
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Ch 2 : The Funeral

The next day Bruce woke up in his bed, Alfred was besides him, sleeping in a chair.

He then looked down at his arms and saw that they had been bandaged up, he could feel that it was the same for his legs.

And so he climbed out of bed and walked to his bathroom, looking into the mirror, he saw that his hair was caked in his own dried blood and sweat.

He then turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up, as he waited he started taking off his bandages, he had to use his teeth to get the first bandage off because his hands were so heavily covered that he couldn't move his fingers.

Once the first bandage was off he saw his fully heal arm, all the injuries had closed and new skin had grown to cover his elbow and knuckles, but his arm was now covered in fresh red scar tissue, the new skin that growed back was just a giant mass of scar tissue.

'This is worth it as well, I can train my Hardening quirk and at the same time my skin becomes stronger with the scar tissue.' Bruce thought as he turn his arm around in the bathroom light.

It was the same for the rest of his body, more and more scars.


After his shower Bruce wrapped his towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom, coming face to face with the now awake Alfred.

"Master Bruce! You shouldn't be up, your gravely injured!" Alfred shouted as he looked at Bruce's body, checking it over to see if any of his injuries reopened.

And that's when he noticed that Bruce was already healed the red skin was actually scar tissue and not the open wounds they were the day before.

"What? How are your injuries already healed?" Alfred said with his eyes wide from shock.

"Doesn't everyone heal like this." Bruce said acting dumb as he walked past the shocked Alfred and went up to his chest of drawers, taking out a set of clean clothes.

He then changed right where he was, his back facing towards Alfred.

Alfred was now looking over his Master to see if all his injuries had healed like he said.

When he was done changing Bruce turned back around to face Alfred, a calm express on his face.

"So, you didn't answer me, why did you look so upset, last night?" Bruce said acting dumb again.

When Bruce mentioned that Alfred's face quickly changed to an upset one and then a cold one, "I was upset because I had just got a call from a Detective Gordon that your parents had been killed, as they were leaving the theatre last night... " He said with the same cold look, "I'm sorry, Master Bruce." He said as he bowed to Bruce.

"Alfred, raise your head, I know this is mean of me, but... for the short time I have known them they weren't that nice, even though I'm ment to be their son they certainly didn't act like I was, you have been more of a father to me then my actual one ever was, at least as far back as I can remember." Bruce said bluntly, keeping his eyes locked with Alfred's the whole time, to show that he was being serious.

"Master Bruce... that is very kind of you to say but they were still your parents even if you don't remember them, even if... they were cold towards you." Alfred said at the end with his head down, not trusting himself to show a calm face to his master, instead of the angry one he had on when he thought of how Bruce's parent's treated him near their end.

Alfred hated the way the Wayne's had treated their son after he had got amnesia, they just tried to act like he wasn't there, not even trying to help Bruce get his memories back.

"When's the funeral?" Bruce asked as he walked out of his bedroom, Alfred quickly following him.

"It will be in a week, they already had everything planned out, so you don't have to worry about that." Alfred said as he followed Bruce into the kitchen.

"Ok, now can you make some breakfast for me, all that healing has made me hungry." Bruce said as he sat down at the table in the kitchen.

"Of course Master Bruce... and about about your healing, no one heals as quickly as you do, your injuries would have take anyone else months, even years to fully heal from, but you look like you have had those scars for a very long time." Alfred explained as he cooked some bacon and eggs in a pan.

"So what, does it even matter that I can heal quicker than others." Bruce said as he waited for his breakfast.

"Yes it does matter, it means that people will try and find out how you heal so quickly and they will most likely do that by treating you as their lab rat." Alfred explained as he put a plate in front of Bruce.

"Ok, so I just need to focus on getting stronger so that they won't be able to take me." Bruce then ate his breakfast in silence as he thought about what Alfred told him.

'That thought didn't acura to me... I should increase my training for my other quirks, also my fighting ability needs training... wasn't Alfred in the SAS?'


It was the day Bruce buried his parents.

Alfred stood behind him as he listened to the priest give his speech.

Bruce's eyes were cold when he looked down at the coffins, he then turned around and walked away.

Alfred followed him as he walked away.

It was when he got to the road that a man with short hair walked up to him, "Bruce, I'm one of the Detective's that handled your parents case, I spoke to Mr. Pennyworth over the phone." The man said as he looked back at Alfred nodding his head at him in greeting.

"Detective Gordon? Is there something you needed from me? My parents murder is already dead after all, I guess I should thank you two for that." Bruce asked confused, he was never there to meet Gordon and so the promise that drives him to continues looking for my parents murder shouldn't be there... , Bruce thought to himself.

"I just want to come and apologise for your loss." Gordon said as he lifted his hand to shake Bruce's.

Bruce shook his hand, at the same time showing Gordon his deeply scared hands, Bruce took notice of the shocked expression that flashed on Gordon's face for a couple seconds, "You don't have to worry Detective, me and my parents weren't close, I've never really thought of them as my parents anyway." Bruce said as he lowered his hand.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Gordon said taken aback, "They are your blood parents aren't they?"

"I have amnesia and ever since the day I got it they have treated me differently, apparently." Bruce said as he looked back at Alfred, "It's hard to see them as my parents when we have treated each other as strangers as far back as I can remember."

"I see... I didn't know that." Gordon replied as he and Bullock looked at each other with a cringe when they heard Bruce's cold out look on his recently deceased parents.

...The Next Day...

Bruce could be seen hitting the same cliff face he had been hitting the day his parents were killed, he was only wearing his black shorts and running shoes and so his bare chest was in the open, showing off his muscular body and his toned six-pack abs.

After he was reborn he spent all his time training his physical fitness and so he had a body anybody would be jealous of, his healing also worked for rebuilding his muscles and so it didn't take long for him to build it up.

He was now training his bodies natural toughness and not his Hardening quirk and so he didn't have it activated when he was punching the cliff face.

As he was punching the cliff he heard a noise from behind him and assumed it was Alfred and so he didn't stop punching the cliff, without rest or even stopping to look back.

The cliff was slowly getting chipped away at, by the time he stopped he had chipped 10cm more away from the cliff.

It seems that his previous work on his Hardening quirk was already showing results, he thought to himself.

It took longer for his fist's to become bloody and broken like last time but he had worked them down to that point again.

The knuckle bones in both his hands were out in the air again but his skin had scraps and cuts instead of the cracks he got when he was breaking down his Hardening quirk.

He was just about to start striking the cliff with his elbows when he heard the person behind him clear their throat loudly.

"What is it Alfred?" Bruce said as he was turning around to look at where he sound came from, "Your not Alfred... who are you?" He asked with a frown.

Bruce turned around to find he was looking at a curly brown haired girl around his age, she was wearing all black with silver welding goggles on top of her head.

"My name? What about you, shouldn't you introduce yourself before you ask someone else's name?" The brown haired girl said with a faux pout, as she put one of her hands on her hips, resting her body on one leg.

"My name is Bruce, now can you tell me yours and why you're here, please be quick I need to get back to training." Bruce said with a frown, getting a little frustrated at his training getting interrupted.

"Training? Training for what and how is punching a cliff face over and over training?" She asked Bruce with a confused face.

"Training so that I can become the strongest and by hitting this cliff face I can strengthen my bones which in turn will make my punches harder." Bruce explained as he held up his hands for the girl to see his bloody and scared arms.

"My god! Your destroying your hands! I can even see bone!" She screamed as she rushed up to Bruce's side.

"Calm down, it'll heal up soon enough." Bruce said as he walked away from the cliff, over to his white t-shirt that was on the ground, he looked down at the t-shirt and then at his hand.

"Hey, urr, you," Bruce said looking back at the girl, "Can you pick up my t-shirt for me, I don't want to get blood on it."

The girl had calmed down when she heard Bruce's indifference to his injuries, maybe they weren't that bad, she thought.

"Ok, but you have to tell me why you would want to be the strongest." She said as she walked over to him.

"Fine, but wait until after my training, I won't be able to answer your questions and train at the same time and you have already disturbed my training once, don't let it happen a second time." Bruce said to her with a glare that could scare killers.

She just nodded her head quickly in fear.


"Why are we at a pool, you said that you would be training and you can't swim with your hands in that state." She said as she pointed at his injured hands.

"I'm not going to swim, I'm going to train my Cremation quirk." Bruce said as he kneeled down at the pool side, putting his hands into the water making the water around them turn red.

"Your Cremation quirk? What do you mean by that?" She asked confused as her face became a frown.

"God you are annoying, why do I have to answer all your questions if you won't even tell me your name?" Bruce said as he was slowly getting angry, this girl appeared out of nowhere to disrupt his training and kept asking questions without answering his and he still doesn't know who she is, Bruce thought with a frown.

"Well you still haven't answered my last question, I even brought your t-shirt back for you like you wanted." The girl said in retaliation.

"Arr!" Bruce growled in anger, "Fine! I'll tell you! But if you tell anyone about what I am about to tell you then you will become my main enemy, I won't forgive you if you betray me and tell anyone else, you hear me." Bruce said as he became more and more serious, the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes when he looked down at her testified to that.

When the brown haired girl saw and heard how serious Bruce was taking this, she couldn't help but be forced to take it just as seriously, "I promise I won't speak a word to anyone, ask anyone that knows me and they'll say that I don't snitch."

Bruce looked into her eyes and watched how she carried herself to see if there was anything that gave away that she was lying, there was nothing.

"Ok, I'll tell you why I have to train like I do, why I have to be the strongest and what is a quirk. But first, follow me." Bruce then walked off with his now blood free hands limp by his sides, the girl then moved to follow him but Bruce shouted before she could take any more steps.

"And bring the t-shirt!"

She stopped in her tracks, quickly turned back around and picked up Bruce's t-shirt off from where she left it, and then quickly catching back up with Bruce as he walked into the mansion.

"Where are we going?" The girl asked as she walked along side Bruce, looking around as they passed things.

"To find my butler so that I can get my hands wrapped up." Bruce then walked into the kitchen where they saw Alfred kneeding dough into a circle shape and then tossing it into the air to land back in his hand.

"Alfred, can you wrap up my hands." Bruce then sat down at the kitchen table leaving the girl standing awkwardly next to him with the t-shirt in her hands.

Alfred turned around to face Bruce with an upset face, "Really wish you wouldn't break your hands all the way down to the bone, even for me, it's hard to see." Alfred said to Bruce as he looked down at him, he then walked to a kitchen side a opened a box on top of it pulling out some Bandages for Bruce's hands.

"Don't worry so much they will heal and it's taking longer and longer to get to this point, even when I don't use my Hardening quirk." Bruce said to Alfred as he lifted one of his hands to let him bandage it up.

"Bloody hell," Alfred said as he looked closely at Bruce's injuries, "I still don't know how you can stand the pain." Alfred said as he started his work, he had been getting even better at it after he started having to look after Bruce's injuries each day.

"You say that like I can't feel it, I can, I just don't show it, I didn't wake up in this world a bitch." Bruce then looked to the girl standing next to him who had began to fidget with the t-shirt in her hands.

"You can sit down you know." Bruce said nodding his head to a chair next to him.

"Thanks." The girl said as she sat down.

Alfred had just finished wrapping up the first hand and was about to more onto the next one when he said, "Who might you be miss? Perhaps one of Master Bruce's friends?" Alfred guessed as he started on the next hand.

"If she is I don't remember her and she is refusing to tell me who she is or why she is even here." Bruce said frowning at her again.

Alfred started frowning as well when he heard what Bruce said.

With the added pressure from an adult the girl finally cracked, "Fine! My name's Selina, my friend's call me Cat." Selina said looking like she had a bucket of water dumped on her, defeated.

All Bruce could think was, 'Oh~ so she's Catwoman, I think this was a scene from Gotham, then that means she saw my parents being killed, that must be why she's here.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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