

After their shocking news . Lee introduced Jin to Miaka and Mauka. They all become good friends in short period and used to spent time with each other. One day jin asked mauka "is there something between miaka and lee" Mauka - "i don't think so but don't you think they should be together." Jin shakes his head up and down. He said "should we do something". And that's how they decided to work on a mission of making lee and miaka together. They silently laughed hehehe and goes back to class. When they left. someone came out behind the wall.

Mauka and jin planed to go on beach to make their mission accomplished. They separately asked to lee and miaka. As per their plans they were known that if mauka asked miaka and if jin asked lee to go on the beach they both will deny. So they decided that jin will asked miaka and mauka will asked lee. They do what was planned and succeeded. On the weekend they all goes to the beach. Miaka was afraid of dark. Mauka was knows about that very well. Team jin and mauka planned to used her weakness. Jin and mauka planned to lock lee and miaka in the dark room of the dorm. As decided they do that but this time their plan goes just opposite.

At the night to locked lee and miaka, first they goes to the room to check whether their is any other way to go out of the room and mistakely lock each other in the room.. For the whole night.........