

demigods can consolidate a complete Godhead with the help of the exploding broken Godhead in their body."

"It would be great if they didn't die from the explosion. How is consolidating a new Godhead possible?" Lin Huang thought Bloody's theory was too optimistic.

"In reality, I've done a simulation. It's possible if a high-level virtual god-level powerhouse steps in," Bloody explained, "It's just that nobody has even tried this before and I haven't found a way to do it safely. The success rate at the moment is less than 3%."

There's no need to dwell on this since the success rate is so low." Lin Huang shook his head while smiling grimly. "If a high-level virtual god-level powerhouse were to help, what's the probability of stabilizing the explosion from the broken Godhead?"

"If we rule out the nature of a person's body, the success rate is pretty high overall at approximately 83%. The higher the person's soul and body are, the higher the success rate, especially when one has a powerful soul. The reason being when the broken Godhead explodes in one's body, the first thing that will be impacted will be one's soul. Naturally, the 83% success rate I mentioned is the probability after using a soul-type god relic. Without the soul-type god relic, except for people with compelling souls, the survival rate of an ordinary person would basically be 0."

"So, what happens to people who survive the Godhead explosion?" Lin Huang asked again.

"Their combat strength will drop to immortal-level rank-9 directly because Godheads are formed by Life Palaces. As soon as the Godhead is destroyed, the Life Palace will go too," Bloody said like everything made sense. "After some time of rest and when the inner world has stabilized, one can build their foundation again."

Although Bloody made it sound very simple, Lin Huang knew that it was much more troublesome to carry out something like this. He asked again after a moment of silence, "Have you done a simulation of all that?"

"I began the simulation in the afternoon. I've done it approximately more than 5,000 times now. In reality, I'm still doing the simulation in my head at this very moment. I've only divided a part of my consciousness to speak with you now. I'm planning to do the simulation a million times and see if there's any way to stabilize the Godhead explosion."

"How long will it take for you to simulate it for a million times?"

"Judging from my current progress, it'll take around 57 days."

"I'll go into closed-door cultivation for almost two months anyway. Let's do it together." Lin Huang estimated the speed of him refining Godheads. It would take him almost two months for him to refine all of the Godheads. He would be on imperial-level rank-3 when he got out of the closed-door cultivation by then.

Chapter 1183: Circles

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After sending the people from the heretics off, Lin Huang informed Huang Tianfu before going into closed-door cultivation.

This time, he was no longer cultivating Seamless but breaking through his combat strength by refining Godheads.

Together with the two Virtual God rank-9 Godheads that he tossed into his body as well as the 136 complete Godheads and 1,528 broken Godheads, they were enough to boost him by two ranks.

His leveling up to imperial-level was completely different from the rest. He did not have to look for Life Base monsters and killed them to obtain its Life Base. All he had to do was to refine enough Godheads to transform his Life Palace automatically.

In reality, compared to obtaining his Life Base, this was much easier. The only problem was that it was time-consuming.

Fortunately, there was a boost in his Divine Fire since he elevated to imperial-level. The speed of refining Godheads was a few times faster than when he was on immortal-level.

Initially, he would only refine 1% of Virtual God rank-9 Godheads throughout a full day of maximum effort. Now, he could refine over 3% per day which would take him a month to complete refining all of them.

Lin Huang merely peeked at Bloody who was focused on the simulation in the Emperor Palace and glanced away. He also found a space to sit with his legs crossed. Quieting his mind, he began to activate the Divine Fire in his body to refine the Godheads.

The 1,500 or so broken Godheads that he put in his body earlier were refined by the Divine Fire automatically within an hour. Throughout the three days, even though he did not refine them on his own, more than 40 Virtual God rank-1 and rank-2 Godheads were refined by the Divine Fire. Even half of the Virtual God rank-3 Godheads were refined.

As Lin Huang activated the Divine Fire himself, the refining speed skyrocketed six to seven times faster.

Lin Huang looked into his body and could even see 21 Virtual God rank-3 Godheads melting rapidly at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

In less than half an hour, half of the Virtual God rank-3 Godheads were melted by Divine Fire fully and turned into clumps of golden gravel.

Some ten hours later, all of the Virtual God rank-4 Godheads were refined.

Over 20 hours had passed, and all of the Virtual God rank-5 Godheads were refined.

Later on, Lin Huang spent two days refining the 13 Virtual God rank-6 Godheads.

He then spent approximately half a month to refine all of the other Godheads apart from the two Virtual God rank-9 Godheads. He soon arrived on the brink of breaking through to imperial-level rank-2.

However, he was not sure if it was a lack of Divine Fire intensity, but the speed of refining the two Virtual God rank-9 Godheads was one fold slower when they were refined together. Fifteen days had passed, but only a quarter of them was refined.

Lin Huang did not rush nonetheless. No matter what, looking at the progress, they would be completely refined completely one and a half months later.

Time passed by. Lin Huang's aura was growing almost every day in the Emperor Palace.

Meanwhile, the collaboration between Dynasty, the Union Government and the heretics were getting on track since half a month had passed.

Since the trading system opened, the members of three organizations soon familiarized themselves with the new trading model.

The transformation of the trading system added more choices. It also caused the members of the three organizations to be more enthusiastic to hunt for resources to purchase the items they desired.

Apart from the trading system, Dynasty's intel department also began working with the Union Government and the heretics. They expanded Dynasty's intel channel by heaps as well as boosted the efficiency of obtaining information.

The heretics gained many benefits from the collaboration.

On the underground organization's side, Misery also carried something out throughout the half a month.

Using Dynasty's pulling out of the underground world as an excuse, Misery began engaging in all aspects of the underground world and came up with a series of new regulations. They seemed like they were going to take charge of the entire underground world.

Everyone in the underground world was discussing it.

Many thought that Misery must have been triggered by Dynasty. However, the top organizations could tell that Misery was using it as an excuse and was taking the opportunity to integrate the entire underground world.

Although Misery had many fans, they had many haters too.

The promotion of Misery's new regulation throughout the half a month was considered a failure, and they even received many objections.

As Lin Huang was refining the last two Godheads with all of his might, it was getting closer to New Year's Eve.

Usually, all the organizations would slow their activities down when it was close to New Year's Eve because most people would spend time with their families.

However, since Dynasty had just collaborated with the heretics and the Union Government this year, both neutral organization members were extraordinarily active.

On the union organization's side, the Union Government had begun their exploration in Dynasty's trial zones.

Before Lin Huang went into closed-door cultivation, he had given Huang Tianfu the authorization, so his closed-door cultivation did not affect the Union Government going into the trial zones.

Apart from that, the underground boss, Misery, had preliminary success in promoting the new regulations.

They even killed two organization members who were playing tricks secretly to warn the people for the sake of promoting the new regulations.

The few top underground organizations including the Purple Crow and Saint dared not object any longer.

The consecutive activities in the union organizations, the neutral organizations, and the underground organizations made the last month before New Year's Eve even more crowded than before.

Naturally, not all the organizations were merely watching.

As the top spy organization in the entire world, the Mystic Butterfly was the first to notice something going on with the heretics.They went prying around after realizing that the people from the heretics became more hardworking. They were familiar with the heretics, so they knew about their casual and lazy way of handling things. Finally, they found out about the truth.

They were surprised to find out that the heretics were collaborating with Dynasty and working with the Union Government indirectly. They had even obtained internal trading access to the Union Government.

The Mystic Butterfly did not blow things up after learning that. Instead, they visited Dynasty secretly.

Although they did not get to meet Lin Huang during the visit, the discussion was smooth with Dynasty's three Grand Dukes. They only spent two days coming up with the agreement. They became Dynasty's third collaboration partners after the agreement was signed.

The Mystic Butterfly obtained the trading access they desired while Dynasty obtained access to the Mystic Butterfly's data.

After the Mystic Butterfly joined Dynasty, the Union Government also got the Hunter Association within less than three days. However, the Union Government reserved the leading position for the Hunter Association coming in instead of Dynasty.

Dynasty and the Union Government were the core of the collaboration circle. It grew stronger after involving a few organizations within less than two months.

Even Huang Tianfu and the rest did not expect that the collaboration method Lin Huang came up with could attract so many people to join them within such a short period of time.

They had no idea that it was called a circle on Earth. However, the circles on Earth were mostly created by business moguls and not the entire organization joined them but individuals.

Chapter 1184: Lin Huang Comes Out of Closed-door Cultivation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The winter in Emperor City was not considered cold. It would drop below zero degrees Celsius occasionally and sometimes it would snow.

However, it was mid-February at the moment. It was close to the New Year, and half of the winter had passed. The temperature was slowly turning warmer.

As it was close to the New Year, the entire Emperor City seemed rather prosperous.

"It'll be New Year's Eve the day after tomorrow. When will Brother come out of his closed-door cultivation?"

Lin Xin had been feeling down the past few days because in two days, it would be New Year's Eve, but Lin Huang was still in closed-door cultivation.

"Master Tianfu said that the Emperor will be in closed-door cultivation for two months, so he should be out within these two days," comforted Xiao Mo who was sitting next to her. He had officially joined Dynasty. Naturally, he was addressing Lin Huang and Huang Tianfu differently now. However, the task Huang Tianfu had assigned him was very simple. It was the same as before, which was to protect Lin Xin at all times.

"I hope that he can get out from his closed-door cultivation before the year ends so that I can say goodbye to him," Chan Dou who was aside could not help but speak up.

"Boss Chan, are you really going back to the Chan Clan?" Lin Xin asked immediately.

"It's New Year's Eve after all. I must be with my family no matter what. Moreover, I can't be hiding the truth that I'm alive from them forever," Chan Dou replied while smiling.

"But your memory…" Xiao Mo was a little concerned.

"Although my memory has yet to recover, my combat strength had elevated by three ranks within half a year in Dynasty. I'm on imperial-level white gold-rank now, and I can fight a demigod by force if I ever encounter one. As long as those old monsters hiding in the organizations don't show up, I should be able to protect myself.

"Even though I don't remember how my parents look like, this is a problem that I must face at the end of the day as long as my memory doesn't fully recover. There's no need to keep dragging it out. I'd rather face it now and solve it as soon as I can. Also, I thought going back to the Chan Clan might be helpful to recover my memory as I'd be in an environment that I was once familiar with," Chan Bai explained what he was thinking about honestly.

"So, will you come back to Dynasty, Boss Chan?" Lin Xin asked again.

"I will visit all of you when I have the time," Chan Dou said with a gentle smile. In reality, he had no idea when he would come back after he left this time.

As the few of them were chatting, the doors to the Emperor's Palace opened all of a sudden. Two silhouettes walked out with Lin Huang being one of them leading the way.

He wore a black trench coat while Bloody in her red trench coat was not far away behind on his left.

Lin Huang walked straight to Dynasty's office as soon as he got out of the Emperor's Palace. With his Divine Telekinesis, he sensed that Huang Tianfu and Huang Wunan were around.

Everyone gaped at Lin Huang as soon as he stepped into the office building.

"Master Emperor!"

Lin Huang nodded lightly at them. "Proceed with your own stuff. Ignore me," he said and walked straight into the elevator with Bloody.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, everyone in the lobby began discussing excitedly among themselves.

"Who is that girl? She's so pretty!"

"Could she be the Master Emperor's girlfriend?"

"That might be possible. Didn't you see they were wearing couple trench coats? The colors were just different. One is black while the other is red."

Although the elevator was going up rapidly, Lin Huang, who was currently on imperial-level rank-3 and Bloody who was on Virtual God rank-2, heard the gossip loud and clear.

Lin Huang could not help but peek at what Bloody was wearing next to him. Her style indeed looked similar to his. Perhaps, she had copied it when she saw him. It was no wonder people misunderstood.

Nevertheless, he did not say anything about that.

His combat strength had broken through to imperial-level rank-3 during the closed-door cultivation this time.

Initially, he thought the combat strength of his summoning beasts would not elevate since he was on imperial-level. However, just when he elevated to imperial-level rank-2, something happened to Bloody. Her combat strength broke through imperial-level and arrived on Virtual God rank-1.

Lin Huang then checked through all of the other cards to find that all of the quadruple mutated mythical-level cards had elevated to virtual god-level. Meanwhile, Bai who was on pseudo-mythical-level had elevated too.

As he advanced to imperial-level rank-3, there was a transformation in the combat strength of his Monster Cards again. They reached Virtual God rank-2.

"I've found a way to elevate demigod-levels to virtual god-level." Lin Huang suddenly noticed something was off as soon as he said that. He corrected himself immediately. "To be exact, it was a method that Bloody simulated."

"Really?!" Huang Tianfu and Huang Wunan exclaimed in unison.

"I've done more than a million simulations and found the right way for the elevation. The success rate is 97.1%. As long as one's soul and body have no major flaws, the success rate is almost 100%!" Bloody announced her simulation result calmly.

Chapter 1185: Chan Dou Bids Farewell

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Huang Tianfu and Huang Wunan agreed to be the first batch of experiments upon hearing Lin Huang talking about elevating to virtual god-level.

The 97% success rate aside, even if the success rate was only 67%, the duo might have agreed to that too. One must know that elevating to virtual god-level one day was what all the demigods in the world were hoping for. Naturally, that included Huang Tianfu and Huang Wunan.

If someone else were to tell them that they had a way to elevate demigod to Virtual God, Huang Tianfu and Huang Wunan might scoff at the person, thinking that it was a lie. However, since it was Lin Huang who said that, the impossible became possible. The duo did not hesitate at all and chose to believe him.

After Lin Huang left, Huang Tianfu contacted Huang Tufu immediately. However, he did not tell him what was it about on the Emperor's Heart Ring. He just told Huang Tufu to get back to Emperor City.

As Lin Huang walked out of the office, the first thing he did was to get to the compound that Lin Xin was staying in.

It was two days before New Year's Eve. That girl must have been complaining about him every day.

He heard Lin Xin, Xiao Mo, and Chan Dou's chatter as soon as he walked into the courtyard.

Scanning the area with his Divine Telekinises, he found out the trio's combat strength crystal clear.

Lin Xin had elevated to immortal-level and was already on immortal-level rank-6 now. Clearly, she had been suppressing her speed of elevating.

Xiao Mo had already achieved imperial-level yellow gold-rank since he was healed. Clearly, he had not slacked off.

Among the three of them, Chan Dou was the one who had the highest combat strength. He was already on imperial-level white gold-rank now and was only one step away from imperial-level purple gold-rank. Compared to a holy fire-level, an imperial-level powerhouse could advance three ranks within half a year. It was even a few times faster than Xiao Mo whose body had been transformed by the Crow God before.

Lin Huang could not help but exclaim secretly, 'He deserves to be one of the Five Princes, the highest powerhouse among the supreme geniuses!" He knew very well that if he had no conduit such as Xiao Hei, he could never compare to Chan Dou no matter whether it was talent or potential.

Talking about the real talent and potential, the Five Princes, including Chan Dou and Huang Wuji, suppressed the era in this gravel world.

Lin Huang appeared before the trio in a flash after some observation. "What are you guys talking about? It sounds fun."

The three of them were stunned to see him appear out of nowhere.

"Brother, you've finally gotten out! I would have to see you next year if you didn't get out in time," Lin Xin teased him while smiling.

"You silly girl, do you think I don't know when New Year's Eve is?" Lin Huang shook his head while saying with a smile, "Of course, I went into closed-door cultivation after careful calculation."

"Master Emperor." Xiao Mo cupped his hands. He was now a Dynasty member. Naturally, he could not be as casual as he had been before when speaking to Lin Huang.

"We're family. There's no need to be so serious. I got you to join Dynasty so that it's easier for you to obtain cultivation resources. I didn't mean for you to learn all these."

"I must obey the basic rules." Xiao Mo remained respectful.

Seeing that Chan Dou did not speak, Lin Xin could not help it and informed Lin Huang, "Brother, Boss Chan is leaving."

Lin Huang spun around to look at Chan Dou with a delighted expression. "Boss Chan, so you've made up your mind!"

"I have," Chan Dou responded while nodding, "I've been waiting for you to get out of your closed-door cultivation so that I can say goodbye. Thanks for taking care of me for half a year!"

"Don't worry about it, Boss Chan. You took care of me back when we were at the Genius Union, so I should be the one thanking you."

"Although I don't remember anything about the Genius Union, it feels good to know that I used to be your boss," Chan Dou said while smiling.

After all, Lin Huang was the mighty Emperor of Dynasty now. Moreover, he was collaborating with a few of the top organizations including the Union Government. Dynasty was one of the biggest influential organizations in the whole gravel world now, hence it made sense for Chan Dou to feel proud about being such a person's boss in the past.

Lin Huang could not help but chuckle out loud after hearing what Chan Dou said.

"You were glorious when you were the chief of the Heaven Alliance. You were on par with me. You'll remember it when your memory recovers."

"I also hope to recover my memory soon, but I can't force such a thing to happen. I'll just go with the flow." Chan Dou smiled lightly. "Perhaps, I might recall something when I return home in the environment that I was familiar with."

"It'll be New Year's Eve in a few days. I shall leave today, so I'll be able to familiarize myself since I'm going back a few days ahead. I can prevent myself from forgetting my family members and their names during the New Year."

"The Chan Clan…" Lin Huang hesitated and said it anyway, "The Chan Clan was in chaos during the six months since you went missing in May last year. Although your father is still the master of the clan, he has been challenged. The Chan Clan has been divided into three sects, and all of them are fighting to be the master of the clan. They are also fostering a supreme genius each. You must be careful in everything you do when you return. Don't be betrayed by your own family."

Chan Dou narrowed his eyes after hearing that. He only nodded at Lin Huang after a moment of silence. "Thanks for reminding me."But it's good for you to go back now. It's New Year's Eve. Everyone will be busy. Nobody has the time and strength to be fighting. Moreover, since you're alive, it'll be the best piece of news of the year for your father." Lin Huang patted Chan Dou's arm.

"You can consider joining Dynasty if you're eager to join an organization after you're done handling your matters at home. I've reserved a good position for you. Whether I'm in this gravel world or not, Dynasty's doors will forever be opened for you."

"I'll think about that," Chan Dou nodded in all seriousness. He was not perfunctory at all when he said that. He was really putting Dynasty the first in his list.

As Chan Dou took out a dimensional portal from his Emperor's Heart Ring, Lin Huang and the other two watched him disappeared after stepping in. (Lin Huang found Chan Dou's Emperor's Heart Ring among the loot he gotten after fighting God Bless. He then returned it to him.)

"Brother! Why didn't you get him to stay?" Lin Xin asked while watching Chan Dou leave. "The Chan Clan is in chaos now, but he has yet to recover his memories."

"He has to face what's happening at home sooner or later. His memory didn't recover the slightest bit throughout the past half a year. He can't keep dragging it out if he doesn't recover in ten or 20 years. Moreover, for the Chan Clan, the earlier they solve the internal conflict, the better. It'll be too late to remedy it if this goes on."

"What if the people in the Chan Clan attack him for the position of master?" Xiao Mo asked all of a sudden. He was trained by the Purple Crow, so he had seen and heard about many of such filthy doings.

Lin Huang could not help but snicker after hearing what Xiao Mo said. "Don't underestimate Chan Dou. He can fight a demigod with his current ability. As long as he doesn't encounter any virtual god-level powerhouses the organizations are hiding, he's basically conquered the entire gravel world. It would be seeking death if someone stupid in the Chan Clan decides to attack him.

"You guys have only seen his gentle and quiet side throughout the half a year. That's why you're afraid that he might be bullied. Do you really think a man who was the boss of the Heaven Alliance could be bullied by just anyone?!""That scenario has crossed my mind from the very beginning. That's why I've come up with two plans." Lin Huang nodded lightly. "I'll drag Misery in after the new year. By then, Misery would be leading the entire underground organization that would be supporting Dynasty. That's my first plan."

"Misery?!" Mr. Fu looked at Lin Huang with his eyes widened.

"Misery is now under me. Just like Dynasty, I've added them into the Royal's affiliate organization list. There's no need to worry about them betraying me," Lin Huang smiled as he explained.

Mr. Fu was stunned for a moment before asking, "So you were the mastermind behind Misery's earlier release of new regulations integrating the enture underground organization?"

Yes." Lin Huang nodded. "I made that decision after discussing with Bloody and Grimace."

"After all, I neither have enough time and effort to turn all the underground organizations neutral like I did to Dynasty, nor can I stop everyone in the whole world from being evil. Therefore, the decision Bloody, Grimace and I came up with was that we might as well support one powerful organization among the underground organizations, and get them to lead the development of the underground organizations. The regulations enforced at the moment can't completely stop them from crimes, but it can restrict some of their evil doings. However, it will improve slowly and subtly transform the entire underground organization."

Mr. Fu nodded after listening to that, "What you have planned is great but it's going to be tough. I admit that despite most people having a good nature, they could possibly commit a crime on impulse or when they're forced into a corner. However, there are people who are born evil. It's in their bones, and there are no regulations or restrictions that will change them."

"I know that. We'll kill those who are born evil if we ever encounter any. I won't waste my effort trying to turn someone good," Lin Huang said as he smiled.

Mr. Fu nodded after seeing Lin Huang come to such a realization and moved on from that topic.

"You said you came up with two plans. Misery was the first one… so what's the second one?"

Hearing that, Lin Huang simply shot Mr. Fu a smile while remaining silent.

Mr. Fu was initially puzzled but later reacted by pointing at himself. "Are you talking about me?"

"Master, your ability has recovered and it's improving. I hope that you can make a comeback and guard Dynasty for me when I'm away from this gravel world!" Lin Huang nodded along with his request.

"Are you going to the great world?" Mr. Fu frowned slightly when he heard that.

"Yes. My cultivation system is different from regular ones. It's very hard for me to elevate here in the gravel world. Moreover, the disaster is coming really soon, and I don't think it's wise to be a sitting duck. I'm thinking of going to the great world to look for the crux so we can eradicate this problem of our world being attacked."

"But your current combat strength…" Mr. Fu was still concerned of Lin Huang's combat strength.

"Master, my ability is more than enough to protect myself," Lin Huang's body began rapidly disintegrating into pieces the moment he finished speaking. The entire god-level ship and the Peaceful Ocean below the ship disintegrated along with him as well.

Mr. Fu was stunned as he saw the events unfolding before his eyes, not believing even for a moment that he could be caught in an illusion without even realizing it.


"Master, that was just a little demonstration I performed for you. Sorry if I've offended you," Lin Huang put the tea cup down while smiling. He was still sitting still as if the events that happened earlier did not happen.

Mr. Fu had just noticed a monster that looked like a tiger with long trunk that appeared next to Lin Huang without him even noticing. Shock flashed through his eyes as he could clearly sense the Virtual God rank-8 combat strength of the monster.

Noticing Mr. Fu's stare, Lin Huang introduced it with a smile, "This is Nightmare Tapir, he was the one who created the dreamland earlier."

"Such a bizarre illusion ability!" Mr. Fu could not help but exclaim.

"I currently have three imperial monsters that have similar ability to him," Lin Huang added.

"No wonder you managed to oppress Misery. I should've thought of this." Although Mr. Fu said that, he had no idea exactly how powerful the most compelling Misery member was. All that he knew was that Misery had more Virtual Gods than any of the other top organizations.

"So when do you plan to leave?" Mr. Fu asked again after snapping back from his shock.

"I'll leave after New Year when I'm done sorting out the follow-up and some other stuff on my plate," In reality, Lin Huang was planning to leave after he broke through to imperial-level. However, he countered many things throughout these few months which he had to postpone his plan until now.

"And when do you plan to come back?"

"I'll try my best to come back within a year. Although the Union Government foresees that the disaster will take three years to hit, their estimation might not be accurate. Moreover, more than half a year had passed since the three-year speculation. We don't have much time left." In reality, Lin Huang knew that the one-year period that he gave himself was rather tight.

"Sure, I'll guard Dynasty for you for a year. But I'm telling you beforehand, this old thing can't bear much torture. I'll leave when one year is up. You better come back alive within a year or I'll trade everything within Dynasty's treasury into food if you're late for even a day. I'll remove all of the doors if you're two days late. I'll tear all of the floors, walls and ceilings if you're late for three days!"

Lin Huang was unsure whether to laugh or cry hearing that…