
Chapter 5: The encounter

Alexandria Fawcett meets Harvey Caine 4 years ago when Harvey meet his physiotherapist after he meet an accident during Motorcross GP Germany 2012. She stormed into his brother room and started crying. Both men were shocked with the sight. Harvey looked at his doctor and the doctor smiled, embarrassed with such incident. Harvey rose up from long chair and his doctor released his leg after few stretching examination.

Alex hugged her brother and wet her brother white coat.

"all i ever want is to start my own business. I always be a good daughter. Listen to everything dad ask for me. Please Noah, help me." Alex begged sobbingly to her brother. Noah sighed. "Alrighty. I will talk with dad. I promise. Now why dont you go out for lil bit and we meet at home this evening okay? I have a patient right now Alex. You know this is not good thing to do right?" Alex smiled devilishly. She won. Noah always fulfilled her request. She can not met with her older brother Charles anymore since he become the great Psychologist. He knew every gesture and plans inside Alex head. Though Charles always pamper her. Harvey saw the devil smile and thought "Wow, what are devil"

Percy listened to every word that Noah said. He looked sternly towards his only daughter. Alex only looked down to the carpet. 'We need to change this red carpet. It looks so old fashion. Wait, i thought last year this carpet colour was light blue. Is it?' she thought herself. She knew her father was glaring at her.

"You dont have to be worry dad. I will become her partner and monitor the business as well. She will be fine"

"where is your foodtruck Alex? What happened to it?"

"I sold it"

"i thought it burnt last month." Percy still remembered how his heart almost stop pumping when he received a news from Charles that Alex's foodtruck was in fire. He thought that Alex in the truck.

"oh, that was the last one that i bought. The first one i sold it."

"you borrowed me 50 thousand to buy one truck. I dont know there is second."

"oh, that one Charles bought for me"

"you never ceased to surprise me Alexandria Fawcett. Now, you want to leeching on Noah. And if you fail will Richard be your next victim?"

Alex looked up his dad. She stood up and hold her tears from dropping. She never thought her dad would say that. Never crossed her mind. "i understand." She stood up and walked out from her home.

"wait, Alex!" Noah run towards his sister. He also shocked that his dad able to say that to her. Alex was only the daughter in Fawcett family. They did pampered her. She might be stubborn, but she never do anything bad. She was smart. But not a good businesswoman. Though that was her ambition since 10 years old. She once open a vet school, but after 7 month, the vet became zoo. She was sued for having an exotic animal without license. She thought that Sunny bear was a dog hybrid species.

Then she open a foodtruck, but many complained her service for having bad taste of hotdog. She's not a good cook and the accident in the foodtruck caught fire. Fawcett family turned pale when they received news that the foodtruck Alex was in was caught in fire. Evidently, she managed to run and only warded from consumed smoke trying to put out the fire by herself.


"Alexandria Fawcett?" Harvey looked at the back. He seems to know that name.

"Yes, that me. You must Jacob right. Sit down." Alex gesture the man with yellow hairband to the chair in front of her. His ponytail swaying. She touched her hair with inferiority. She had a very manly haircut after she ran away from her home a week ago.

"so lets start the business. I really hope you can be my barista Jacob. Your coffee is so good. My cafe not only can be your platform to promote yourself but i also can provide you any training or certificate. My aim not only to satisfy the customers but also to improve my staff."

"i didnt see your cafe building yet Ms Fawcett. Beside the current job that i got now was very hard to get. I dont want to risk it."

"Dont worry Jacob, i will pay you more than what you get. The building is not our concern. My partner already prepare everything. I will manage the cafe and you will become manager assistant. " Harvey almost choked his coffee. His physiotherapist told him yesterday that their family against with his sister proposal. He remember that Dr Noah sister named Alexandria. He met her once during the events full of tears. She looked tomboyish, skin tanned, short and pampered. He can tell that this girl must be only up to his chest. But she really looks like a sugarboy right now. With short haircut, black polo shirt and blue jeans. Dr Noah did told him that his sister did not came home for a week. He listened to their discussion attentively and absent from his friends discussion.

"Hope you can give me your decision by this week Jacob. My cafe will be operated next month, ok". Alex handshake with Jacob. Harvey grinned at this girl lies. She's good in scamming people. He put his cup, stood up and turned his back. He sat into the chair emptied by that hairband boy before.

"hi. My name is Harvey Caine. I heard that you will open the cafe. I am a coffee enthusiast. May i go to the opening ceremony?" Harvey introduced himself. Hope that this girl recognized him and feels like getting caught from being cheating. Alex smile, and gave him a small invitation card. The card spelled. "22's Cafe Opening Lunch. 2 February 2012"

"You are most welcome." She stood up and smile to the man she first met. She kind of pissed off when he eavesdrops with her conversation but since he likes coffee, she needs to have a good rapport with him. Harvey kind of confused. ' Wow, she really managed it huh. Faster than expected' He whispered himself.