
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 26: Physical Examination

The place was surrounded by numerous tents, many belonging to the villagers of Kurokawa who were selling a variety of goods. The air was filled with the calls of vendors advertising their wares.

"Rice wine, rice wine, best of its kind! Please check it out once!" one vendor shouted.

"Grilled fish, fresh from the lake today!" another called out, holding up skewers of fish that still glistened with moisture.

Reyoma and the other trainee seekers moved deeper into the area, passing by the bustling market scene. The further they went, the fewer the villagers' tents became, gradually being replaced by the more austere tents of clan members. The atmosphere grew more serious, with many samurai guards patrolling the perimeter and an even greater number of disguised shinobi blending into the surroundings.

As they continued, they reached a clearing where a tall wooden board was prominently displayed above a large tent. Here, the heart of the examination site was evident. Standing on a wooden stage were the two Swords of Akatsuki, the esteemed figures responsible for arranging this physical examination. Beside them stood Renjiro, a respected and imposing figure known for his rigorous standards.

The students gathered around the stage, their attention fixed on the leaders. The Swords of Akatsuki, clad in their distinctive armor, exuded an aura of authority and competence. Renjiro, with his stern expression and commanding presence, added to the gravity of the occasion.

At a little distance, all the parents and guardians of the trainee seekers were sitting on wooden stands. Reyoma turned to find Ayaka, who smiled and waved her hand. Even though she was an Elder of the clan, she was present to support her son and secretly Aimi as well.

"Welcome, all of you," the Sword Hiro began, his voice carrying over the assembled trainees. "Today marks the culmination of your training. You stand on the brink of proving your worth to the clan. The examination ahead will test not only your physical prowess but your determination, intelligence, and resilience."

"The test we have designed is not only to assess your physical abilities but also to evaluate your decision-making skills. A samurai seeker cannot be a mindless brute but must be an understanding soldier," the Sword continued, his voice firm and authoritative.

Reyoma, however, found his attention drifting from the speaker to the tall wooden board displayed above the tent. His eyes fixated on the bold letters that read 'Physical Examination.' Beneath that heading, another line caught his eye: 'Thirty-one Trainee Seekers.'

"first and formost this Physical Examination as every other examinations is a group examination all of you will be forming a group of four whom you will to be grouped with will not be your choise and because there are thirty one of you their will be eight groups but one group will be of three members"

Hearing this, the trainee seekers began whispering among themselves, the murmurs spreading like wildfire through the group.

"Damn, I don't want to be in that unlucky group," Michiko spoke, crossing her arms. She wore the same outfit every trainee seeker wore at that moment, the katabami armor. Her helmet was not worn, instead, she had a hairband on, which accentuated her well-defined facial features.

"Neither do I," Aimi responded, standing beside her. She glanced at Reyoma, who was intently focused on the Sword of Akatsuki.

Reyoma, deep in thought, sighed internally. 'So it is as Ishima-sensei told us—a group examination,' he mused. Knowing this, he felt a weight settle on his shoulders. Whichever group he ended up in, he knew he would be treated as a dark omen. This reputation would undoubtedly make the examination more harder, as others might be wary or even resentful of his presence.

Sword Daiki stepped forward, his presence commanding attention as Sword Hiro stood steadfastly behind him. Daiki began to explain the details of the examination. "So let me explain how the examination works. Each group will enter the examination location from different, random areas. The examination area is bordered by a wooden fence. Anyone who steps outside this boundary will be automatically eliminated. It would be a foolish move, as anyone eliminated will be prohibited from taking their trials. If you attempt to enter the trials secretly and pass, you will be banished from the clan, and the name Akatsuki will be stripped from you, rendering you a ronin. Don't ever do that."

Reyoma listened intently, finding the new information intriguing. 'Hmm... never heard about it. Ronins interesting,' he thought.

Daiki continued, "When you enter the examination location, you will either find yourself in the woods or in the swamps. There are five arenas in total in entire examination location and the swamps and woods I spoke before are also interconnect. To pass, you must collect four heads of mutated creatures and deposit them on one side of the arena to activate it, this will also apply to the group of three. You must then wait for your opponents to activate the other side. Once both sides are activated, both groups will be trapped inside the arena until one group finds the only key and opens the exit. The group that opens the arena first will pass. The losing group has another chance; however, they must find another arena and repeat the process."

Reyoma processed the complex instructions. 'Complicated, but it works. This examination seems difficult,' he thought, understanding the gravity of Sword Daiki's explanation.

"But what if the group that entered the arena and got free by winning or losing tells another group where the key is?" Tamura asked loudly, his voice reaching Daiki.

"Don't worry," Daiki reassured, "Every time the arena is activated, the terrain inside changes. You'll understand when you see it."

The trainees exchanged nervous glances. Michiko and Aimi stood close to each other, absorbing the details. Michiko still had her arms crossed, her expression one of thinking, while Aimi occasionally glanced at Reyoma for reassurance.

'It will be very hard for Reyoma if I am not in his group,' Aimi thought with concern for her dear Reyoma.

Reyoma, his mind racing with the possibilities, kept his gaze fixed on the board displaying "Physical Examination" and the list of thirty-one trainee seekers. His thoughts turned to the potential obstacles ahead and the importance of teamwork in the face of these trials.

"Now let me tell you the rules of the physical examination," Daiki announced. "Rule 1: Killing opponents is strictly forbidden. Violators will be arrested and publicly executed. Always remember, even though they might be your opponents, they are also your fellow clan members."

"Rule 2," Daiki continued, "Groups are not allowed to engage in combat with each other before reaching the arenas. Violators will be eliminated."

Reyoma's eyes narrowed as he processed the information, understanding the importance of this rule in maintaining order and fairness.

"Rule 3: To earn the right to enter an arena, a group must collect four mutated creature heads. Normal animal heads will not activate the arena. The mutated creatures you will be hunting are of Corrupt rank, so be careful."

Reyoma's thoughts raced. 'Corrupt rank... this won't be easy,' he thought, recalling the dangers associated with such creatures.

"Rule 4: This physical examination will be held for ten days, but the moment a group wins, they can leave the location. The groups will be ranked by who passes first."

"And finally, Rule 5," Daiki said, "The group has to live in the location until they pass. If a group isn't able to pass in ten days, they will be eliminated."

Daiki stepped back, allowing the weight of his words to settle over the crowd. The trainees exchanged glances, the tension palpable.

Sword Hiro stepped forward again, his presence imposing as he addressed the trainees. "Your achievements will be displayed on this board," Hiro announced, extending his hand toward the large wooden board prominently displayed nearby.

Reyoma's heart sank at the thought. 'Sigh, not only am I going to face my own group's suppression, but my actions will also be displayed on the board for everyone to see. How embarrassing,' he thought, knowing he wouldn't be able to perform any extraordinary feats in this physical examination. He preferred to keep a low profile, but the public nature of the board meant that would be impossible.

Nervously, Reyoma glanced at Ayaka, his eyes questioning and seeking reassurance. Ayaka met his gaze and simply shook her head. With another sigh, Reyoma turned his attention back to Sword Hiro.

"Look at the board; your assigned group will be shown here," Sword Hiro declared. As the words on the wooden board began to change, it became clear that the board was a soul-infused object. There was no other explanation for how the carved words could shift and rearrange themselves.

Reyoma's heart pounded faster, his eyes locked intently on the board. The anticipation was almost unbearable; he knew that his group assignment would determine his strategy for the entire examination. He clenched his fists, his mind racing with potential plans and contingencies, all hinging on who his teammates would be.

Aimi, standing nearby, watched the board with equal intensity. Her thoughts raced as well, a silent prayer forming in her mind. 'Oh my goddess Alpame, please let me be in the same group as Reyoma,' she thought, hoping desperately to be paired with her friend. The prospect of facing the trials ahead was daunting, but having Reyoma by her side would make her feel infinitely more secure.

The murmurs among the trainees grew louder as the words on the board continued to shift. Names began to appear under group headings, one by one, in an intricate and almost magical display. The tension in the air was palpable, each student waiting to see where they would be placed.