
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime e quadrinhos
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62 Chs

Ch 3 : Cat

"So, I've told you my name now, tell me what I want to know!" Selina shouted getting angry with Bruce because he made her give in, slapping her hands down on the table as she did.

"Fine, just remember my words from before, if I find out that others know what I'm about to tell you then I'll know who to get back at." Bruce said as he looked at her with a glare.

"I understand, just tell me already." Selina said sitting up straight in her chair.

"Master Bruce what are you about to tell her?" Alfred said concerned.

"Alfred you should listen as well, I didn't explain everything last time, I'll do that now." Bruce told his loyal butler.

Alfred stared at him for a couple seconds as he was making up his mind on what to do, he decided to sit down at the table as well.

"Good, now it's like this, I have to train like I do because it's the best way for my body to get stronger quickly and I have to be the strongest because of my body as well." Bruce paused to let them to absorb what he just said and then continued.

"My body is different to everyone else's, I can heal injuries like this over night." He said lifting up is hands.

"But it always leaves behind scars, and a quirk is my name for super powers."

"What do you mean super powers?" Selina asked with scepticism.

"I mean this." Bruce said as he lifted up his hand pointing his finger up, a small blue flame appeared on the end of it.

"Wow, how are you doing that?" Selina said surprised.

"This is one of my quirks, I call it Cremation." Bruce then put his hand down, turning the flame off as he did.

"I have two other quirks but I don't count my healing as a quirk, I can harden my body like this." He then hardened his entire body, his bare chest showing his hardened skin.

"But these two quirks aren't that strong yet I have to keep practicing them and that's why I have to punch that cliff face, so that I can break down my Hardening quirk again and again, letting it heal back up and become harder after each time, until it's the best defence." Bruce said with a determined look in his eyes, "A diamond only becomes as hard as it does from extreme pressure, that's essentially what I'm doing."

Alfred continued to listen on silently, an understanding looking in his eyes.

"Ok I get why you have to hurt yourself like this now, but why do you need to be the strongest, I still don't get it." Selina said confused.

"Because if people, bad people found out that I could do these things they would take me away, lock me up and treat me like a lab rat so that they can try and take my quirks anyway for them selves." Bruce said with anger.

"Ok... well what's your other quirk, you've already told me your first two, what's your last one?" She said becoming excited.

"I call it Bloodcurdle." He said as he opened his mouth, showing off his sharp, jagged teeth, he then stuck his extra long tongue out, it was around 12cm long, "As long as I lick one drop of your blood I will be able to paralyze you, for how long depends on your blood type but I think I will be able to extend that time limit in the future." Bruce explained after he put his tongue back in his mouth.

"That is kind of creepy, why's your tongue so long? And do you have shark teeth or something?" Selina said with a slight cringe face.

"My body changed it's self to suit my quirks, so I have some resistance to fire and extreme heats as well." Bruce said with a proud smirk, show casing his jagged teeth again.

"Now that I have answered your questions, answer mine, why are you here?" Bruce asked her getting more serious again.

Alfred also shook his mind from his thoughts on what Bruce had just told them and looked over to Selina for an answer as well; finding out who exactly she was seemed more important then Bruce's Quirk's, that could be left for later.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that... yesterday when your parents were killed... I was there, on a fire escape... I saw them get shot." She said looking down at the table as she fiddled with the t-shirt in her hands again, guilt plainly written on her face.

"I see... well I'm sorry you had to see that, it must have been scary." Bruce said calmly and softly.

Alfred was acting completely different though, he had a shocked expression and he was then leaning forward to listen in more closely to Selina, you could tell he was holding himself back from jumping over the table and shaking the answers out of her.

"Well is that it? Or was there something else you wanted to tell me." Bruce asked Selina.

"What? ... I thought you would have a bigger reaction then that." She said shooting her head back up, surprised at Bruce's indifference to his own parents murder.

"Well I didn't really know my parents, I have amnesia, I can't remember anything from before I got it so my parents stopped treating me as their son and more like a stranger that they would let live in their house." Bruce explained.

Selina just listened in, seeing this Bruce continued his tail.

"It's hard to feel much over their death when there wasn't much between us." Bruce finished saying, "Like when you hear about someone dieing on the other side of the world, why would you care? You didn't know them?" Bruce tried to explain.

Alfred's face became a mixture of anger and sadness when he heard Bruce say this, and that was because of the way the Wayne's drifted apart from their son and because of Bruce's indifference.

"Really, you don't remember anything?" Selina asked.

"Nothing at all, so was there anything else?" Bruce asked again.

"Urr yeah, the guy had shiny shoes, I couldn't see his face though." Selina told Bruce, "Though you might want to know."

Bruce nodded his head to this and then he thought about Detective Gordon, the original Bruce had told him about this when he was interviewed after the murder, which caused Gordon to continue his search for the real killer when he figured out that the fake one was a scapegoat for the real killer and his employer, the scum sucking the life from Wayne Enterprises.

"Alright, I might as well tell Detective Gordon this piece of information, it might be important if they got the wrong guy." Bruce said looking at Alfred, Alfred understood the look and so stood up from the table and walked off to get the phone.

"Wait, your going to tell a Detective, but they already court the guy! And they'll not even trust the information if you tell them it's from me!" She shouted in panic as she shoot up from the chair, making it fall to the floor behind her.

"He doesn't need to know it came from you but it's important that he knows, he's probably feeling guilty over the man's death as it is, this will give him something to take his mind off of it." Bruce explained.

"Why would you care so much about one random cop, they're all dirty, if it is a fall guy they killed then they are probably the ones who framed him." Selina argued back.

"Not this one, at least not yet, he's still green and Gotham hasn't gotten her hooks in him yet, he's still the naive boy scout who just wants to do justice." Bruce explained to Selina as he took the phone Alfred pasted over to him, Jim Gordon was on the other side.

"This is Detective Gordon, how can help you?" He asked Bruce.

"Detective, it's Bruce Wayne, I called to tell you something that could potentially be important." Bruce said as he glared at Selina who looked like she was ready to sprint out of the room, his death glare made her think twice.

"What is it?" Gordon asked intrigued, you could even feel on the other side of the line that Jim was sitting bon the edge of his seat.

Bruce had been on his mind a lot since he forced his way into the Wayne murder case and even more so after meeting him at the funeral, the cold, detached look in his eyes and the extremely scared skin on his hand made him fascinated on what could have caused such severe injuries, but deeper down he felt terrified of the boy, just what could have happened to him to make him so ... unique; a polite way of putting it.

"A witness to the murder has come to me and told me of their final moments, I just thought that you might like to know that the witness identified the murderer as male, semi-slim build, shinny shoes, they didn't see his face but from that description only it's easy to see that you got the wrong man, sure you ridden the city of some of its filth but not the filth that killed my parents ... do what you like with this information, it was nice talking to you Detective." Bruce explained to Gordon before he went to put down the call.

"Wait!" Gordon shouted down the line, surprising Bullock who was drinking from his flask with his feet up on his desk across from him in the police station.

Hearing his screamed even when the phone was far from his ear he talked down the line again, "Yes Detective, what can I do for you?"

"Who's the witness?" He asked Bruce hurriedly.

Bruce spared a look to Selina who was slowly trying to moved out of the room, hopefully without Bruce or Alfred noticing.

Another glare from Bruce stopped that in its tracks, literally.

"I'd rather not say at the moment, they barely trust me as it is and we both know that this goes deeper then we currently know so I don't want to risk their life when we haven't even found the trigger man. Goodbye Detective." And with that Bruce ended the call and returned the phone to Alfred.

"You heard me so you don't have to worry, at least not right now." Bruce said before he stood up from the table, "Follow me, both of you." Bruce almost commanded as he walked out of the kitchen and back out to the pool in the back.

Selina and Alfred shared a look before going after Bruce, Alfred didn't forget to collect his box of medical supplies.

"Bruce way are we out here." Selina asked Bruce as she watched him standing at the edge of the pool, looking down at the water.

"To show you the reality of your situation." Bruce said before he stepped off the edge of the pool, falling straight into the water, becoming a blurry image on the bottom of the pool.

Selina watched in a dazed, she couldn't understand his words and his actions, everything about him was unknown to her and she didn't like that feeling, she like to have control of a situation, like if she was to steal someone's wallet and they began to chase her she knew just what to do to escape, but now... around Bruce her balance was put off and she didn't like that one bit, no, she would have to do something about that.

While Selina was in a half daze Alfred was panicked when he came out to see Bruce suddenly plunge into the pool, for god sake he couldn't even move his hands properly!

He ran up to the pool side and quickly reached down into the water, trying to grab him before he could drown but as soon as his hand touched the waters surface he had to retracted it on reflex, the water was boiling hot! "Bruce!" He screamed as he held his bright red hand.

There was no answer but the water surface becoming more unstable, bubbling up and turning into steam, and that small trail of water vapour quickly became a column of smoke spanning the entire length of the pool.

They had to take a step back just to stop the hot steam from burning them as it rushed into the sky.

Gradually the steam had cleared enough to see into the pool again, at the bottom of the pool sat a human shaped ball of blue hell fire, his hair was rigid and spike up behind him, but it was also consumed by the blue flames, rising up so there was a spectacular scene of it looking like his hair was actually made of fire.

The rest of his body was also hardened like steel, covered by blue flames and steam from the burned water, wrapping around his form like a cloak, his actual clothes had already long burned off, as did his bandages on his hands, revealing his red scar's which under the blue flames looked like his hand and other parts of his body were made up of a molten metal, all together he was quite terrifying, like a demon had risen from hell, "Well, do you understand now, don't think I will except betrayal." Bruce menacingly said to Selina who just nodded her head numbly, all thoughts from before about getting even with Bruce were struck from her mind, who wants to dance with the devil when he wouldn't hesitate to burn you, literally.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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