
I wish you the best

You hold a strong vision of it in your head. I well lit place. Not a lot of people around you considering you have limited people. You could call associates yet along friends and of your family members, you would invite them all but your confident that your dad would be the only one to show at the end of the aisle standing front of the altar is you wearing a silk tux and top hat. Looking down the aisle, you notice the perfect bride in your opinion. Strutting down the red carpet. Her face is covered but you feel you know who she is. The closer she gets the happier you feel knowing that the perfect life awaits you. The moment she meets you at the finish line, your heart starts to be faster and faster and then a thought. Crossed your mind. How are these people here? You've told no one about your interests so nobody should know that you want to marry a girl. Something's just not adding up for you, but you don't want this moment to end the one she finally arrives. She waits for you to lift up the veil her voice sounded like Mackenzie, but when you left it, you were shocked to see her face look like Jennifer's and that shock brings you back to reality. You had fallen asleep. Standing up to a very long story by this one can adian gal who seems to have lost her husband in pet. You feel like you've heard the story somewhere before, but you really don't have time to think about it. There are other things I need to be doing like getting your phone back from the chef getting the moose out of the main area figure out how you're going to get animal control considering you can't seem to find the number for the life of you as well as other things you try to explain to the Nice ma'am what's going on and that's you can't take time to help her right now but she seems really desperate for help in an attempt a oh desperation, she decides to follow you. Hoping that you'll just resolve her issue as you go. The two of you cut through the main area. Heading straight for the kitchen to see if you can get your phone back but as you do you notice in the main dining area that the servers and the bartenders had started a game of poker. It would appear that they're trying to bet on who gets the majority of the tips. They really do not listen to anyone. Was your thoughts on the matter while part of you wants to go over there and give them a piece of your mind? You figured since they're not fighting and their technically not goofing off during work, you see no reason to stopping it now. So instead you skip over to the kitchen in the kitchen. The other chefs have started preparing the meals for the evening but the main chef the one who has your phone seems to be missing. You ask around but according to them he's said he would go outside and wait for the truck to arrive. They should be on the way is what he heard from the phone call. Frustrated you decide to head out to find him, but first you do need to return the key to the owner's office patting your pumps heading back through the main area you bump into. Nicole and Bridget, Bridget has her left hand friendly gripped on Nicole's right arm so is to keep her from wandering off and causing more problems for you. You feel appreciative that Bridget is trying to help you. You didn't explain to Bridget that Tiffany is missing and that you need her to find them. And also you don't have your phone so you need her to call animal control reminding her of the moose The Canadian lady finally catches up to you as you leave this conversation making it back to the manager's office. You notice the fiance's car sitting in the parking lot again. You figured you should check on him to see how the tuxedo issue went going out the front you notice that the doorman is not only just letting anyone in but he's practically taking a break. He's got a beverage sitting next to his folding chair that he's casually laid back in. Almost seemed like he's taken a nap. You decide to give him a little what's for yelling at him that the weddings about to start and that people who aren't invited should be leaving and that it's his job to do so. Otherwise she will kick everyone who isn't invited out and kick him out and make sure he doesn't get paid. Scared of the thought he makes his way inside to try and sort out who is who among guests ball standing at the front entrance. You look around to see if you could spot the chef but he was nowhere in sight. You wonder you missed him or he hasn't come out yet. You make your way over to the fiance's car in the backseat of the car. He has two sets of suits laid out on his back seat and he's looking at both of them to figure out which one he wants to wear. Looks like he's having a hard time of it. The lady who's been following her around tries again to see if she can get information about the possible whereabouts of her husband but you really don't have time to listen to her. So you ask the fiance say what's going on and he explains that the guy only had two suits that fit him and both suits are okay but weren't really what he was looking for. Now he's trying to figure out which one he can wear if he can mix and match it to get the best results you want to help him with this with the thing is you suck at fashion. The most fashionable thing you wore was corduroy pants, leather vest in a button-up shirt with hipster glasses and that was only popular in the '90s. You think if it was popular in the '90s, the Canadian lady interjects and tries to help him sort through his clothing. You use this as an excuse to get away from her and proceed to do something else. I'm going back in you spot Mackenzie and the Irish fellow staring at the moose you ask what's going on while thinking about possible ways to get rid of the moose? Since you can't call on your phone, you ask Mackenzie if you could borrow her phone to call animal control on them but she says no need. Apparently the moose's the guys pet what you lost. This makes several questions apparent to you. How the heck do you lose a moose who keeps a moose as a pet and do mounties use swords? And then you feel like you should use your phone to look up? Is it legal to own a moose? You feel like it's somewhere on the lines? Is the same situation you have with your piranhas for legal purposes? You don't have her any, they are just unique. Goldfish anyways, since your issue about the moose seems tools almost solved itself. You ask her to get him to get the moose out of here so that they can continue the wedding and as that whole situation is wrapping up. Bridget is calling for you across the room. You leave the two of them to dealing with the moose while you have a talk with Bridget. Apparently Bridget has found the bride she had made her way into the stock pile of alcohol ordered for the wedding and was drinking her way through three bottles already. She tried to asking her what the problem was but Tiffany didn't feel like talking. Worried that this is a relapse of the earlier issues. She asks that you go and talk to her in her stead for better results over at the pantry where the liquors being stored you see a really drunk. Tiffany sitting in her wedding dress on the floor sipping on a bottle of red wine while the label says it's red wine, but the fluids was not dark at all. It's rather lightish pink. Does that even count his red wine? You wonder wow! Lost and thought you focus back up and ask her what's going on praying it's not another round of premarital jitters. She explains that her family is supposed to be coming today and that she hadn't explained to them or she forgot to explain to them that she's getting married. Although everyone who knows her from college knew she was getting married from social media. But the thing is her father is a bit out of touch with technology and her mom doesn't like social media because the news says it's evil thinking about it more. You remember that her father is here and doesn't speak English and you're wondering what's up with that asking her. She explains that he came straight to Canada not bothering to learn the language because he was too proud to. Luckily for him he would. He got a translator to help him with his daily necessities and apparently has the money for it considering his father left him a huge sum and she talked more about her father. You're starting to get a bigger picture about a lot of things. You didn't want to ask about the moose better explanation didn't make sense. It's not actually her pet. They're just taking care of it and it follows them. Place to place and apparent likes to take the it places that they are already going. You're not quite sure if you should tell her how the moose took over her wedding and they're still dealing with uninvited guests and you still have to find your phone. Also you got to get the flash drive to Jennifer has realize all the things that are still left to be done. You starting to wonder if supporting her is worth it. You then grab a bottle of one yourself and take a huge goal. You then ask her if she's nervous about explaining to her father and his mother about something they should have learned a long time ago. Her explanations seems to be that she's not anxious but just really embarrassed that it took so long to get around to it having them just now find out about something. Is life changing as a new addition to the family? Is really upsetting to say the least. You don't really get it, but we don't try to hold that down considering your family is dysfunctional to a higher degree you pat her on the back and tell her a very interesting story back when you were in elementary school, you didn't know your grandmother was alive on the others into the spectrum. Your grandma didn't know you existed then one week in the middle of the summer your grandmother had dropped by to visit your mom to see if she's still in a relationship with that guy. She was dating then to her surprise she had married him and had two twins for what she has a very negative opinion of both. You then proceeded to explain that your grandmother felt so embarrassed for her grandchildren's mother who couldn't be bothered to share information. She gave them a year's worth of presents, most of which you had no real use of, but he felt too obligated to throw them away you try to tell her the moral of the story is no one really cares when it comes to things like marriage but you feel like explaining this to hire would make no sense and your family is a bit too special for there to be any real lesson learned. In fact, your explanation made her feel a little bit better, not for the reasons you probably wanted, but the fact that there's a family so dysfunctional they could go years without knowing about any changes in the family and then move on with their lives after finding out about it with no real repercussions those thoughts and got her off the ground and back in action. Although she was really drunk and you weren't exactly sober yourself. The two of you got your drunken selves out of the closet and tried to make your way to a wedding that still hasn't been put together. Even though you're 3 minutes behind schedule Mackenzie spots you leaving the storage closet on your way to solve all your issues and Tiffany on her way back to the dressing room to adjust her makeup. She has Bridget take Tiffany and Nicole back to fix Tiffany while she would watch you to make sure you don't fall over while you get shorts sorted through on your way to to get the servers to stop goofing around you spot. The chef who is caring some of the boxes from the lake delivery except for a minute and hands you your phone. You of course try to take it but Mackenzie takes it from you. Worried you might text something in your drunk and stupor the best you decide to let it go es it would appear the game has concluded and then somehow worked out who gets wet in terms of tips. Not wanting to climb off the street again. You decide to let it go and yell at them to clean up. Of course you were too drunk and frustrated to make sense. So Mackenzie translated for you. You then handed the USB to Jennifer and try to look less embarrassed about how intoxicated you were, but she seemed to be chill on the matter throughout. Looks we're more on the lines of stress gets to you sometimes then Mackenzie got the husband and wife of Tiffany's hooked up and explained to them that Tiffany is getting married and they're here for that wedding which just now hit you that Tiffany's part Irish and Canadian The rest went so smoothly that it led into the ceremony.