
Good things happen.

At the same time miaka was going on the roof and suddenly her ankle got band. She was just going to fall from the stairs, but lee kung hold her in his arms.

Time stops for 1 minute. Lee asked " Are you OK"? Miaka replied i am fine but her ankle was getting worse. She was not able to stand properly. Lee took her to her room in his arms. She was felling really embarrassed cause she thought that she is very heavy.

After lee leave the room, miaka's heart was betting very fast. As well as lee's also.

Next day a servent opens the door in which mauka and jin was stuck last night. At the morning, lee take miaka to breakfast table. Jin and mauka was surprised but both were happy seeings such think. Miaka asked mauka in low voice "where you both were last night".

Mauka replied (blushing) "we were in ours room"

As miaka was her best friend she was known something must have happened between the two of them. Actually they both were behaving lettle different.

Miaka and lee discussed about it. They thought that mauka and jin got in some quarrel.

But actually what happened last night?