to call a friend and Nicole who is building a sandcastle naturally, your first instinct should have been convincing Tiffany to go back and face whatever she's running away from, but you are more focused on the thing that you ran away from back. Then you're at the point where you remembering Mackenzie introducing you two Tiffany money enough back in those days. She wasn't as demanding as she was later on in the year. You assume that it was probably because she wasn't sure how much of a pushover you actually were, but first night the three of you hung out together you went drinking. Things were going well until three guys showed up to try and hit on the three of you. You couldn't help. It notice they were playing a game of rock paper scissor to decide who would try to hit on you. Most likely the loser would get that honor. At one point, Mackenzie felt divide and pailed offering to take you home and of course you wanted to accept her offer, but you could not simply speaking. You wanted to impress her and give her a good opinion of you so you offer to stay behind with Tiffany and make sure she got home safely. Mackenzie, not wanting to argue with your decision. Agreed. Told you to stay safe and headed home. Apparently at that exact same point you somehow activated a light of approval and Tiffany's head. Her opinion of you improved and thus a chain of her dragging you around everywhere. She went began but that's not what this story is about. Digging deep within recollection you do. Also remember as years went on more and more you started taking a lot more classes and after the second year when you and Tiffany stopped hanging out on the last half of the quarter during spring, you started to have more time to spend with Mackenzie. Things were starting to work out sort of. Of course you also bugged her room again after finally getting that satellite radio you needed for the bugging and you might have also borrowed some items from her place and taking pictures of her while she was sleeping. You stopped her three times when she was hanging out with her other friends and your computer has an entire folder dedicated to her along with the fact that you did contemplate roofing her at one point just to get more alone time. But you put a pin in that considering too far would get you separated from her should she dislike it? Things were starting to really heat up. You were preparing for graduation and tragically the news about your landlord losing a batch hit home. You were not to thrilled about meeting the new landlord who won the place and the teachers were asking about your career path in choices. You did have passing grades but they weren't above average. They were barely above which means even with graduation certificate at the end of the day. It would still look like you weren't worth hiring, but that is for later on. The most important thing is what had happened in recent coming years? Your mom and dad hit you up with concerns about your living arrangement they had been helping you pay rent and are worried about once they let go. The agreement was after college. You're on your own and you did agree to it. You of course did have a plan you saved of just enough money to cover rent while you looked for a job but of course, all those applications that you sent out were not coming back. At one point, it became so depressing that you began loafing around your apartment, seeing as you had less classes. Now that you were graduating soon enough, Mackenzie took notice to your depressed vibe and wanted to get you out of your funk. She took you over to a party she was heading to at a penthouse for some rich guy who loves bragging about his money. You and a bunch of people you don't even know along with her all part of the night away until things got really crazy. You were drunk but we're still pretty self-aware while Mackenzie on the other hand was lost beyond all representation of the word lost. She wouldn't understand a single word you were saying and in that moment you couldn't help yourself. You had to do it. Everyone else was fixated on something else at the time so no one would be able to collaborate with you. We're about to do and that made it easier for you to make you move well. She was laying still on a piece of furniture that you sat her down onto recover her stamina. You kneeled over her and placed a pack on our lips. The adrenaline of doing something so bold drove you crazy after she recovered her stamina. You both ran crazily into the night. The next morning you woke up in possession of six piranhas and a very much guilt-filled memory of your first kiss in the coming days. Mackenzie would try to hang out with you more and more. Not wanting to give away your sins. You obliged her and around the time that you finally got introduced to your new landlord. You also heard the bad news about the mole situation. Having to find a new place to stay, you decided to vent to her about your troubles. She of course offered you the opportunity to stay where she was. It was his apparent that she was already moving out because her landlord keeps complaining about people breaking in and out of the place. Stealing things you feel like that is in reference to your activities coming and going with the bugs and stuff so you decide to laugh it off. But of course this does make you feel the lady you really really want to go. So you decided to tell her that you'll think about it. And at that point, you were prepared to go home and celebrate being able to live together with the person of your dreams, but then would kill the other night. Started to weigh heavier and heavier on your thoughts along with the fact that you do have a bad habit of abusing her trust, but why are tappings you stole a few pieces of clothing from her and the photos. Not to mention you broke into the office to find out her address and the classes she's taking so that you could work your school schedule around hers The more you thought about it, the more it became clear that moving in with her might not be the best thing for you. You're already proven that she lacks self-control when left alone with her. What if you do something that'll make her feel uncomfortable and hate you or worse? What if you mistakenly forget to lock your laptop in your collection of photos of her are left wide open for all to see including her. Then there's the wire tapping. While it may be easier for you to wire type of place now, it'll also become a parent by some of the items in your possession that you might be wire tapping her place. It was just too many elements that pointed towards you being a creep and the idea that her finding out that you're not as okay as she think you are and lead to her pushing away from you and the second person who is officially nice to you and pushed away all because you couldn't control yourself. The more you thought about it, the more you didn't want things ending up like it didn't elementary school. So you did what any person would do. You couldn't tell her the details and you knew if you told her flat out that you just couldn't do it and that you had your reasons. She would want to know the reasons in order to feel better and that could ruin your relationship even further. So instead you came up with the greatest of excuses. You told her that you found a job opportunity in the town over and that you'll be staying there at an apartment complex, also owned by the landlord. Of course the price at that place is a bit upscalled compared to where you're currently staying, but anything is worth keeping. Mackenzie close to you all your thoughts on the matter even if you have to distance yourself we're still starts now running through your head. You ask yourself another question. Should you be the one to tell Tiffany that running away from her problem does not okay after all, among the two of you, she's less of a coward than you are Plus, if she's feeling anxious about being in a long-term relationship, you could most definitely not handle being in a long-term relationship and even further as a person who wants to call her your friend. Where would you giving her advice on her situation fit into this relationship? As you kept coming up with excuses for yourself and your problems? You noticed that Nicole's castles building had moved a bit too close to the ocean and thinking about it harder. Staying at the beach isn't ideal, especially considering neither of you are in your bathing suits and it's early in the morning. At some point, evening will come and patrol officers and things of that nature might come and ask what business you have in here. Considering you don't appear to be the type of visiting the beach. You don't even know if this is a private beach. Oh, these thoughts lead you to round up the troops and try to find a new place to soak up your troubles as you get everyone under the car. Nicole had tired herself out so she decided to take a nap in the back. Tiffany didn't seem to be in the mood to drive, leaving you with the only viable option to drive. You regret your decision already The two of you make your way into town having steadfast on your approach. You need to get her at least in a better mood before you just decide on a way to convince her that she should either break off the marriage or go through with it. Driving around there appears to be nothing open. It's still the crack of dawn. After all you notice that your phone is going off. It's another call from McKenzie. She's probably worried about the three of you disappearing like this, but as much as you would love to answer the call especially from her, you can't because you feel it would be a betrayal of Tiffany's trust after she was feeling open enough to share her escape with you, even if it was against your will. So you postpone on calling her back? After a while you noticed that a hotel had opened up for the day. Perfect place to stop and rest for the time being maybe build up a plan and lucky for you. You with the truth of cash from the ATM so you could stop swiping your card. Though this was only abandoned to the situation, not the solution. Considering you're still steadily becoming more and more broke, you get the other two out in get a nice room for a two beds. Three would be impossible and getting two rooms is expensive and if you were to get to the options of who gets what room are nightmarish either you stay in a room with Tiffany to keep an eye on her from running away more leaving Nicole to attempt eating food in the mini fridge. Thus racking up your bill and you having to pay for it or you leave the two of them together in a room and you on your own. Nicole racking up a food bill while Tiffany crying in a corner to pay-per-view. Thus emptying out your wallet and then to make things worse the two of them running off leaving you stranded in this small town with no money. All of these options sound horrible. So oh bedroom with too bads is the best she'll do that way you can keep an eye on the two of them