

Chapter 687: Splitting Up

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the white, snowy ground, the crowd moved quickly forward in a flash, and a path was created on the ground as the wind blew past.

Lin Huang and Shen Tao led the Heaven Alliance team while the rest of the three organizations followed after them. Just ten meters away were the members of the Divine Alliance. More than 140 of them made their way through the Yeti Maniac's territory in an instant.

As they looked ahead, they saw ice sculptures of various shapes in which dead bodies were sealed.

Most of them were Glacial Phoenix. Obviously, sometimes the predators would become the prey. The Glacial Phoenix itself was truly beautiful. They looked impressively breathtaking after being sealed in ice.

The Glacial Phoenix's combat strength was higher than the Yeti Maniac's, and they could defend themselves against ice element attacks, but even so, they were vastly outnumbered by the Yeti Maniacs. If tens or hundreds of snowballs struck them, they would be locked in ice.

Other than the Glacial Phoenix, there were other monsters as well. Unexpectedly, they saw the two immortal-level rank-7 whom they had sent.

There were only a small number of monsters sealed in ice. Obviously, most of the monsters knew that it was the Yeti Maniac's territory and only some rash ones would trespass.

Not far away from them, the Glacial Phoenix and the Yeti Maniacs had already started fighting.

In mid-air, Glacial Phoenix were continually pouncing on the monsters. Only a minority of them managed to capture the Yeti Maniacs in one go as the prey managed to dodge most of the attacks.

The Yeti Maniacs counterattacked as well while dodging their attacks. Snowballs were quickly formed in their hands and were being thrown towards the Glacial Phoenix that avoided the attacks as well. If the Yeti Maniac's snowballs struck them, not only would their movement be slowed down; there would be a drastic increase in the consumption of their Life Power as well.

While both parties were engaged in an intense fight, they noticed Lin Huang and the rest approaching them.

"Immediately activate your Life Power and reveal your combat strength!" Lin Huang shouted. Their Life Power was activated and reached its peak, revealing their combat strength as immortal-levels. Even the Divine Alliance members that followed after them did so.

Lin Huang then whispered to Shen Tao after all of them had activated their Life Power.

After listening to him, Shen Tao immediately announced to the two parties that were fighting each other, "We have no bad intentions, and we're just passersby. If anyone of you attacks our members, we have no choice but to join another party to attack you. Although there's only a small number of us, we have nine immortal-level rank-9 members here. As long as you're willing to ignore us, we'll leave this place quietly. I promise that we won't hurt any of you."

The two parties noticed that he was an immortal-level rank-9 as well.

Although neither of the parties responded to him, the people passed by the Yeti Maniac unharmed.

The crowd continued to move forward. Shen Tao then told the rest of the people who followed him, "If you don't want to die, have good control over your hands. We're in a hurry. Don't create trouble for us."

On the Yeti Maniac's turf, both parties continued fighting each other. Although they were paying close attention to the humans who had suddenly appeared, still, the monsters did not attack them. Because the both of them were equally strong, they did not want either side to have a backup team. Although there was only a small number of people, they were obviously strong as most of their combat strength ranged from immortal-level rank-7 to rank-9.

After five to six minutes, more than 140 of them managed to pass through the Yeti Maniacs' territory unscathed. After leaving the Yeti Maniac's territory, the crowd then stopped.

Many of them looked at Lin Huang respectfully. Before the plan had proved workable, many of them had wondered if the plan would succeed. In fact, not only had the plan succeeded, it was almost perfect. They managed to pass through without being attacked.The Divine Alliance did not bother to deal with the Heaven Alliance. As soon as the danger had been removed, Gu Li brought the people along and left without saying anything.

Seeing that the Divine Alliance members had left, Shen Tao then said to the rest of the teams from other organizations, "Alright, since everybody has passed through, you may choose which way you want to go."

Shen Tao and the Heaven Alliance members did not want the others to follow after them as they did not want to share whatever treasures they discovered. Moreover, the three other organizations were not really strong, and they could not provide any assistance to them even if they encountered any danger.

Since they had overcome the threat, the rest of the organizations were not going to follow the Heaven Alliance as well. The people from the Heaven Alliance would definitely take a significant portion of the treasures they discovered, and only a small portion would be given to them. Therefore, they would prefer to explore the ruins on their own.

Since they did not want to team up, the three organizations soon said goodbye to the Heaven Alliance members and went their separate ways.

Seeing the direction in which one of the teams was heading to, Lin Huang wanted to warn them, but he still remained silent.

The team was heading in a direction where the monsters were gathered. If they did not discover the monster gathering place in time, all of them might be killed.

Looking at the different directions where the teams had left, Shen Tao then pointed towards another way. "Let's go there."

Lin Huang glanced in the direction that he pointed to, keeping mum. According to Bloody's investigation, there was actually a group of monsters over there. Since it was only a small-scale monster horde, it would not be a hindrance to them.

If he were to go on his own, he would avoid the group of monsters and head where the treasures were kept at his fastest speed. Bloody's monitoring pods only managed to cover the areas nearby, so he could not gather enough information regarding the land yet, and he had not discovered any places where there was treasure. Therefore, he decided to follow the team.

They flew in the direction where Shen Tao had chosen for less than half an hour. Soon, they encountered a small monster horde.

"There's a monster horde about five to six kilometers away. There's only a small number of them, but I'm not sure what kind of monster it is," one of them who was responsible for scoping the situation of the ruins with a detection relic whispered to Shen Tao.

"Please take a break over here. I'll send two immortal-level rank-8s to identify the type of monster in front of us, and if we're capable of killing it," Shen Tao ordered the rest of them to stop, sending two of his members to check it out.

In just a short while, they returned.

"It's the gathering place of a small-scale Frigid Yak monster horde. There are only 26 of them, and there aren't any other monsters nearby."

The people were excited when they heard the investigation results. Although the Frigid Yak was an immortal-level monster, they could be used as a high-grade ingredient and made a finger-licking steak.

"I've tried the Frigid Yak steak at Celestial Tower. It's not cheap though as it costs 100,000 Life Crystals. I'm lucky that the others paid for it."

"That's not the most expensive one. The immortal-level rank-6 Frigid Yak steak sold at the Star Pavilion costs 300,000 Life Crystal each. I treated my friend at that restaurant, but I didn't order that.

"My saliva is dripping."

"It seems like we're going to have pretty awesome food in the following days."

The people's laughter soon spread to the place where the Frigid Yak was.Chapter 688: Loaded with Danger

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Frigid Yak had white fur all over its body. It looked very similar to the yak that was on Earth. However, its size was about four times of that yak.

The combat strength of the 26 Frigid Yaks only ranged from immortal-level rank-4 to rank-6. Aside from Lin Huang, the rest of the 30 members were on at least immortal-level rank-6. The yaks were like lambs that lived in captivity to the members who slaughtered them quickly before Lin Huang could even attack.

26 of the dead bodies were sent to the food hunter of their team named Zhu Hao, who took about an hour to prepare a sumptuous bovine meal for all of them.

All of them felt satiated after eating, so they rested for a while. Shen Tao then brought the rest of them along and proceeded with their scheduled journey.

After another half an hour, someone detected something amiss and raised the alarm.

"A monster horde has been picked up by the detection relic!"

Lin Huang already knew from Bloody earlier that there was a group of more than 100 Frost Wolves in front of them. The combat strength of the Frost Wolf ranged from immortal-level rank-7 to rank-9. Due to the large number of monsters, they would threaten the Heaven Alliance team to a certain extent. However, Lin Huang knew that the owner of the detection relic would discover this when they reached a certain distance. Therefore, he did not warn Shen Tao about it as they would only have to make a detour.

The scouts returned with some news. "It's the Frost Wolf, and there are more than 120 of them."

Shen Tao decided to detour without a moment of hesitation. All the Heaven Alliance members might probably die if they were to fight the monsters face-to-face.

Right at this moment, Lin Huang frowned as he got more information from Bloody.

He then whispered to Shen Tao who immediately disappeared from his original position. When he appeared, he brought the dead body of a Frost Wolf.

"Both of you are being followed by two Frost Wolf. I didn't notice that thought. Lin Xie was the one who told me." After storing the two Frost Wolf's dead bodies in his storage space, Shen Tao did not look relaxed.

"We have to leave this place as soon as possible. We've killed two Frost Wolves. Perhaps they won't realize it in such a short period. However, there'll soon definitely be an outbreak of the Frost Wolves!" Lin Huang urged.

Both of the scouts felt embarrassed as they had been too careless. They did not know that the Frost Wolf would be so intelligent and they did not expect that it to follow them.

Shen Tao knew that they should not delay any more. "Let's fly higher in the sky and not leave any traces on the ground. The Frost Wolves will be able to track us using that."

After that, Shen Tao was the first one to fly into the sky. He appeared at about 30 meters away from the snowy ground. Lin Huang and the rest immediately followed suit.

Not only did the Heaven Alliance members soar higher than before, but they also changed their path as well.

After fleeing for more than half an hour, Lin Huang and the rest did not encounter any other monster.

Bloody had been continuously monitoring the Frost Wolves' movement. About five to six minutes after they left, the Frost Wolves noticed that something was off. Soon, they sent out a few of their own and noticed the blood stains on the hill where Shen Tao had killed the two Frost Wolves. Soon, they discovered that Lin Huang and the others had been there earlier.

They then informed the rest of the Frost Wolves. All of them got out of their lair, combing the area where the Heaven Alliance members were previously. They broke into groups and looked for them in different directions after realizing that there was no trace of humans.

One of the teams went towards where the Heaven Alliance members were. However, after chasing for about 500 kilometers, the monsters decided to give up as they discovered nothing. In fact, Lin Huang and the rest were actually less than 300 kilometers away from them.

They were lucky as they did not bump into any monsters that blocked their way while the Frost Wolf were chasing after them. If the other monsters had delayed them for several minutes, the Frost Wolves would be able to catch up with them, and they would then be attacked from both behind and in front.

Seeing that the Frost Wolves had left, Lin Huang was relieved. Since it was only a quarter of the pack, there were only 30 of them, and they were not terrifying. However, he understood the characteristics of the Frost Wolf. If they happened to kill one of the Frost Wolf teams, the rest of the monsters would attack them non-stop.

"Are there any other monsters in front of us? Should we take a detour?" After overcoming the danger coming from behind, Lin Huang then contacted Bloody through his mind.

"The monsters are scattered around the region that you guys are entering. There's no monster horde, and there are only tens of types of lonely monsters that are spread around different areas." Bloody's investigation results showed that the area was safe. "At about 1,500 kilometers away, there's a small monster horde of Arctic Bears. There are 30 of them."

Listening to Bloody's reply, Lin Huang was slightly relieved. This indicated that they would be safe in the next half hour.

He was not worried that they were going to encounter the Arctic Bear half an hour later. Although the combat strength of the Arctic Bear ranged from immortal-level rank-7 to rank-9, there were only a few of them, and they did not usually fight in a group. Therefore, they were not threatening to the Heaven Alliance members. In fact, they would make good target practice.

The monsters had thick flesh with immense strength. However, they were not very agile, so pros could quickly kill them. Due to them having to live in places with extremely low temperatures, Arctic Bears were rare. Their fur was extremely valuable. The price of an immortal-level rank-7 Arctic Bear pelt could fetch a price of more than 10 million Life Crystals at many auctions. The price of an immortal-level rank-9 Arctic Bear pelt could exceed 50 million Life Crystals, which was a few times higher than an immortal-level rank-9 carcass that was in pristine condition.

Just when Lin Huang wanted to hunt for the Arctic Bears, a flock of birds zoomed quickly towards him. Shen Tao immediately instructed them to maintain a low-level flight. Again, they returned to their initial flying height.

Lin Huang thought that the bird monsters would definitely attack them and they would have no way of avoiding the fight as they were very close to each other. However, as soon as the Heaven Alliance's members flew in a lower height, the monsters seemed to have lost their interest in the Heaven Alliance members and gave up hunting them. They flapped their wings and left.

"I thought that the Crimsoncrown Sparrow likes to fight. Why did they give up attacking us although we were so close to each other?" Lin Huang was startled.

"That's indeed strange." Bloody felt that something was off. It had memorized the whole monster guide before Lin Huang did. Therefore, it was familiar with the Crimsoncrown Sparrow that liked confrontation. They would definitely attack anyone who attempted to invade their territory. Even if they encountered an imperial-level monster, they would have the guts to fight them in a group.

When Lin Huang and Bloody felt that something was wrong, the snowy ground suddenly trembled. A huge, ice-blue hand suddenly emerged from the ground, extending towards the Heaven Alliance members!

Chapter 689: Frostyape Corpse

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The icy blue palm was about ten meters long. Its claws emerged from the ground, and it managed to cover almost half of the Heaven Alliance members who shouted in fear and immediately fled.

Since Lin Huang was on alert, he had the fastest reaction. He reappeared hundreds of meters away in a flash. As he turned around, seeing that the others were incapable of avoiding the big palm which was about to smash them into pieces, he immediately activated his God Crasher.

Dazzling red flames immediately shot out of the cannon muzzle and struck the back of the icy blue hand. The God Crasher had formed a barrel-sized hole in its hand. It immediately retracted its hand due to the pain it suffered. The people then managed to escape from the danger.

A furious growl was immediately heard coming from underground. The ground started trembling vigorously as if an earthquake was about to happen.

"It's an imperial-level monster. Those who are on immortal-level rank-9, back us up. The others, please leave!" Shen Tao shouted.

Although they were only on immortal-level rank-9, they were the geniuses of the Heaven Alliance. They were capable of killing black gold-ranks. With the three immortal-level rank-9s teaming up to fight, they could even defeat a crimson gold-rank monster.

Right after Shen Tao had finished, a huge arm suddenly burst out from the snowy ground. Soon after, its head appeared.

Lin Huang then knew that it was a Frostyape Corpse when he saw the head of the monster.

It was a spirit type, and its combat strength could be on any level as it depended on the combat strength of the carcass when it had been alive. Normally, only corpses that were still in pristine condition would be preserved. Only monsters that still had a strong self-consciousness after death would come alive and become a monster corpse. In contrast to other carcasses, that due to prolonged exposure to ice and snow, their bodies would integrate with the ice element to a certain extent, resulting in the icy blue color of their bodies. Not only would they have terrifying defense abilities, but their attack would also be associated with the ice element.

The frosty corpse must have been a Frostyape Corpse when it was alive. Although it exposed only half of its body, it was already hundreds of meters tall. Despite the change in its life form, its combat strength which was on imperial-level had been preserved, so it was on par with its ability when it had been alive.

As the Frostyape Corpse got out of the snowy ground, it gazed around. Finally, it fixed its gaze on Lin Huang who had the God Crasher floating in front of him. It could recognize that he was the human that had attacked its hand. He was the culprit that caused him to miss its hunting target.

Shen Tao noticed that Lin Huang would become the Frostyape Corpse's target because he had attacked it just now. He immediately whispered to Lin Huang, "Lin Xie, leave together with the rest of them. The number of usages of your God Crasher is limited. There's no need to waste it at a place like this."

Then, he turned back and looked at the two immortal-level rank-9s. "It's an imperial-level Frostyape Corpse. With its attack speed, the rest of them won't be able to get rid of it. Therefore, we'll have to buy them some time so that they can escape to the safe zone."

The two of them nodded their head. Three of them then surrounded the Frostyape Corpse that was crawling out of the ground.

Lin Huang felt that the three of them were capable of defeating the Frostyape Corpse. Furthermore, he would not be able to help them out if he were to stay, so he decided to leave together with the others.

After putting his God Crasher away and when he was about to flee, he heard the growl of the Frostyape Corpse coming from behind. It had completely pulled itself out of the ground. The Frostyape Corpse that was more than 400 meters tall was about to pounce on him.

"Hurry!" Shen Tao yelled.

The three immortal-level rank-9s attacked.

Shen Tao's weapon was a single-handed saber which was blood red in color. The zigzag pattern on the tip of the saber was visible.

The bloody Life Power constantly gushed out of his body, and it complemented the color of the length of his saber. It felt like blood was coming out from the saber itself and the weapon came alive.

As he brandished his saber, his bloody Life Power resembled a crimson python with its mouth wide open.

As for the two of them, one of them majored in sword, and another person majored in spear.

Both of their attacks hit the Frostyape Corpse at almost the same time. A glowing sword appeared in front of the Frostyape Corpse while a black spear that resembled a shooting arrow moved tremendously fast towards it.

The Frostyape Corpse did not attempt to avoid the attacks. Instead, it struck a massive blow after letting out a furious growl.

Its first hit collided with the black spear which instantly collapsed. The force of the blow was not reduced, and it smashed into the black spear.

At almost the same time, the person who majored in spear was groaning in pain. The spear in his hand had penetrated through his chest, and he was nailed to a snow mountain that was hundreds of meters away.The second blow struck the white sword glow and broke into pieces like glass. Soon, the heavy blow then collided with the combat sword.

The combat sword immediately detached from his hand. He was like a bullet that was being shot into another snow mountain.

The Frostyape Corpse's third blow then crashed with Shen Tao's attack. As its attack hit him, the bloody python instantly exploded.

The next second, the Frostyape Corpse's attack jolted his blood-colored saber while Shen Tao was still in shock.

Shen Tao felt that an unavoidable force was coming from the tip of the saber. It was like he was holding an ordinary saber and had slashed through a steel door that was tens of centimeters thick. At that instant, his saber was about to detach from his hand. The point between his right thumb and right forefinger that was holding the saber exploded as his carpal and forearm bones from his palm to his arm fractured.

Soon after, Shen Tao's body was blown away, and he smashed into a snow mountain at the front to the right.

Shen Tao and the three of them collapsed, surprising Lin Huang. The three of them were on par with an imperial-level but were defeated by the Frostyape Corpse within seconds. Although the three of them did not die, they must be suffering from serious injuries. They could no longer fight.

"Hurry, run away! It's at least on white gold-level. It might even be on purple gold-level! We won't be able to defend ourselves against it." Shen Tao's weak voice could be heard coming from the snow mountain.

The 20 of them immediately sped up and fled upon seeing that the monster defeated Shen Tao and the two of them. They were afraid that they would become the Frostyape Corpse's target.

Seemingly, the Frostyape Corpse had lost its interest in the rest of them. After getting rid of the strongest three humans, the Frostyape Corpse smiled wryly. Again, it fixed its gaze on its first target – Lin Huang.

It could clearly remember that he was the one who had attacked his left palm with a strange weapon. Its wound was not fully recovered even until then.

It took a leap and immediately chased after Lin Huang.

"It's coming after us," Bloody immediately cautioned.

"I know." Lin Huang did not bother to turn back at all. He could feel that the Frostyape Corpse's breath was getting closer to him.

"I'll lure it away. Please escape to somewhere else!" He shouted and immediately ran in a direction that nobody was heading to. The Frostyape Corpse immediately switched its direction as well and continued chasing him. Seeing the distance between them narrow, Lin Huang activated his double acceleration immediately. He accelerated and again, he managed to stay a distance away from the Frostyape Corpse.

Chapter 690: Overnight at the Monster Lair

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The giant ape leaped in mid-air. Each time it jumped, it would cover a huge distance. Although it could not fly, its running speed in mid-air was on par with Lin Huang who had activated his double acceleration.

As soon as his double acceleration had been activated, Lin Huang only managed to stay about 1,200 meters away from it at the beginning. The giant ape then sped up and did not give up chasing him. He had no way of getting rid of the giant ape.

However, Lin Huang did not panic. He was in a direction where nobody would travel, and he managed to make the Heaven Alliance members stay a distance away from the giant ape.

The giant ape had been chasing him for 20 minutes. It was now thousands of kilometers away from its own territory, but Lin Huang was almost close at hand, and it did not want to give up chasing after him.

After pursuing him for a long time, it let out a furious roar. It even activated its Life Power to attack him in bursts.

Since it was within the area that Lin Huang's territory could cover, Lin Huang managed to dodge its attack with ease. Also, each time it attacked, Lin Huang was able to increase the distance between them. After several attempts, it gave up the thought of attacking him.

Although the giant ape was strong, it was not the strongest enemy that Lin Huang had ever met. Lin Huang recalled his encounter with the king sea monster that was on demigod-level and the humanoid monster that had transformed from the Virtual God's arm. The rest might feel nervous as they encountered the giant ape. However, Lin Huang did not feel anxious at all. The reason why he took the initiative to lure the giant ape away was that he was capable of escaping from it.

Ten minutes had passed. The chase had lasted for more than half an hour, and Lin Huang felt that it was almost time. He then asked Bloody, "Half an hour has passed. Shen Tao and the rest must be far away from us now, aren't they?"

"They're now thousands of kilometers away from us. The giant ape will take half an hour to go back. It definitely won't be able to chase them." Bloody had been monitoring their movements.

"That's great. The giant ape has wandered around for a while. It's time to leave." Lin Huang looked back, and the giant ape was still staring at him furiously. As he turned his head back, it grinned and roared.

Lin Huang smirked. "Monkey King, let's stop here. I'm going somewhere else, and I'll have fun with you another day."

The giant ape was stunned as it could not understand what Lin Huang meant. Soon, it realized that he was teasing it and it got even angrier.

Lin Huang then summoned Thunder and rode on its back as he waved at the giant ape. "Bye, Monkey King!"

The giant ape then spat Life Power out as it wanted to attack Lin Huang. However, Thunder flapped its wings, and they were surrounded by its electric glow, which transformed into a purple glow and they fled at a tremendously fast speed.

Seeing that they were getting farther away, the giant ape immediately spat a column of Life Power to maim them. However, Thunder managed to dodge it with ease. The giant ape continued spitting columns of Life Power. Yet, it could not hit its target.

After ten seconds, Thunder completely disappeared from the ape's vision.

The giant ape was dumbstruck as it found it unbelievable. It continued ahead for a certain distance, but still, it found no trace of Lin Huang. It then confirmed that Lin Huang had indeed fled away. It then stopped in mid-air and slapped its chest hard, letting out a furious growl in the direction where Lin Huang and Thunder had disappeared to.

However, Lin Huang could no longer hear the growl as Thunder's speed exceeded six times that of the sonic speed.

Lin Huang, who was riding on Thunder, finally managed to get rid of the giant ape. After some careful thought, he decided not to return to the Heaven Alliance team.

Despite feeling quite contented being with them, he was already used to being alone. Also, he could not reveal some of the secrets to the Heaven Alliance members.

Encountering the giant ape was an accident. Hence he took the opportunity to leave the team so that he could fight on his own.

Aside from the Union Government, most of the organizations did not have a proper understanding of the ruins. Exploring the ruins blindly was definitely a waste of time.

With Bloody's guidance and the Treasure Cardhe had on hand, acting alone would definitely be more efficient than working in a group. If he were to join the Heaven Alliance, he could not reveal the existence of Bloody and the Treasure Card. He could only follow the majority. If he found out about something, he could only hint at Shen Tao and the rest, but he could not say much. He would have more freedom exploring the ruins on his own.

"Bloody, did you discover any places with treasure?" When he could confirm with Bloody that the giant ape was no longer chasing them and had returned to its lair, Lin Huang immediately got down to business. His primary purpose of going to the ruins was to look for a variety of treasure.

"Nothing has been discovered so far." Bloody twisted around Lin Huang's left arm, shaking its head. "All the areas that I covered are smothered with ice and snow. Similar to the natural safe zones, not a single human building can be found. I supposed that it's because the area that the Leech Pods can cover isn't big enough. The ruins might be the same as the human world. Most of the areas are occupied by monsters and only a small part of the ruins is the human foothold."

"Although the ruins are located above the Peaceful Ocean, it's unlikely that nobody has ever discovered this before us. Even if it wasn't discovered during the new epoch, people must've been here during the old epoch. It's strange that no traces of humans have been found." Lin Huang agreed with Bloody. Most likely, the treasure would be kept in the human buildings. However, no human buildings were found possibly because the area covered by Bloody's detection was not wide enough.

"Perhaps we'll have to wait until 11 p.m. or 12 a.m. so that my Leech Pods can cover the entire ruins," Bloody said. "If we can really find any of the places with the hidden treasures, we'll depart tomorrow."

"It's about 4 p.m. now. Perhaps the sky will turn dark in less than two hours. Let's look for a place to rest." Lin Huang had entered the ruins for more than four hours. However, he had never stopped throughout his journey. Since Bloody's Leech Pods had picked nothing up in the ruins, he was going to look for a place to rest so that he was well prepared for the next day's journey.

Guided by Bloody, Lin Huang soon arrived at a monster lair on top of the snow mountain. After killing all the ursine monsters, Lin Huang then occupied its lair.

There was a rock wall that jutted out at the entrance of the cave and blocked the wind, making it warm inside.

After dinner, Lin Huang started training his sword skills.

At about 10 o'clock at night, he summoned Lancelot to keep watch. He then set up his tent and set a monster skin as his mat. He then snoozed in his sleeping bag comfortably.Chapter 691: Beneath the Snow

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang woke up past 6 a.m. the next morning, and the first thing he did was to ask Bloody about the investigation about the ruins.

"How is it? Have all the Leech Pods spread everywhere?"

"The pods have covered the entire last night past 11 p.m., but the ruins seem to be barren without anyone around. There're no buildings. There's nothing at all besides snow and monsters," Bloody said.

"But there's something odd though. I checked several times last night, and I couldn't find the two teams from the Division 3 Union Government. Even the Dynasty team has disappeared."

"No buildings and three teams missing…" Lin Huang frowned as he sat up from his sleeping bag slowly.

"Since it was the Division 3 Union Government who organized this trip, it's impossible for them to exit this place after a day in here. There're so many powerful people in Dynasty that it's impossible for them to retreat just like that. The three teams must still be in this ruins. I think they've probably discovered something."

"Are you sure you didn't miss out any corner of the ruins?" Lin Huang asked Bloody again.

"I don't think so. I've released millions of Leech Pods this time, so the coverage is complete. There's one every five to six kilometers. There shouldn't be any spots that have been missed out." Bloody was confident in its own ability.

"I managed to find the resting spots of the other teams easily last night."

"If you're sure that you didn't miss out any spots, there's only one explanation for this. They're under the snow." Lin Huang thought that was the highest possibility.

"That's what I thought too. I'm speculating that all of the buildings in the ruins are covered under the year-long snow as all my Leech Pods can see is a land of snow from the top."

"If that's true, we can't find the exact location of the buildings." Lin Huang frowned again.

"My Leech Pods could be sent underground, but the ruins are just too big. I've no idea where to even start." Bloody felt helpless.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just monitor the monsters' whereabouts from above then. I have the Treasure Card for the underground."

After speaking to Bloody, Lin Huang did not have the mood to sleep anymore, so he got up from his sleeping bag. When he opened the tent, he saw Lancelot sitting nearby and munching on dried vegetables. There were five empty packets arranged on the ground neatly. Since there had been no monsters last night, Lancelot had been eating out of boredom.

"It's your sixth packet now. Aren't you sick of it yet?" Lin Huang was speechless. Lancelot shook his head immediately.

"Don't throw the packets everywhere." Lin Huang walked over to him and kept the five empty packets into his storage space. Lancelot was afraid that Lin Huang might take the packet that he was still eating away, and he retreated his hand slightly.

"Wow, you're protecting your food!" Lin Huang thought it was funny. "Alright, nobody's taking your food away from you."

Lin Huang put the tent away and started eating his snacks for breakfast. As he swallowed his last morsel, Lancelot finished his sixth packet of dried vegetables. Lin Huang then took out a Treasure Card and crushed it after recalling Lancelot.

"Treasure Card has been activated!"

As soon as Xiao Hei's voice was heard, there was a red arrow pointing at Lin Huang's 10 o'clock not far away.

"A red arrow! It looks like I'm in good luck today." A red arrow indicated that the treasure was rare which excited Lin Huang.

When he got to the cave, a chill blew frigidly. It was snowing, and the sky was gray. Lin Huang looked at the time. It was not even 7 a.m. yet. He cocked an eyebrow as he realized that it was too early. However, he summoned Thunder anyway and rode on its back.

"Let's go, 10 o'clock!"

Thunder flapped its wings and followed the direction that Lin Huang had instructed it. In less than 20 minutes, he saw the end of the arrow that the Treasure Card was pointing at. It was an empty land, and there was nothing at all. He would have thought that the Treasure Card was faulty if he had not figured out that the treasure was hidden underground.

"Thunder, land in another two to three kilometers."

Thunder started slowing down, and soon it landed less than 200 meters from the end of the arrow. Lin Huang then flew towards the arrow after recalling Thunder into its card form.Is this the end of the arrow?" As they came to a stop, Bloody looked around and asked because it could not see where the Treasure Card arrow was.

Yes, it's under my feet." Lin Huang nodded.

"Seems like our speculation is right. There's nothing here. The treasure has to be underground." Bloody was thrilled when it realized that their speculation was correct.

"Who's good at digging?" Lin Huang stood less than 20 centimeters above the snowy ground and mumbled to himself. He was thinking about which monster he should summon to dig a hole in the ground.

"You don't have to look for anyone. I'll do it." Bloody said after hearing him mumble.

"You?" Lin Huang was surprised.

"Not me. I'll get someone to do it." Bloody smiled.

Just as Lin Huang was puzzled, he sensed Bloody releasing many Leech Pods into the ground and soon, a big hole appeared. The depth of the hold increased in an instant, and a spiral staircase that led underground was formed.

"What's happening?" Lin Huang was puzzled as he watched.

"I controlled some Frost Helminths to dig the hole. The Frost Helminths can absorb heat, and on the other hand, it can release heat too. That's how they move around the snow," Bloody explained.

Bloody was now an immortal-level rank-3 since Lin Huang had leveled up to purple flame-level whereby it could cast Leech Seeds on Frost Helminths that were on immortal-level rank-1 to rank-3 easily.

"So, I don't have to worry that the Frost Helminths will attack us anymore?" Lin Huang was just thinking that there might be many Frost Helminths underground. He still undoubtedly remembered what had happened to the Divine Alliance yesterday, but it seemed like that would not happen anymore.

As he waited where he was for three to five minutes, Bloody finally spoke again, "It's ready now. Let's go."

Lin Huang then walked down the spiral staircase that was made of snow. Suddenly, the light from above disappeared when he was seven to eight meters below the surface.

"I got the Frost Helminth to block the entrance with frost so that nobody can follow us." Bloody's plan was thorough.

They finally reached the end after walking 200 to 300 meters down. As he stepped out of the cave, he finally saw the mystery that was hiding underground.