
who at the after party

You wake up to a familiar sight a ceiling you know all too well. Same light fixture that has a broken light that you keep forgetting to replace. Same messy floor that you keep forgetting to clean up with something is wrong. Two things to be precise. The first is how are you home when you're supposed to be at Tiffany's and another one is how did you get home? Who brought you home and a new one that just occurred to you? Who is in the bed with you right now? Lancing down. You notice an arm wrapped around you. You're not quite sure who's it is. You're just certain that you don't recognize it shooting out of bed. You look to your right to see Nicole Mass to sleep. You feel like this is something you don't need to unpack right now, so you decide to label that for later getting out of bed. You look around your apartment. It seems like while your manager was caring for your fishes he did a little bit of cleaning. You didn't touch anything too personal, but he managed to get a lot of these assortment of paper is that we're stacking on your dining table in a neat pile and he took out your trash for you too. And all the Dave's in the tank seem happy but for some reason it looks like there's nine of them this time into multiplying fish. You also look for anything else that might indicate how you got here. You can't seem to find your car keys anywhere and you look outside in the parking lot, but your car isn't around either. So you assume that Mackenzie drove you home and then use the vehicle to take Bridget home as well so she probably has it. You'll need to remember to get it from her later. What even more present? Shouldn't you still be at Tiffany's you tried to recall the day of the wedding, but after you started drinking, everything's very much a haze. You can only recall bits and pieces like at the ceremony you could have. Swore that Nicole looks like a demon and another thing, but you can't recall what it is. Something happened. It was a dance or something and CPR. Also a moose but you feel like that was not exactly settled. You try really hard to concentrate but nothing's making sense to you. You take out your phone and then it clearly states that it's 2 days after the wedding. You've been out for two whole days. Freaking out you check your messages from your supervisor. According to his messages he says thank you for subbing in last night as we agreed. I will make sure your paycheck has a little extra which should help you out with your absences for the time being in your short pay, which means that you showed up to work drunk and didn't manage to get in trouble meaning Kevin wasn't there that day and since you are for the most part autonomous when inebriated, as long as no one is trying to fight you, you suspect nothing went wrong when you've got another text from that future friend of yours, something about? Thanks for the advice. Can't wait to go to that movie with you next week. None of that makes sense. You suspected that it would take a while before they would agree to you. Hang out with you but uneven. More interesting. One is from Tiffany who should be on her honeymoon right about now. The text message reads as follows. Text me when you get this. I got a lot of questions? It was two days ago so that means that there was something that happened that she wanted to ask you about, but I hadn't gotten your chance to get an answer out of you. Curious what would be you decide to get her on the line? Your call surprisingly goes through despite her being on a honeymoon. Of course she starts answering with the typical teenage girl. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, like the two of you are a bunch of high schoolers and you did something juicy and worth gossiping over. You wouldn't know considering you've never really had that experience, but while you are lost and thought she of course is talking about how much she's enjoying her time overseas and the Himalayas. You don't really care about that, but what does get your attention is? When she asks you about a kiss you had, this strikes your fascination considering you don't recall ever kissing anyone, not even your own mother, especially you're mother but you do feel like what she's saying has some importance of something you're forgetting. So you try to really think about it and ask them more details according to her after the reception you went off on. Nicole, because she somehow managed to sneak wearing demon makeup on her face while she was standing as one of the bridesmaids at the altar. Then some blonde girl and Mackenzie showed up and dragged you away because you were getting too carried away and we're clearly stressed out. You are on your 7th drink at the time you feel like that does sound familiar but yet again you can't seem you going to picture of what she's talking about. Didn't she said for an hour she lost side of you and then at one point she spot you and someone but she couldn't see who dancing over in a corner of the room while everyone else was. And then she saw the two of you make out. She was too preoccupied to go and get more details on what happened so she instead texted you to find out. Who it was you? Do apologize for her because you can't seem to remember but a lot of what she said does make sense. You do recall a few more things now. You do recall yelling at Nicole for causing problems when she didn't need to and then you do recall. Jennifer and Mackenzie pulling you away the two of them sitting down and trying to get you to relax. Then you do recall having a few more drinks to try and forget your problem, but then you also recall seeing Nicole again. Trying to do children's makeup and of course they all jumped at the opportunity yet again. So are you trying to stop her but one of the two had stopped you instead and then the other one had agreed to find. Bridget and have her come watch Nicole for you afterwards, things begin to calm down a bit and you stopped drinking as much in the bartenders were too scared to cut you off considering how violent you can be so then the two of you got to talking. You don't remember what the two of you were talking about but you do know that it was making you happy. Next thing you know something amazing happened and then the wedding started to calm down and some things are getting cleared up. Tiffany said her parents had to clean up under control and that you look too intoxicated to be left in charge since she was going straight to her honeymoon. Mackenzie decided she would just take everyone home at that point. You don't remember a lot what you do. Remember a bits and pieces of the ride home. Specifically Nicole messing with your phone again, which is an odd considering you definitely change the passcode and then at some point you managed to make it to your apartment but you were too juiced to stop at that point. Who is less about stressed and more about momentum so you just kept drinking and Mackenzie still had to take Bridget home so she had Nicole stick around and watch you so you just continue to drink reading into the next day. At that point you aren't on schedule but the manager needed help considering the newbie hired to cover your shifts during your absence. Wasn't able to come in that time. You of course agreed not being able to use proper reasoning and the rest is a blur Tiffany, kind of feels bad for not being able to provide more details, but says that she definitely saw blonde hair and they weren't that many blondes at the party so she thinks it could have been either Mackenzie or the other one. You feel like that tracks, but yet again you don't recall kissing either of them well talking to tiffanymore you do notice messages from both. Jennifer and Mackenzie both saying are you okay considering the amount you were drinking was very dangerous and unhealthy and then each had a difference follow-up message Jennifer said. Can't wait to come down to your city so we could party some more then head to banana fest and then mackenzie's message which read. Don't feel pressured into what I asked. I just would rather you have someone looking out for you at this point in your life after reading those messages, you decide it's in your best interest to let Tiffany go. Enjoy her time with Barnaby? And you hang up at that point you decide to make breakfast for yourself and get ready to seize the day. Quote" another message comes in from your supervisor asking you to come in again. Your normal schedule will resume as of next week. You agree for the extra hours and apologize for the sudden call off and the unexpected wedding event while riding the bus you spot your future friend. The two of you strike up a conversation. They seem to be on their way to a meeting. They start talking about how much fun they had with you the other day. Apparently you suddenly declared to them that you wanted to take them out to eat in order to celebrate both of you. Still having a source of income. The two of you apparently went out for burgers and you six burgers and went to town one fries. The owners were worried you were trying to start a world record is how they explained it. Apparently they had so much fun that they finally felt that they thought like it would be okay to speed up the plans to go see a movie together. Apparently the soonest they could do it was next Sunday. Something to look forward to you. Think to yourself however how easy to apparently is to convince people to hang out with you when you're inebriated versus sober.