
Not the Hero Nor the Villian

When a cataclysmic event transports humanity to the game-like realm of Aetheria, cancer survivor Alistair finds himself bestowed with a mysterious system that grants him abilities akin to those in video games. Miraculously cured of his illness by the system, Alistair must navigate the surreal landscape of Aetheria, facing challenges and dangers at every turn. Tasked with defeating ten beings to progress, he embarks on a perilous journey through the desolate Deadlands, confronting monstrous creatures and uncovering the secrets of the enigmatic Tower of Ascension. As he grapples with his newfound powers and the uncertainties of his reality, Alistair must confront his inner demons and forge his path in a world where survival is the ultimate game.

Hazey_Blackwater · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Broken Bones

Limping through the cavern felt like an eternity of pain and frustration. Each step I took sent a searing jolt through my broken leg, making me gasp and grit my teeth. The uneven ground was merciless, and I couldn't keep my balance. 

More often than not, I found myself falling, crashing to the damp, cold floor. Each fall was a new wave of agony, but I had no choice but to push myself back up, leaning heavily on the rough, moss-covered walls. What made it worse was having to lug around the scorpion chains on my wrists.

The distant screams of others echoed through the cavern, blending with the oppressive silence. The green glow of the moss provided just enough light to see, but the shadows played tricks on my eyes, making every step feel like a gamble. The cavern seemed endless, a twisting maze that offered no relief. The pain in my leg grew worse with each step, and I felt my strength waning, exhaustion creeping into my bones.

Then, suddenly, the screams stopped. At first, I felt a sense of relief. The silence should have been comforting, but instead, it was deeply unsettling. The abrupt quietness made everything seem more peaceful, but in reality, it was far more alarming. What had happened to the people who had been teleported into the cave? The sudden cessation of their cries raised more questions and fears, gnawing at the edges of my mind.

Summoning the last of my strength, I spotted a small alcove in the cavern wall. I hobbled over to it and collapsed against the rough stone, my body trembling with pain and fatigue. I slid down the wall, the cold stone scraping against my back, until I was sitting on the ground. The cold was a strange relief against the throbbing in my leg.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain and fear that gnawed at me. The screams and silence of the cavern faded into the background as exhaustion took over. My body craved rest, and despite the discomfort, sleep began to pull me under.


Struggling to my feet, every movement sent fresh agony radiating from my shattered leg. My lips were dry and cracked, a constant reminder of my desperate need for water. I didn't know how to find it in this dark, oppressive cavern, but I figured the moss had to be thriving on some source of moisture. With no better plan, I decided to follow it, leaning heavily against the rough walls as I hobbled forward.

Each step was a test of will. Every time I put weight on my injured leg, a sharp sensation shot through me, but I forced myself to keep moving. I felt a slight quaking beneath my feet, sending a chill down my spine. Whatever was causing the ground to tremble was big and moving closer. I had no intention of finding out what it was because it was probably a much higher level than me.

The cavern seemed endless, a maze of tunnels and passages that twisted and turned in every direction. The moss was my only guide, emitting a faint green light in the darkness.

As I pressed on, I came across eight human bodies scattered across the cavern floor. Each one had been brutally stabbed and beaten, their weapons shattered and corroded. The sight was gruesome, the air thick with the scent of decay.

The bodies wore a mix of attire: one in pajamas, another in construction clothes, and the rest in casual wear. Among them was a child, no older than ten, his small body lifeless on the cold stone. The skin of the bodies had a strange texture like it had been burned or corroded by some unknown substance.

I felt sorrow for them. None of them had asked to be here, to meet such a violent end. But I steeled myself.

"I could've been them… and if I'm being honest, I'm glad that I'm not."

Hearing my voice aloud comforted me. With all that was happening, I felt like I was going crazy. This was the only way to soothe my mind.

"These people were forced to be here… but I can't let that bother me. I just can't. If I start feeling sorry for them or the people that died earlier, it won't be good… so I have to be strong…" I mumbled, gritting my teeth and gripping the chains wrapped around my arms.

"I don't have any other choice but the tower… and I have to survive in it."

I promised myself that no matter what, I wouldn't die. I wouldn't let people dismiss my life like it meant nothing. This tower was my chance to make something of myself, and I was determined to seize it.

Tightening my grip harder on the scorpion chains, I continued forward.

As I struggled forward, I heard it—a faint, unmistakable sound of flowing water. My heart leaped with excitement. The first bit of good luck I'd had since getting the system.

I followed the sound, squeezing through a small tunnel until I emerged into a hidden chamber. An underground lake stretched out before me, vast and majestic, taking my breath away. The lake was surrounded by the same moss that emitted light across the cavern walls.

Glow worms adorned the stalagmites and stalactites, their tiny lights twinkling like stars in the darkness. The ceiling of the cave was a celestial tapestry, making the entire scene look almost mythical. The air was warm, a welcome change from the cold, damp passageways I had traversed.

At the center of the massive lake was a small island, and upon it stood a solitary tree. The tree was unlike anything I had ever seen, its leaves shimmering with vibrant hues of blue and green, illuminating the surroundings with a serene, otherworldly radiance. The sight was almost magical, a stark contrast to the horrors I had seen.

I fell to my good knee at the water's edge, cupping my hands and drinking deeply. The cool water was a balm to my parched throat, and for a moment, I allowed myself to feel a flicker of hope. The tranquil beauty of the underground lake filled me with a sense of awe and peace, a rare respite amid my ordeal.

The warmth of the cavern, the luminous moss, and the ethereal light of the tree made the lake feel like a hidden paradise. For the first time since entering the tower, I felt a glimmer of optimism. Here, in this mystical chamber, surrounded by the gentle light of the glow worms and the comforting warmth of the air, I found a moment of solace.


 Day One:

I woke up by the underground lake, feeling slightly better after drinking the water but still in considerable distress. My broken leg throbbed, making every movement a struggle. I drank more water to stay hydrated and began to assess my surroundings. 

Feeling weak, I gathered some sticks and cloth to fashion a replacement splint for my leg. The pain was unbearable as I tried to stabilize it. "Come on, Alistair, you can do this," I muttered to myself, gritting my teeth.


Day Two:

Exhausted and famished, I tried to eat some of the moss growing around the lake, only to vomit it back up moments later. The hunger gnawed at my insides, and the pain in my leg seemed to intensify. "This can't be happening," I muttered, feeling despair creeping in.


Day Three:

Crawling along the mossy path, I noticed a bone sticking out of my leg, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. "No... how did I miss this?" I gasped, feeling sick to my stomach. I had to put it back in place, a task that filled me with dread. "Just focus, Alistair. You can't give up now," I muttered through clenched teeth as I braced myself for the excruciating pain.


Day Four:

I forced myself to eat the bugs I trapped, the taste turning my stomach. Nausea washed over me, and I felt feverish. "I have to keep going... I can't let this beat me," I whispered, wiping sweat from my brow.


Day Five:

My leg throbbed with infection, and I could barely move. "I need to find a way out... I can't stay here," I mumbled deliriously, my thoughts clouded by fever and pain.


Day Six:

Acceptance began to settle in as I crawled along the cavern paths, guided by the distant quakes. "I won't give up... I can't," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. Determination surged through me, driving me forward despite the odds stacked against me.


Day Seven:

Desperation gripped me as I realized there were no bugs left to eat, and my leg infection was worsening. Remembering bits of science from school, I decided to try using moss as a makeshift disinfectant. "It's worth a shot," I muttered, pressing the damp moss against my infected wound, hoping for some relief.


Day Eight:

With no other options left, I resolved to swim to the tree in the center of the lake, hoping its sap would offer some healing properties. The journey was perilous, and I nearly drowned in the dark waters. Exhausted and hungry, I reached the tree, only to find no fruit. Despair washed over me, tears mixing with the sweat and lake water on my face. "Why... why does it have to be like this?" I sobbed, my voice echoing through the cavern.

Refusing to give up, I stabbed the tree with my chains, extracting its sap and applying it to my wound as a makeshift ointment. Collapsing against the tree, I drifted into a fitful sleep, clinging to the hope that the sap would bring some relief.


Day Nine:Waking to a dull ache in my leg, I realized the sap had worked its magic, providing some much-needed relief. But hunger gnawed at my insides, and I knew I had to find sustenance. The only option left was unthinkable, but I had no choice.

Tears streaming down my face, I dragged the bodies of the dead towards my hideout by the lake, the weight of my actions heavy on my conscience. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," I whispered, each step a struggle against the overwhelming guilt.

Kneeling before the pile of bodies of 5 bodies, my heart felt like it was being torn apart. I hadn't prayed in years, not since the diagnosis, not since everything fell apart. But here I was, in this godforsaken cavern, begging for help from a deity I wasn't even sure existed.

"I don't even know who I'm talking to," I muttered, my voice barely audible in the oppressive silence. "But if anyone's listening... Please, help me."

Tears blurred my vision as I pleaded for forgiveness, my words a jumble of desperation and fear. "I know what I'm about to do is wrong," I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion. "But I can't... I can't let myself die here. Please, give me the strength to survive."

Finishing my prayer, I wiped my face of tears, my hands trembling with a mixture of fear and resolve. I knew what I had to do, even if it made me sick to my stomach. With a heavy heart, I reached out and grabbed the arm of the man in construction worker clothes, steeling myself for what was to come.

Closing my eyes, I brought the flesh to my mouth and bit down, the taste of blood and sin filling my mouth. It was a grotesque, primal act, one that filled me with shame and disgust. But with each bite, I felt a surge of energy coursing through me, driving away the hunger that had consumed me for days.

I ate hungrily, tearing into the flesh with savage determination, each bite a reminder of the line I had crossed. But in that moment, survival outweighed everything else, and I knew I had to do whatever it took to stay alive.

As I devoured the raw flesh of the fallen, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the moment I lost my humanity for good. But in the end, it didn't matter. All that mattered was survival.

I laid on the cavern floor… the notification from the system flashed before my eyes, illuminating the darkness.


                        [New Titles Earned]

                           The First Devourer

Sanguine Absorption: Grants the bearer the ability to permanently absorb a portion of the physical attributes and memories of consumed prey. Upon consuming the flesh of fallen foes, the bearer not only gains a percentage of their strength or other physical attributes but also assimilates fragments of their memories. This allows the bearer to glean insights, skills, or knowledge from their victims, enhancing their abilities and understanding of the world around them.

                              Harbinger of Despair

Cursed Presence: Increases the chance of causing psychological effects such as panic or despair in opponents during combat.

Bearer of Sorrow

Shared Burden: Enables the bearer to temporarily absorb the emotional burdens of others, alleviating their suffering but also potentially overwhelming the bearer with their pain.

Note: All abilities granted by titles will be registered in the status menu and can be leveled up to unlock further enhancements.

[Quest] [< Page 4/4 ] 


The notification blinked before me, mocking me with its digital facade. "New titles earned," it declared as if bestowing some great honor upon me. But there was no honor in the titles I had earned, only blood and despair.

I stared at the words, my hands trembling with a mixture of anger and revulsion. How could the system be so callous, so indifferent to the suffering it had caused? The titles were a cruel reminder of the atrocities I had committed, a stain on my soul that would never wash away.

A bitter laugh escaped my lips, the sound echoing off the cavern walls like a twisted mockery of joy. But there was no joy in me, only a seething rage that threatened to consume me whole. How did it come to this? 

Tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked them back, refusing to succumb to weakness. Anger burned within me, a fierce flame that refused to be extinguished. But beneath the anger lay a deeper well of sadness, a sorrow that threatened to drown me in its depths.

"No more," I whispered hoarsely, my voice barely audible in the oppressive silence of the cave. "Never again will I be so weak, so helpless."

With a grim determination, I erected a barrier in my mind, a fortress of steel to shield me from the pain and despair that threatened to overwhelm me. I would survive, I vowed, no matter the cost. I would claw my way out of this hellhole, and I would emerge stronger than ever before.

As the echoes of my laughter faded into the darkness, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the trials that lay ahead. The titles may have been a curse, but they would also be my salvation. 

I then limped to the lake, washing the blood off of my face and hands, staring at my reflection. 

"Never… Never again," I whispered.


[Live-Streaming Function Enabled]

[🏰 System Notification 📜]

🎉 Congratulations Tower Climbers! 🎉

🌟 Announcement: Two users have achieved the prestigious titles of "Hero of the Tower" and "Villain of the Tower"! 

📺 Live Stream Function Unlocked: Broadcasting is now permitted on all 300 floors! 

💰 Donate Gold Coins: Support your favorite climbers by donating gold coins to aid their ascent!

🚀 Start Streaming: Get ready to showcase your adventures after completing your first main quest! Once completed, the Player gains access to commenting and streaming.

Let the epic journeys and battles in the Tower of Challenges begin! 🏰💫


The system notification flashed before me, its words sinking in with a mix of disbelief and intrigue. Live streaming? In this forsaken cavern? The thought seemed both absurd and strangely compelling.

With a hesitant touch, I opened the system window, my heart pounding in my chest. The screen flickered to life, revealing the new function: Live-Streaming. A surge of anticipation washed over me as I considered the possibilities.

As I opened the Livestream tab, I couldn't help but notice that many people had already passed the tutorial. It was then that I saw what the number one stream was – a press conference being held by a charismatic blonde-haired man on Earth, set against the backdrop of the futuristic magical city that all players started at.

The man introduced himself as Gabriel Shepherd, his name carrying an air of biblical significance. It was a name that seemed to resonate with power and authority, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as I watched him speak.

Gabriel Shepherd spoke of his experience in the tutorial with a confidence that bordered on arrogance. He described how he had breezed through the challenges with ease, his starting ability to manipulate light rendering weapons unnecessary. His words were smooth and polished, delivered with the practiced cadence of a seasoned orator.

"As many of you know, the tutorial was a mere formality for someone of my caliber," he declared, his voice ringing out with certainty. "Humanity may have suffered losses, but from those losses comes great reward. With the power bestowed upon me by the hidden piece in the tutorial, I was able to save countless lives and emerge as the true hero of the tower."

I felt a surge of resentment as I listened to his words. There was something about Gabriel Shepherd that rubbed me the wrong way, a sense of fakeness that I couldn't quite shake. His charm was undeniable, his handsome features and magnetic personality drawing people in like moths to a flame.

Ignoring the press conference, I turned my attention to the live stream chat, where the conversation was buzzing with excitement and admiration for Gabriel Shepherd. Women swooned over him, praising his bravery and valor, while others marveled at his strength and charisma.

A flood of comments scrolled past in the chat section. Girls were showering Gabriel with compliments, praising his looks and bravery, while others hailed him as a hero and savior. Some even seemed to worship him, hanging on his every word with rapt attention.



"Gabriel is so dreamy! 😍"

"He's cool as hell! It kinda sucks though. Even though we all have systems, he's the main character."

"Right? I almost died like 8 times. This piece of shit has plot armor."

"Wait, wouldn't that mean you have the plot armor if you almost died 8 times and are still talking shit?"

"Lol the Gabriel hate is amazing😂"

"People are just mad they didn't find a hidden piece👆👀"

"Mad?😂 what the hell are you yapping about? Why would I be mad?"

"Because the system may have made you less fat, but your still ugly and bald."

"You're* Lololol😂😂🤣"

"Gabriel Shepherd is our savior! 🙌"

[Titles] [ < Page 5/5 ]


The adoration for Gabriel was palpable, each comment fueling the image of him as a larger-than-life figure. As much as I tried to ignore it, the overwhelming praise for him only served to deepen my resentment and distrust.

But amidst the adulation and praise, I couldn't shake the feeling that Gabriel Shepherd was nothing more than a facade, a carefully constructed image designed to mask his true intentions. And as much as I hated to admit it, a part of me envied him for his power and influence, even as I despised him for it.

Closing the streaming menu, I felt a surge of frustration wash over me. Here I was, stuck in this cursed cave, unable to even use the live-streaming function to broadcast my plight to the outside world. It was like a cruel joke, taunting me with the possibility of escape while keeping me firmly trapped in this nightmarish tutorial.

I clenched my fists in anger, my heart pounding with a mixture of desperation and resentment. I had hoped that the streaming function would offer some semblance of connection, a lifeline to the world beyond these cold, damp cavern walls. But now, it seemed like nothing more than a cruel illusion.

With a frustrated sigh, I forced myself to push aside my anger and focus on the task at hand… And that was healing by any means. I needed to beat the tutorial as soon as possible.


[3 weeks later]



Name: Alistair  

Age: 29  

Life Span: 100 years  

Race: Human  

Level: 1  

Exp: 0/10  

Health: 121/350  

Mana: ???/???  

Vitality: (8)  

Strength: (9)  

Endurance: (12)  

Agility: (6)  

Magic: (?)  

Attribute points: (0)

[Page ⅕  >] [Skills]



Passive Skills  

- Devour (Level 2)  

Sanguine Absorption: Grants the bearer the ability to permanently absorb a portion of the physical attributes and memories of consumed prey. Upon consuming the flesh of fallen foes, the bearer not only gains a percentage of their strength or other physical attributes but also assimilates fragments of their memories. This allows the bearer to glean insights, skills, or knowledge from their victims, enhancing their own abilities and understanding of the world around them.

- Traumatize (Level 1)  

Cursed Presence: Increases the chance of causing psychological effects such as panic or despair in opponents during combat. 20% Chance to temporarily paralyze enemies at the same level. 60% chance to paralyze enemies below the user's level 

Active Skills

- Riftting (Level ?) - ???  

- Empathize (Level 1)

Shared Burden: Enables the bearer to temporarily absorb the emotional burdens of others, alleviating their suffering but also potentially overwhelming the bearer with their pain.

[Stats]  [< Page ⅖ >]  [Quest]


Looking down at the battered three-piece suit I was wearing, I took a deep breath. The fabric was worn and pockmarked with holes, but devoid of any lingering stains of blood. Today, despite the awkwardness in my walk, I stood tall, ready to face what the tutorial had in store for me.

Glancing at the updated status menu before me, a surge of misery washes over me. "Health: 121/350," I mutter, my voice filled with dread as I glanced over at the skeletons of the dead. The weeks of pain and struggle have transformed me, leaving me stronger and more resilient than ever before… At least physically. Mentally… I had no idea where I was.

Gliding my fingers over the worn fabric, I trace the contours of my newfound strength. "Vitality: 8, Strength: 9, Endurance: 12, Agility: 6," I recite, each number a testament to what I had stolen from others.

"And two curses," I continue, my discomfort building with each word. "Devour, level 2, and Traumatize, level 1." The abilities offer a glimpse of the power that lies within me, a power that I was only beginning to understand.

Turning my attention to the newly added skill, I felt a sense of inquisitiveness stir within me. "Empathize, level 1," I murmured at the irony. 

With my status updated, I was now ready to face whatever challenges awaited me… There was no going back to Earth for me… I no longer fit in after committing the acts I did. 

Today was the day I would conquer the tutorial… Or at least after I trained with my weapons. 

I stared at the bones of the people I had eaten, their remnants a stark reminder of what I had become. My stomach churned with a mixture of guilt and determination. If I was going to survive, I had to get stronger, and that meant mastering the scorpion chains. 

Their weight was familiar now, the cold metal a constant presence on my wrists. I didn't know how to use them, but I had no other weapon and no other choice. Practice was the only way forward.

I began by stacking the bones in a crude, targeting formation. Skulls at the top, rib cages in the middle, femurs, and tibias forming the base. The bones clicked together in a macabre symphony, each piece fitting into place with a sickening finality. My hands trembled slightly as I worked, but I forced myself to focus.

"Come on, Alistair," I muttered under my breath, "you need to get this right."

Once the bones were arranged, I stepped back to survey my work. It wasn't perfect, but it would do. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the scorpion chains pulling at my wrists. The chains were heavy, and the segmented metal links were designed to inflict maximum damage. But in my hands, they felt awkward and unwieldy.

I started with basic movements, trying to get a feel for the chains. I swung them in wide arcs, testing their range and flexibility. The chains clattered and whipped through the air, the sound echoing off the cavern walls. I quickly realized that precision was key; a wild swing could easily miss its mark or even come back to hit me.

My first few attempts were clumsy. The chains slipped from my grasp, or I lost my balance and stumbled. Frustration gnawed at me, but I gritted my teeth and kept going. I couldn't afford to give up.

I focused on my stance, planting my feet firmly on the ground to provide a stable base. I bent my knees slightly, keeping my center of gravity low. This helped me maintain balance and control as I swung the chains. Slowly, I began to feel more confident.

I practiced different swings and strikes, aiming for specific bones in the formation. A horizontal swing aimed at the ribcage, a vertical strike targeting the skulls. The chains whistled through the air, and I adjusted my grip to add power or finesse to each movement. It was a brutal, repetitive process, but gradually, I started to see improvement.

Sweat dripped down my face and soaked my clothes. My arms ached from the effort, but I pushed through the pain. Each swing became more precise, each strike more deliberate. The bones shattered and splintered under the impact, pieces flying in all directions.

I experimented with different techniques, trying to figure out what worked best. I wrapped the chains around my wrists for shorter, more controlled strikes. I let them hang loose for longer, sweeping attacks. I practiced quick, successive hits and powerful, singular blows. The chains felt like an extension of my body, their weight and momentum becoming more natural.

As I practiced, I imagined different scenarios. Fighting off enemies, defending against attacks, using the chains to disarm opponents. I visualized every move, every counter. The more I practiced, the more I understood the potential of the scorpion chains. They were versatile and deadly, but they required skill and precision.

I practiced until my muscles screamed for relief, until my vision blurred with exhaustion. My hands were raw and blistered, my breath coming in ragged gasps. But I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. Survival demanded nothing less.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I collapsed to the ground, too tired to continue. My body was drenched in sweat, my limbs heavy with fatigue. But despite the exhaustion, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had made progress. I had taken another step towards mastering the chains, towards surviving this nightmare.

I lay there on the cold, damp floor of the cavern, staring up at the moss-covered ceiling. My thoughts drifted to the people I had eaten, their bones now scattered and shattered. Their deaths haunted me, but their sacrifice had given me the strength to go on. I would honor them by surviving, by fighting my way out of this hell.

As I drifted into a fitful sleep, the chains still wrapped around my wrists, I vowed to keep pushing forward. No matter the cost, no matter the pain. I would survive. I had to.


[This next day]

I tuned into a random live stream with the most views, curious to see what other players were experiencing in the world of beginning. The streamer, who went by the name "AdventurerAlice," seemed to be in the middle of explaining the intricacies of the tutorial.

"Hey there, fellow adventurers!" AdventurerAlice chirped, her voice bright and cheerful despite the ominous backdrop of the world of beginning. "Welcome to my stream, where we'll be diving into the nitty-gritty details of this crazy game!"

She adjusted herself, giving her viewers a better view of the rugged terrain behind her. Rocks and barren landscapes stretched as far as the eye could see, a stark reminder of the harsh environment they were all navigating.

"First things first," AdventurerAlice continued, her enthusiasm undiminished. "Let's talk about the world of beginning. It's massive, like, planet-sized massive. And when I say planet-sized, I mean it's literally the size of a planet!"

She gestured to the landscape behind her, a sweeping vista of desolate plains and craggy mountains. "When you first arrive in the world of beginning, you're randomly teleported to one of five continents. Each continent has its own unique challenges and environments, so you never know what you're gonna get!"

AdventurerAlice launched into a detailed breakdown of each continent, describing the dangers and rewards that awaited players brave enough to explore them.

"The first continent is the Dead Lands," she explained, her tone sobering. "It's basically a wasteland filled with all sorts of nasty creatures, like skeletons, zombies, their mutant variants, and other monsters. Definitely not a place for the faint of heart! It's basically the worst place you can possibly go as a new player. The creatures there range from level five all the way to level 20."

She went on to describe the other continents: the Verdant Forests, home to lush jungles and towering trees teeming with life; the Frozen Wastes, where blizzards rage and ice wolves rule the forest; the Savage Plains, a vast expanse of grasslands inhabited by fierce tribes of orcs and gnolls; and the Crystal Peaks, a treacherous mountain range dotted with crystal caverns.

"As if that wasn't enough, there are also tons of monsters roaming around, just waiting to tear you apart… Although we now live in a game-like society, we all only have one life so be careful." AdventurerAlice added, her tone turning grave. " The world governments are still adapting to the new changes that are going on throughout the world as we know it…, in the short amount of time that we've had systems people in the millions have been going missing. Please be cautious because every life is precious. I recommend that you pick a good weapon and learn how to use your skills before anyone attempts to climb in the tower."

She paused, a shiver running down her spine. "But hey, it's not all doom and gloom! There are plenty of opportunities in the tower. Low-level monsters drop awakening orbs. That means that just because you weren't summoned in the first wave of climbers, it doesn't mean that everything is over. Awakening as we all know it is the ultimate and I'll be on medication for anyone going through any type of illness or ailment. awakening could be looked at as a second chance at life."

"Also, rumor has it that there are hidden pieces in the tower. The owner of the hero title, Gabriel was the first to discover one. It was called the Dragonheart. Apparently, it's the key to unlocking untold power. From reports, he said that there was only one in existence within the tower. But who knows what else is on the higher floors?"

AdventurerAlice's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke, her enthusiasm infectious. "And get this – people from Earth are even starting to colonize the world of beginning! Pretty soon, we may even be able to own property there. Who knows, it might even be less expensive than living on Earth. It's like a whole new frontier out here, just waiting to be explored."

With that, AdventurerAlice signed off, leaving her viewers buzzing with excitement and anticipation. As I closed the stream.

As I surveyed my surroundings, frustration surged within me. Of all the places I could have been spawned, I found myself in what seemed like the worst location on the entire planet. 

Despite the overwhelming urge to stay hidden in my lake hideout, I knew I couldn't linger forever. Completing my tutorial mission was essential if I wanted to progress further in this unforgiving world. With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, I prepared myself to venture out into the unknown.

As I walked towards the entrance of the cavern, a sense of dread gnawed at the edges of my mind. The world beyond was filled with dangers, and I knew that my journey would be fraught with peril. But I couldn't let fear hold me back. I had to confront the reality of my situation and take action if I wanted to survive.

With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I stepped out into the darkness, my senses on high alert. The journey ahead would be difficult, but I was determined to press on, no matter what obstacles lay in my path.