
Chapter 6: The wedding.

Andrew drives his Amazon Green Range Rover into the Cartwright Manor gate. He takes two weeks leave after finished his last mission at Puerto Rico. He takes his bag and walks towards a big door of old but stronghold manor. A black Ducati, Grey BMW i8 parked outside the manor. Looks like Damien and William are home.

" Mom, dad, i'm home." He walks toward living room. The circular living room sat his younger brothers Damien talking with his phone at the black leather sofa and outside at the garden he can see William talking seriously with his dad.

" Andrew, honey, how are you?" His mother Olivia hugs him. Andrew hugs his mother back.

"Andrew, you looked so tanned. Where have you been?". Olivia touching and checking her son face and hands.

" Yeah i have been in Puerto Rico. Mmm, smell something sweet. Did you make a carrot cake?" Andrew may looked tough and intimidating since he was broad shouldered with height of 192cm but he actually a sweet tooth person. He does not like anything that taste bitter.

" Yes honey. Since you said that you will back this week, i made it for you."

"Hahahaaa. You are so funny Kayla." Damien laugh loudly, he made everyone in the room stare at him.

" Oppss. Sorry. Kayla, need to hung up now. See you tonight babe." Damien puts his phone into his pocket. He walks towards Andrew and hug sidely to his brother. Damien was a slender and shorter than his brother. He coloured his hair with light brown to match his brown eyes.

"Damien, is that your 5th girlfriend?" Andrew looks sternly to Damien. When will Damien be serious with his life, he thought.

"What,, of course not. She is the 7th." Damien smile and shrugged his shoulder.

" Damien, you should not playing around too much. You need to learn appreciate person that love you." Olivia walks toward the sofa and sit down.

" Well, she did not love me mom. She just want to play around too. Nobody love me like you do" Damien take a magazine at the table and lay down his head to Olivia's lap. Andrew slaps lightly on Damien leg to sit up and gives him space to sit down.

"What??" Damien look at his brother. Andrew nods his head sideways signalling Damien to move aside. He wants to sit at the middle.

" Urggh. Why don't you sit over there. You are so big."

"Damien, your brother only comes home once in a few months." Andrew sit and watches the television showing Olivia favourite drama. He misses his home.

Andrew sips his coke while watching sea waves, sitting at the front bumper of his Rover.

"Are you going?" James Matthew, his childhood friend asks him and eat the burger beside him.

"Where?" He continues sipping his coke slowly.

" Barbara's" Andrew keeps on silent for a few minutes.

"Don't know. Maybe." James looks to his friend. He sighs.

"You should go. You really need to see and put the end of it, peacefully man." He worries his friend. Andrew dated with Barbara for 5 years, but suddenly Barbara asked for break up. After 4 months, she sent an invitation to Andrew to her wedding. James was shocked. Imagine how shocked Andrew must be.

He never like Barbara from the first day Andrew introduced her to James. He feels that Barbara not sincere with Andrew. He sometimes saw her with different man, but he did not want to say anything without any proof of her cheating to Andrew. He somehow glad that Andrew broke up with Barbara but the pain took toll more to Andrew.

"We promise to marry before i went to India. She never said anything. We just fine. We love each other. I just cant understand." He looks to his friend then looks back to the sea. James pats Andrew shoulder few times.