
Chapter 7: Dream of rich husband

Barbara Evans turn aside and remove a hand from her neck.

"Urghhh." She grunting. 'Did i just sleep with a pig?' She thought herself. She wears her outer satin bathrobe and walks towards the balcony. She looks to the vast ocean of Maldives. Suddenly, she misses Andrew. Andrew also loves ocean and beaches. They always have a vacation on the beaches and island. She turns and leans on the balcony and look to the bed where his current husband sleeping. She looks to her ring finger. A big pink diamond. " Well, nothing to regret. " She smiles.

Damien glances his brother few times. His knees non stop shaking.

"Stop shaking your leg Damien. What is wrong with you." Olivia puts down her cup. Thomas glued to his morning newspaper while Andrew eating his breakfast.

"Soorry.. " he takes bread and spread the strawberry jam for the fourth time. Andrew put his teaspoon and drinks his coffee. He looks towards Damien.

"Do you have something to say to me Damien. You keep on glancing to me like forever since i start sit here." Andrew put his hands both on the table. Its a 'i am waiting, if you dont tell me, i will hit you bike' looks.

"Well, you know our uncle, Edward...Do you know to whom he married to?" Damien keeps on stalling. Thomas puts his newspaper aside. He drinks his tea.

"I'm going now,Olly." He kisses his wife and pat Damien shoulder.

"Bye dad." Both sons look to their dad that slowly walking towards the door. The big clock at the wall ticking exactly at 8 am.

Suddenly Andrew's phone ringing. He sees the caller, takes his phone outside.

"Must be duty. He just came home.." Olivia sighs.

"Colonel Andrew speaking here. "

"Colonel, i just received a call of distress from San Juan, you need to report there in 24 hour by now. There is situation over there. Once the mission success, your team may take a month rest, i assure you."

"Understood sir." The phone hung up. Andrew looks to his garden. He breathes in deeply.

Andrew busying packing his clothes. Olivia enters and sits on his son's bed. She keeps on looking to Andrew while he is wearing his watch.

"Andrew, how long will i see you again." Andrew looks to his mother. His mother looks just so small and fragile.

"Mom, this is my duty. I promise i will back soon. Beside, after this mission, i will have a month rest." He takes his mother' hand and kiss it.

"Andrew, actually..." Andrew keep on silent to give his mother some times to say the word.

"Nothing... Just be safe and make sure to call me ok." Andrew nodded.

"Looks like the company have some problem." Andrew took his burger and start ate it.

"Whaash happeshh.." James asked with his mouth still full with burger.

" I heard William asked father to fired Edward. Edward started to pull investors one by one to invest in his company." James slowly swallowed his burger and drink his Mountain Dew.

"Yeah, i can see that. His big building at 4th Street is kind of busy these few months. Lots of car in his gallery now."

"He never told me anything about the company. William should be fine to manage it one day. When i decided that i will stay in army, i know he kind of disappointed. William too."

"You know, after we finished our high school, i was 200% sure that you are going to manage your family's company. Well, i also shocked when you said that you want to enter an army college." Andrew breathes in heavily.

"My family, they need me James." Andrew put his burger down.

James looked to his friend.