

After ending the limit test, Felix planned on staying put for a minute until the aching goes away.

He would rather waste a minute than walk forward, stepping on those lines and words that could be a trap keys waiting for a prey to step on.

Asna didn't give him directions as she was waiting until he reactivates his infrared vision.

It sounded quite weird that passive abilities could be activated as well. However, there was a quite big difference between active abilities and passives on the way they activate.

As active abilities require only elemental energy for to work, simple as that. Meanwhile, passives were split into two types.

One, passives that provide an instant buff to the host without needing anything in return. Such as Felix's Poison immunity and Superstrength.

Two, passives that need mental energy or brainpower to handle their continuous activation load, like infrared vision, night vision, cloud surfing ext.

Those passives shone only on stronger bloodliners who reached higher stages of replacement. As their mental strength got stronger to the point it could handle the continuous activation of those passives without repercussions. Turing them into the first type of passives.

Unfortunately, Felix was still far from that stage. He could keep his infrared vision on for one hour or two at best. And that's only if he focused on nearby areas. If he decided to push its potential to the limit, his head would start aching again.

'Alright show the way. It's time to hunt.'

Felix inspected the ground ahead of him in black and white, not seeing any other color but the two. He turned his head to the left and noticed an array of shimmering red rifles pointing at a spot a few meters ahead of him. He looked to his right side as well and found nothing to worry about.

Although Felix could only see the hidden traps, but not the mechanism needed to activate them, he was not worried at all. The ability to see danger beforehand was enough for him to not get touched by a single trap.

Traps were deadly only because they were hidden, but if they were exposed like this, at least 90% of their power gets taken away.

Asna did not dilly dally as she told him enthusiastically to head right first then left and keep going straight ahead until he meets three paths cross.

Immediately after getting a clear direction, Felix bolted forward while keeping close attention to the trap at his right, preparing at any given moment to dodge.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

As expected, the trap activated the moment he stepped on a beautiful image of a flower, lighting it up as well as the rifles pointing at him.

With a bit of difficulty, Felix narrowly dodged the bullets by rolling forward three times until he got outside of the danger area. Though he saw them beforehand, dodging bullets wasn't an evade that any average joe could pull off.

His fans and Madam Zoe, who was low-key paying attention to him while commentating on other players, were left in disbelief at his inhuman reflexes.

His fans were just arguing with each other if Felix would activate the trap or not, and if he did would he be able to survive it unscathed.

Yet, they didn't think that his reflexes were honed to such a degree that allowed him to pass through the danger zone unharmed!

They bought Omnipotent vision that allowed them to see all the traps and hidden compartments so they wouldn't miss any player downfall by traps.

Based on what they saw so far, at least 15 players got heavily wounded or died by those traps. Not a single one of them managed to leave in one piece like Felix!

Before long, their shock turned into amazement and finally to numbness as they continued to watch Felix evade trap by trap while sprinting towards the three path cross that Asna mentioned.

Not a single one managed to touch Felix's clothes, from bullets, arrows, spears to elemental attacks such as fire snakes and lightning bolts.

What's even funnier was the smirking yellow emoji on Felix's dark hoodie that kept that expression no matter how many dangers Felix went through to reach his destination.

The spectators and Zoe felt like they were being looked down upon by that emoji over their lack of understanding of how Felix managed to pull that off.

"Do you think he was using x-ray vision passive to spot traps beforehand?"

"Well either that or he had future predicting ability. I would rather believe that he could see the future than accept that he had that kind of busted reflexes."

"You guys are just hating!! Why didn't you say anything when other hardcore players dodged those traps as well?"

"Are you really comparing the way they dodged with Landlord's?!! Some of them almost f*cking died doing so, while Landlord passed through them with his hands in his pockets!"

"Open your dog eyes and look at the replay on the screen! He wa...Uhm? Why is the MC not showing it?"

The spectator froze as he noticed that another player was being displayed on the large screen, and not Felix's highlight that was worth the exposure.

He pointed his finger at the screen and yelled, "What the hell?!! Why are you showing us a player getting devoured by a beast? F*ck, we want to see Landlord outplay!"

Incensed and enraged, the other spectators near him booed as well with their thumbs down at Zoe's incompetence to not notice such a fine play.

They assumed so, but the truth was that Zoe already saw what Felix did, but still refused to highlight it.

She was truly holding a grudge at his earlier disregard!

Too bad, she didn't think that the booing would get louder and louder, as news spread quickly between the spectators that they missed an amazing play, but the MC refused to show it to them.


The spectators kept booing, using either gadgets or their hands on their mouths. The majority did so just because the rest were doing it. They didn't even care to see Felix's play

As long as they were following the herd, they were okay with anything.

However, those sheep were the ones who brought the biggest trouble to Zoe. She knew that Felix's club would not love the way she was treating him, but she didn't expect others who had their own clubs, to join in the fun.

After seeing that things were going off the rail, she quickly highlighted Felix's previous play to appease them. She didn't want to fight against the wishes of the crowd for simply a tantrum she was throwing. Otherwise, she could forget about obtaining the promotion she was anticipating after this game.

"Please excuse me my dears for not noticing Landlord's highlight." She pouted cutely while bowing slightly as an apology, showing her cleavage on the screen. The enraged spectators gradually contained their voices like a spell was cast on them.

How could they not after seeing such a ravishing beauty acting this way to appease them?

The female spectators all had jealous expressions clouding their faces after seeing the skillful way Zoe tamed those men. But they understood that the only reason why the men were so easily controllable by her was because she was using her real face and assets unlike them!

In the SG, every female MC was required to be a stunning beauty in real life to be able to join the job interview. However, because of this term, the skill requirements were lowered in comparison to male MCs.

This was the main reason why high ranked players were constantly trying to woe her. It was already hard enough to find a real beauty that did not modify her face in the UVR, don't even mention Zoe who had a glorious career plus the looks.

'Sigh, I should stop messing around in this game. I can't ruin my ticket to promotion over that bastard.'

After making her decision, she started commentating on Felix's previous highlight animatedly, not caring anymore about her grudge. However, that's the only thing she did.

As the moment she finished, she quickly replaced Felix's highlight with Mastermania one's, like she was shooing away a curse.

But the spectators didn't complain much about it since Mastermania was about to fight a Three-headed alligator-like beast made out of cracked clay skin and dripping mud from its mouths.

"Can Mastermania overcome rare tier 2 Soil Wraith to obtain the blue chest behind it?!" Zoe shouted.

The audience held their breaths in excitement as they watched Mastermania confronting the beast.


Mastermania kept pondering on ways to defeat the monstrosity that was glaring at him fiercely. He already spent 3 minutes now evading its attacks and analyzing its strengths and weaknesses.

So far, he gained a clear understanding that this beast was one of the immortal types that could not be killed nor physically harmed.

However, they had a massive weakness, and that was their core that held their soul. As long as he destroys it, the beast would crumble on itself.

Mastermania knew so as well, but he couldn't do much about it, as the core kept coursing through the body of the beast, stopping only when it was about to attack.

"I need to time my counter-attack perfectly with its attack to be able to kill it." He spoke out loud with narrowed eyes, even though he was the only one with the beast.

But the spectators were already used to this, as the majority of idols used this method to speak with their fans akin to protagonists in movies.

The fans were actually the ones who proposed this idea to their idols way before, and since the idols were slaves to their fans' wishes, they agreed numbly. They went through much worse requests than this before.

However, it turned out that the idols who spoke out loud their attacks or couple of dramatic sentences were the ones who toppled up the popularity idol polls!

From that moment on, every idol was forced to speak everything he planned to do as dramatically as possible.

Just like Mastermania now, who kept taunting the beast out loud while pointing a finger at it.


Finally not able to handles the prick's taunts, Soil Wraith dashed towards him while covering its self with a solid brown skin made of clay.

Just as it wanted to open its jaw and spew mud as it did before, Mastermania smacked his palm at the metallic floor while calling out loud, "Shadows Spikes!!"

Immediately after, an array of pointy sharp dark spikes sprung up from the beast's shadow, penetrating its clay skin from underneath and behind!

Before the beast could even wail, Mastermania slapped his other palm and yelled the same attack again.

He knew that the moment he stopped his pressure, the beast would begin his rejuvenation. So, he must keep attacking until a spike luckily lands on the core.


Fortunately for him, that didn't take long. After the third activation, the beast's clay skin shattered completely after the core was taken care of. The body of the beast disintegrated into light particles, leaving behind a number, hovering in the air.

300 GP!

Mastermania gave a close-lipped smile at the fat reward he obtained. Although he consumed quite a few points of energy while doing so, it was worth it in his opinion.

After all, 400 GP was still waiting for him inside the blue chest that was guarded before by the beast. This would bring the total amount to a whopping 700 GP from one battle!

No wonder Felix had to turn this game into a farming competition and not exit seeking!

Mastermania approached the blue chest while massaging his red palms inside his pockets, not daring to show this action to his fans, who were cheering for him with their arms raised and flushed cheeks after his victory.

He had to slap his palm on the ground on each activation to appear cool based on his fans request. If he could choose, he would have simply snapped his fingers like a normal human being.

Alas, slaves had no wishes.

'F*cking hell, those fans are going to be the death of me.' Depressed, he thought while opening the chest as slow as possible for extra effects.

As always! Mastermania's epic tier 2 Phantom Cat bloodline never fails to deliver! Who can resist its illusive abilities?!"

Zoe was clearly more animated in her commentary than before. She kept using gestures and controlling the tone of her voice professionally, switching from passionate to impassive.

Soon after getting done with Mastermania, she took a sneak peek at Felix's situation without focusing the camera on him.

'The hell? Did he kill the rare rank beast ahead of him already?!'

She couldn't believe her eyes, so she doubled checked the replay, watching him bully the beast with his Poison inducements.

It wasn't even a fair fight, as Felix simply activated his paralyze aura and dashed towards the beast, bringing it into his domain. Although the beast's poison resistance was exceedingly tougher than what Felix had to deal with before. Still, the inducement didn't disappoint, as it took only a few extra whiffs before it did the deed.

Felix didn't have the habit of playing with his food, so he finished the paralyzed beast by using a finger to pierce its skull. He cleaned his finger with a handkerchief and went to the next prey he marked.

Zoe tightened her lips at this sight; she knew that Felix was an opponent not to be messed with, not even by the hardcore players. If they kept that mentality that he was still in the purification realm, they would truly have a tough time dealing with him.

'Whatever, even though I hate this bastard, I got to admit, him being the underdog in the wager will make the game more entertaining.'

Zoe rubbed her eyebrows, not knowing whether to focus the camera on Felix or not. She understood that unless Felix made an amazing play like before, the spectators wouldn't boo her again besides Felix's fan club of course.

But what could they do? It's not like Felix was the only player in the game who was playing well. Rather, there were at least 30 or more players, making outplays and highlights each second within the maze. Too bad, there was only one screen for the live audience to focus on.

This meant, if Felix didn't pull something off that would shock everyone, Zoe could literary not show his face throughout the entire game.

As for killing rare ranked beasts? At least 7 of the hardcore players within the bet did so as well by now. Felix only made the kill appear cleaner and smoother than them, nothing more.

Zoe was on the verge of pulling her hair out at this matter, should she give up on her grudge entirely and focus on him or not?

'Argh! F*ck it! I will give him one chance to prove whether he deserves full coverage or not.'

She stopped thinking about it and just did it, putting Felix on the large screen, replacing Mastermania who was still talking out loud alone like a retard, while touching here and there for traps.

Surprised, the majority of the spectators raised an eyebrow after seeing Landlord on the screen again. They assumed that it was a replay of a highlight he did, which forced Zoe to play it. But soon, they realized that this was the real deal! They were watching Felix's current state live.

Felix's club cheered and drummed deafeningly after their idol finally made an appearance. Although they were all watching Felix by using their enhancement vision, the feeling was not the same as having him on the large screen, being focused on by tens of millions of spectators, empire-wide.

They truly believed that Landlord provoked Zoe quite a bit by his antics during the interview segment. Zoe not showing his highlight further enhanced their belief. So they thought that Landlord wasn't going to have good exposure in this game.

Who knew that Zoe would let bygones be bygones, and surprise them like this?

"Sorry for calling you b*tch before Madam Zoe!!"

"Tsk, that's nothing I cursed her mother to the grave."

"Both of you guys are a disappointment to this club." The orange bearded number 1 fan, clutched both of their necks with narrowed eyes and said, "If you didn't curse her eight ancestral, you are nothing but fake fans!!"

"Give them a break Big Orange, you are scaring the newbies." The founder of the club latched into his thick forearm and tried to free those poor dudes.

"I apologize leader Emma." Big Orange released them instantly after feeling his club leader's chest pressed on his arm. He grinned widely as he enjoyed the feeling.

'Bastard, I knew that something was wrong when he ditched Hukami club for this one.'

Big Orange little sister, gritted her teeth as she glared at his foolish grin. It was clear that her perv brother's only reason for joining Felix's club was for the beautiful mature leader, as for those actions of berating the newbies? They were merely a ruse to make him steal a few quick touches here and there.

For Felix to have his proclaimed number 1 fan, to be a perv who only cheered for him due to Leader Emma, was truly an injustice to his primogenitor bloodline.

"Be quiet guys!! Landlord is about to confront an epic rank beast!" The boy with glasses, who wrote Felix's biography on the website, shushed them so he could focus on the upcoming battle.

He didn't know if Landlord was going to use any new inducements or abilities, but his squinted eyes, were enough to show that he took everything that Felix did or about to, very seriously.

Leader Emma and Big O sat down in their seats. The only difference between them was that Emma gave orders to all the spread club members around the stadium to prepare themselves, while Big O, wore his cheering gadget with precise movement like he was preparing for an upcoming war.

However, no matter what task those fans had, one thing remained constant in all of them, and that was their torch-like eyes, as they watched Felix turn left and face a humongous beast that had an Iron metallic skin, spiky long tail, five sharp claws in each of his six limbs, and finally, his shark wide mouth, exposing a set of fierce razor teeth.

"How will Landlord handle the Iron Shark Titan with his inducement?! The Beast has total immunity to poisons!!" Zoe's eyes shone in delight as she yelled.


Meanwhile, in the maze, Felix took a defensive stance in front of the Iron Titan. He knew that this battle was going to be an intense one.

He already lost 70% of his strength before the battle even began, as metal elemental beasts were the true counter to poison elementalists.

After all, how could a battle be fought, when metal beasts treat poison the same as air? Not to mention their hard solid metallic skins, which were known for taking a beating without an issue?

This would lower Felix's strength even further. However, Felix didn't appear worried to the spectators and Zoe, who believed that this battle would be the worst matchup for him.

The battle might be intense but it wasn't doomed in his eyes.

Confident, Felix smirked and cracked his knuckles while sizing up the humongous beast with his shimmering red slits.

'Might as well give my fans something to brag about.'

He leaned forward with hands in his large-sized hoodie pockets, and dashed swiftly towards the beast, deciding to go on offense.


What welcomed Felix's reckless dash was a sharp claw, coming from above, trying to slice him into five portions. Felix didn't even lift his head to glance at it. He simply hurled himself to the left wall, uncaring about the massive pressure above him.


The claw smashed into the ground, sending a shock wave around the area. Yet, the ground wasn't even scratched by those deadly claws.

Meanwhile, Felix's feet latched into the wall defying gravity. Without wasting a split second, he bent his knees and threw himself towards the extended metallic limb.

'Poison immunity?'

He smirked as he created two brownish bombs in both of his hands, still mid-air. The spectators and the beast had no idea about them as Felix's hands were still in his pockets!

However, they soon found out after Felix threw them swiftly towards the beast's eyes, right before he hugged its scaled metallic elbow.

Poof Poof!

The bombs somehow affected the beast, as its eyes became red, with a hint of brownish rust on its eyelids!

Before Zoe could even commentate about what had just happened, Felix gave an enigmatic smile and called softly, "Oxidation Aura!"

Without warning, a brownish mist emerged from all of his body pores until it engulfed him and the beast within.


A delayed pitiful cry echoed between the maze walls. The Iron Titan, who everyone assumed had a terrifying defense and immunity to poison was threshing around, as its humongous body began showing clear marks of brownish rust, especially on its joints!

Felix gripped its elbow tightly, so he wouldn't be thrown away. He knew that this was the perfect opportunity to eliminate the beast without losing a considerable amount of energy. If the Titan escaped, he would be wary of Felix, not daring to enter the poisonous aura's diameter anymore.

Felix understood that his bombs were quite inefficient in this battle, as the beast's humongous size counters them effectively. To actually finish the job using only poison bombs, his energy consumption would take a toll on his tank.

Thus, his only option was to stick to the beast akin to chewing gum, unmoving even if he was being smacked around.

'Hahaha, Felix are you enjoying your time?'

Asna held her stomach as she laughed at Felix's pathetic sight. How could she not, when Felix was being smashed from one wall to another until he began to get dizzy.

However, the frenzied Titan actions soon began to get clunky, as each time it tried to move its limbs, the joints made creaking noises.

Felix sighed in relief after he heard those sounds. He raised his head and noticed that the elbow he was glued to was showing signs of decay. He smirked and suddenly punched the rustiest area.


His punch easily shattered the metallic bone into small pieces, raising a cloud of rusty dust in the process. He coughed, but he didn't stop his barrage. He kept shattering bone after bone, until the Titan's elbow was snapped into half, leaving its arm dangling by a strand of metallic skin.

Felix didn't wait to see the result of his strikes, as he climbed the humongous body, heading towards the head. Yet, the Titan didn't sit still and wait for him to reach. It was already in agony after its limb got ripped apart.

It knew based on instinct that it would be doomed if Felix brought a higher potency of that poison, closer to its head.

So it aimed its long spiky tail at that bug on its body, planning to pierce it. However, Felix swiftly dodged those attempts, as he expected that the beast was going to make a few last attempts before he checkmates it.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The tail kept missing its target each time, as Felix was too elusive to be hit. He jumped from one body part to another like a monkey on a tree, uncaring about his image in each jump.

'Jump Monkey! Jump!'

Asna was having the best time of her life as she kept laughing at his silly appearance. But Felix ignored her jeers entirely. He was already performing better than expected in his eyes.

This melee fighting style was totally a new field for him. In his previous life, he always kept his distance from his enemies and used his ranged elemental abilities.

However, now he was getting dirty and close with a beast 20 times his size!

A notion he never thought was possible before. So, no matter how much that hater laughed at his unsightly dodging techniques, he didn't take it to heart.

Before long, the beast's speedy tail, gradually slowed down, as the rust began to eat its joint as well.

Earlier, it was the healthiest part of the Titan, as it was outside of Felix's *Oxidation Aura*, but after those constant piercing attempts, it was exposed to it continuously. Felix was waiting for only this to happen, so he could begin his real offense.

'Alright, no need to waste more energy on it.'

Felix withdrew his aura, leaving him exposed to the spectators and Zoe, who were watching everything that happened inside the brownish mist with gobsmacked expressions.

The knowledgeable VIP viewers were shocked about the fact that Felix was able to use 6 inducements, surpassing the known limit of having only five, while the regular spectators were dumbfounded about the inducement effect itself.

Oxidation Poison?! You must be pulling my leg with such a sick joke! They thought to themselves.