
Surprise at night

Flavio was surprised to see the comments on Mother Tonantzin's FaceNote, in the comments you could read from the account of Zeus who was proud of his great-granddaughter/niece.

While Apollo was happy that his granddaughter/cousin liked the calmecac turtles of which he was Fan, on the other hand, there were messages from fans of Tlaloc buzzards, inviting Felix to give his opportunity a chance team.

For Flavio and the other gods this technology was quite common, for Hellena it was not as unknown as Flavio always told him about the wonders of the modern world as its problems, yet it was fascinating.

But for the children it was surprising, Erendida looked at the screen and with her little hand pointed to the photo of Zeus "Dad look is the grandfather who wrote but why there is no paper like a letter"

Flavio began to explain "Why this is a screen, it works just like the television that had the limousine where we arrived.