

Millions upon millions of search results all having his name, pictures, the shuffle maze he was playing in, videos of his battles, requests to join his club, people asking for his VR social media account, and many more interesting results.

The more he scrolled down, the bigger his grin got. He didn't believe that he would actually go viral in the UVR from his 2nd game only.

Although he went viral only in the Mariana Empire, it was more than enough for Felix, who never actually went viral even in the Alexandar kingdom! But now, the entire empire was talking about him!

Who could blame them?

Felix's run on the Shuffle Maze should have made him at least get nominated as an MVP of the month. He slew three beasts, two epics, and one legendary. His total kill tally was eight and three of them were hardcore players. All of this was done solo without anyone's assistance. Sadly, Zoe was his MC.

Somewhat eager, Felix clicked on a video and was transferred into the website called ]VRVidoes[. This site was almost the same as earthlings' youtube, just universal. But still, the site prioritizes showing videos based on the territory one was at.

Felix was in the Alexander Kingdom that was on the Mariana Empire territory, this meant only videos of the empire would reach his feed.

The site was designed as such to not confuse the viewers with the infinite number of videos. Though people could still watch other territories' videos. However, the process was a bit of a pain in the ass.

"Let's see how many viewers did I get." He smiled eagerly while scrolling down the video, wanting to check on view count as well as the comments. He didn't bother to watch the video as it was a replay of his fight with the Trypo Mother Spider.

"Hahaha! not bad, not bad at all!"

The moment his eyes landed on the eight-digit number, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, beyond satisfied.

A total of 98 million viewers in the past 6 hours or so, and still rising each second!

If it was another player, he would have probably cried himself out or made a party celebrate putting a real mark in the UVR.

However, Felix just smiled and continued scrolling down, checking on the comments and how did people react.

[This is my first time ever seeing a player fight against a legendary beast using only two active abilities!]

[No wonder he got viral! His bloodline let him use much more poison inducements than the known number!]

[Why was he totally unaffected by the mother spider's poison? Is it just me who thinks that was a bit weird?]

[Look at him dodge like a monkey! Tsk, can't believe even this type of player can go viral nowadays.]

[So nutty! I can't believe I actually missed watching this game live!]

The comments were endless, reaching hundreds of thousands, some were complementing Felix on his battle, some were simply trolling and hating on his fame.

Attracting hate was the true indicator of one going insanely famous. Thus, Felix wasn't annoyed by those comments. He simply ignored them and swiped the video to the left, wanting to see another one.

This time he didn't choose a fight against beasts but sought to see the viewers' reaction to his battle vs Solar Mist's party.

He kept scrolling down tens upon tens of his videos all about his battles and struggles in the maze. Some were about his fight with the Iron Titan, Terror Serpent, Lazy Rat, Charming Sky, and even Mastermania, while some videos were about him dodging the traps, entering the hidden compartment, showcasing fireworks, drama with Zoe, and such.

Everything that had any relation to Felix was split into parts and uploaded on the website.

"My fans are truly working their ass off." He smiled, "I should probably reward them later on."

Felix didn't even need to guess to know that his club were the ones responsible for editing those videos and uploading them so fast.

All of those videos took a good effort to be this well-made. No one had that much free time to help Felix increase his popularity besides his loyal fans.

Soon enough, Felix found what he was looking for. It was a video that was 15 minutes long and tilted ]Landlord Risen From The Dead![. Felix chuckled at the title and clicked play.

Surprised, he raised an eyebrow at what he was seeing. The video actually started from the middle of the maze, where Solar Mist's party were making amend to their plan.

Of course, the dragged out useless parts were edited, but what was said inside the video was enough for Felix to understand the full picture of what happened.

Before, he was planning to watch the game replay to solve his doubts. Such as Solar Mist's party locating him in such a short time, and especially, the reason that caused the game to be delayed until the last second. But now, there was no need. This video solved all of his doubts in one full sweep.

'No wonder that bastard nodded his head to me.' He thought of the time Hound Stench gave him a polite friendly nod.

He was solely responsible for finding him and putting him in that deadly situation, yet he had the nerve to nod in a friendly manner as nothing happened.

'Forget it, they did me a favor by blocking the exit.' He mused at the sight of 25 players all standing around the maze's exit, protecting it as their lives depended on it. He never thought that his enemies were the ones, who helped him get the championship in the end.

Truly good deeds arrive from one least expected.

After watching for only a couple of minutes, Felix stopped the video and scrolled down.


The first thing he saw was the viewership that surpassed the 100 million barrier and was about to reach 150 million!

The Shuffle Maze game was watched live by only 35 million spectators. Yet, Felix's video had four times that amount!

Just 1% of those viewers deciding on a whim to follow Felix and his fanbase would increase by triple. In other words, his streaming revenue would increase by triple as well.

Soon, Felix began reading the comment section that had a million comments or so. He scrolled down while reading with his eyes the comments that interested him.

[To actually survive after getting hit by that sun, his ultimate ability was not a joke!]

[Astonishing, just astonishing...]

[Does anyone knows what the hell was that pitch-black inducement? I have never seen anything like it before, and I am a 3rd stage poison Elementalist!]

[I watched both of his games, and so far he used five more inducements on the original five he used in the first game!]

[A veteran player here, I just want to know how was he able to regain his energy back! Did he cheat or was his ultimate ability doing?]

Felix clicked on this comment and saw that he had hundreds of replies on it, each with their own unique answer.

[It must be his ultimate ability. It's impossible to cheat under the eyes of the Queen.]

However, the majority still commentated as such, believing that Felix's ultimate ability could heal him and also recover his energy. There were quite a few abilities that could do the same, so it wasn't really that hard to believe.

"Good, no one suspected anything." Felix was simply glad that everyone was duped by his passive ability.

As long as no one starts asking questions about the number of abilities he was using, he was good with them talking about anything else.

After a while, Felix got tired of watching his videos and reading comments. Although he liked what he was seeing, he knew that those videos weren't the cause that truly made him viral.

Those videos exploding with viewership were only a result, a result of something much bigger that happened in the UVR.

Felix knew exactly where to look. He typed ]Supremacy Games News[ in the search bar and a list of the latest trending news in the Mariana Empire was displayed before him. He clicked on the list and a side hologram was manifested to his right.


1)Shocking! Heaven's Melody drop down from platinum rank to gold rank!

2) Idol Enigma terminate his contract with the TNG agency!

3) Idol SunFire finally proposes to Miss Lilly!

4) Scandal! Madam Zoe MC/Judge on the verge of promotion, getting demoted to bronze games commentary instead!

5) Goranian Team clinches their 4th win in a row!

6) Monaka Planet, getting kicked out of the SGA after losing their first 5 games in a row!


19) Landlord a total anonymous player astonishes the empire with his 2nd game!


50) Mr. Instalock, will he finally join the promotion game to platinum rank? //

This list was called the SGN and it was the most credible trending list in the entire UVR, as it was made by personal of the SGA themselves. Any news that landed on this list, would never get doubted or questioned about its truthfulness. Just like VRV, the list was showcasing only news in the Mariana empire.

Every title led to an article written based on reliable facts from reliable sources. Not a single title was clickbait. This made Felix understand just from reading the title that he probably put Zoe in deep shit.

Cough, Cough!

A bit embarrassed, He coughed and clicked on the title, wanting to see if he really was the one who caused her to get demoted.

After reading for a while, and watching videos of what happened during the stadium, Felix knew without a doubt that he had absolutely no relation to Zoe's demotion!

The fact that he left the game without attending any ceremony, or even the fact he turned the spectators against Zoe before leaving, both of them were simply some of the fuses Zoe's rivals needed to take away her promotion to mid elo. It had nothing to do with Felix. The SGA wouldn't demote Zoe simply due to one player.

However, the same couldn't be said when a couple of MCs made sure that all of Zoe's in-game flaws were highlighted to the public, creating an outrage.

She made a lot of flaws inside the game. Even the fact she threatened that wounded player to not ruin her promotion was made public by the player himself and was included in the article.

Felix shook his head and stopped reading midway after knowing exactly how his name got in the tongue of the commoners.

In their journey to bring down Zoe, the MCs had to spot as much light as possible on Felix, the main character of the game, who in their own words inside the article, "Was treated unjustly by Zoe after everything that he had done inside the game."

This made people try to figure who was Felix and what exactly had he done in the game to be spoken this highly by many known low elo MCs.

After they watched the replay, they couldn't help but marvel at his bloodline, anonymous character, his fighting style, and especially the way he always battles solo.

He was unique from the rest. they saw it and they loved it. This made them share their favorite parts of his battles in their media feed.

Some shared his fight with the legendary beast, while some shared his battle with Solar Mist's party. What mattered was that Felix kept getting more and more attention until an SGN editor published an article written about Felix and his achievements. This article reached the top 20 in the trending list, and still climbing fiercely.

Just like a snowball, the more attention Felix got, the more people started to see how Zoe treated Felix at the very end of the game.

This was exactly what those MCs wanted, for Zoe's flaws inside the game to attract the public eyes, which in turn would attract the SGA's attention.

The moment that happened, those little flaws she made would be turned into deadly swords, sharp enough to cut Zoe's career into a half.

All of this juicy drama happened only in the six hours that Felix slept.

A known MC had fallen from grace to damnation in only six hours.

"Rest in peace Madam Zoe." Felix sighed, feeling a bit bad for Zoe's fate. Especially, after he saw that she actually made him the focal point of the game since the start.

But it is what it is.

Felix knew that the MCs weren't doing this out of spite or hate, but simply to remove another competitor from getting a promotion to mid elo.

The MCs like the players also had their own competition ongoing between them. Fighting for promotion was one of the many targets they had a rivalry for.

Titus, Marlion, and Zoe were called all low elo MCs, responsible for commentating and judging bronze, silver, and gold games.

They could never commentate on games at a higher rank than gold. Unless they got promoted to mid elo! However, that wasn't easy. Promotion spots were limited, and there were millions of them competing for those spots.

Zoe was one of the MCs, who had been in a promotion spot for a while now. She only needed one final push to reach the middle elo.

Felix's game was the one that was supposed to give her that push. Too bad, she made too many mistakes that accumulated into getting bailed out by everyone.

Her prank in the first shuffle made the players look badly at her. The fact she didn't announce that Felix got the unique title after he reached 10K GP. Most importantly, she tried to turn the spectators against Felix the champion. A foolish move she shouldn't have done. To top it off, threatening the wounded player.

All of those mistakes were used properly by her rivals to destroy her chances of getting that promotion. Now, she could only weep while commentating only on bronze games with MCs still in an internship.

Who knows when she would climb back to her promotion spot. Maybe it would take fifty games and maybe a hundred.

The only thing that Felix knew was that Zoe's MC career was doomed!

"Queen, please filter those emails. Show me only ones that were sent from high ranked players and top Idol agencies."

After seeing how he got viral, Felix closed off all of the holograms, leaving only his email inbox, that was about to surpass 1200 email by now.

The Queen quickly split the inbox into two parts, the emails, which she deemed important were put at the top, as for the rest, they were left at the bottom.

Satisfied, Felix thanked the Queen and clicked on the first one on the list. He wasn't stupid to delete everything before reading at least five or ten. Who knows, he might find something of value in them.

After reading the first email for a while, he closed it off and deleted it. It was an invitation to a party hosted by a high ranked player over getting promoted to mid elo.

Felix wasn't interested in those kinds of parties, as he knew they were simply hosted to kiss ass and bootlick the player who made it safely to the "other side"

He attended more than enough in his previous life to understand that bootlicking those players brought zero benefits.


He clicked on the 2nd email and found out that it was half an hour interview on a famous TV night show. He deleted it as well and moved on. He had no plans to be interviewed, especially when the majority of their questions would be about his bloodline.

"Next! Uhm? Unrejectable Recruitment?"

A bit surprised by the title, Felix raised his eyebrows while clicking on it, wanting to see which agency was daring enough to send such an impolite email.

//Dear Mr. Landlord

It has come to our attention that you have ruined the face of one of our favorite idols, Mastermania. In other words, you ruined his market value. We don't know if you are not familiar with the unwritten rules of the SG or not, but destroying idols' faces instead of killing them is a taboo move every player tries to avoid.

Now, we do understand that you are still a newbie to the SG, and the majority of the unofficial rules are probably foreign to you. Thus, we came to a decision to let bygones be bygones under one condition. Join the BHE agency and sign an exclusive contract with us.

We are one of the best agencies in the Mariana Empire. Hundreds of players from all ranks are being managed by our agents. We can make you reach the peak of popularity, whether you won the games or lost.

We hope you understand that rejecting our recruitment will not bid well for you. Do consider deeply before sending your answer.

Yours sincerely.

Big Hit Entertainment.//


Instead of feeling the subtle threat that was on the email, Felix only felt like he just read one of the best jokes in both his lives.

Unofficial rules? Taboo? Just thinking about them sent him rolling on the couch, laughing his ass off.

Cough, Cough

"Holy shit! I am dying!" He covered his mouth while coughing and laughing at the same time.

At this moment, Felix wanted nothing more than to know if the one who wrote the email, did it with a straight face or not.

Weren't they afraid that he would publish their email for all to see, making them the butt joke of the year?

Felix knew that the f*ckers wanted to scare him by using his 'lack of knowledge' against him. In their eyes, Felix was merely a newbie on his 2nd game.

For players like those, they could easily get scammed by an agency if they weren't paying attention or too stupid to just search the facts by themselves.

Unofficial rules? Heh, Felix knew that the SG actually had those kinds of rules, but not damaging the face of an idol wasn't in them.

Who the f*ck think they are to say that all of the players were trying to avoid ruining their idols' faces?

The players never gave a shit about those losers and the agencies behind them. Good players all had their own private agencies responsible for managing their business. That's all to it, managing their daily life and business opportunities. The player was still the one making decisions.

However, the same couldn't be said about those public agencies. They were sharks, who illude as many players as possible with fame and fortune.

They train them on how to be an idol and throw them in the games every two months. Even after the game end and they survive it somehow, they get paraded in the UVR.

Doing interviews, fans meeting ups, show and streams appearance, wearing constantly sponsored outfits, and more of such neverending publicly. They try to milk everything of the player until he finally dies inside the game. By that time, they would have already earned hundreds of millions.

That's just from one idol. Now imagine the same happening to hundreds of idols inside that agency. Imagine the number of coins they make yearly from this business.

They were literally losing money only if a player turned to be a failed idol. As for other instances? They always get more than what they paid for.

"Go. F*ck. Your. Selves!" Felix immediately typed this reply, word by word, and sent it to them, not giving a shit about their so-called threat.

He pretty much guessed that Mastermania tried to force them into putting a bounty on his head after what he had done to him. He saw it happen too many times in his previous life, it became the norm.

However, instead of doing what Mastermania wanted, the agency first tried to recruit him. After all, Felix was currently one of the hottest topics in the empire. The amount of value he had was unfathomable, and they would be fools not to take advantage of him. Too bad, Felix wasn't a newborn baby, who had no idea about their thoughts and plans.

"I hope the bounty is large enough to force some fools into hunting me down." Felix said, chuckling.

He wanted them to put a bounty on him and hoped that it would be big enough to move the majority of the players in his upcoming games.

Why would he refuse such a free AOE taunt?

Felix was confident in his own strength to brutalize any player that approaches him with ill intention.

The only reason Solar Mist's party put him in a rough spot was that he wasted all of his energy on the beasts. However, he learned his lesson and he would never repeat that mistake again.

Felix waved his hand to the left, swiping all of the holograms away from his face, except for the earning list that the Queen made.

The agency's email made him lose his enthusiasm for reading more.

He looked at his winning wish while scratching his chin, wondering whether it was worth to use it now or save it until he joined the Ivy League.

Having a wish was the same as having a Walmart coupon card that lets you pick anything you want from the store.

"Better leave it for later." He said, deciding to not use it for now.

Felix wasn't in rush to waste it on purity drops or other materials that could be found in the Ivy League. He wanted to use it after he finished buying the materials in the league. After all, he might actually reach a dead end on a material.

He didn't worry that his wish would expire or such. He could use it anytime he wanted, even years from now. However, the wish would always have a limit. Since Felix got it in silver game, it meant his wish would also be limited to that rank.

It was a known fact that silver rank wishes couldn't go above 1 billion SC worth. This limit increases based on the rank a player was on. The higher his rank, the more leeway he would have in his wish selection. One could also ask to receive that 1 billion SC at once.

'Queen, please contact Mr. Goati.' Felix requested politely while pressing on his profile interface, wanting to check his current statics after the game.

//Rank: Peak-tier Bronze (Play 2 more placement games to get your final rank)

Games Played: 002

Wins: 002

Loss: 000

Win streak: 002

Loss Streak: 000

Eliminations: 0014//

After a quick glance, he closed it off and refocused on his call with Mr. Goati.

Peep, Peep...

Unfortunately, he waited and waited, yet still, no one picked up his call. A bit annoyed, he called him again. The bracelet kept ringing on and on until the call made the peeping sound again.

Felix this time didn't call him any further as he had guessed that Mr. Goati was probably still asleep. After all, it wasn't even 06:00 AM yet.

"Never mind, I will call that creep later." He said, deciding to let Mr. Goati enjoy his sleep for now.

Felix had no plans of continuously calling him until he wakes him up forcefully. Even for Felix, that was a bit excessive. Waking someone from a good sleep just to ask for something was beyond a dickish move.

"Bastard, you didn't mind ruining my sleep up at that time to awaken!" Asna cursed him after remembering the way he treated her on the day of the awakening.

"It's different with you."

"How so?"

"You don't deserve to be treated nicely."

"You prick! I dare you to come and say it in my face."

"I would rather not." Felix ignored the following barrage of curses and requested the Queen to log him out.

He planned to do a quick check-up on the island in the next two hours or so before calling Mr. Goati again. Plus, he needed to fill his elemental energy tank after using everything in the maze.


White smoke came out of the VR Pod as it was being opened up automatically. Felix pulled himself outside, wearing only his underwear. He already removed the needle that was attached to his arm, pumping that blue nutrition into his bloodstream.

Good thing he bought one of the best products, as even though he continued lying on the Pod for a week or so, he neither felt stiff nor tense one bit.

He just stretched for a few seconds, cracking some of his joints akin to waking up from eight hours of sleep. Then, he went to the closet and wore a cozy jacket, sweat pants, and sandals. Of course, he didn't forget about sunglasses.

Although, it was still 6 am or so, there were still some workers preparing to start their morning shift. Felix didn't want to distract them from their work by exposing his mutations in public. Awakened humans were hard to spot even in the mainland, don't even mention in this small island.

"Oh, good morning James." Felix immediately greeted James after finding him standing guard near his suite door.

"Good morning, young master."

"I will be back in two hours or so."

James nodded his head at Felix's retreating back, who was heading towards the elevator.


two hours later...

Whoosh, Bam!

The sound of waves colliding against a cliff resounded up the hill, where Felix was standing at the very tip of the cliff. He already checked the condition of the hotel, or at least what was checkable at this point.

It turned out, the entire hotel was already in the middle of remodeling, except for Felix's floor. However, There was nothing much for Felix to evaluate and judge, as based on what he saw, the workers were currently trying to empty the rooms of all the useless furniture.

They were not broken or in bad shape, but simply not luxurious enough for the hotel. Felix wanted the hotel to be a 6 stars, thus everything needs to be replaced.

That being said, those furniture were not being thrown away or burnt, but actually were sent to the residential area, putting them in some lucky apartments.

Obviously replacing everything required more money, but Abigail had nothing to worry about, as Felix was trading his coins for dollars and sending them to Leila.

Trading coins with other currencies wasn't really that hard, as Felix could simply either request the Queen to buy dollars from the offers posted in the Currency Trading Platform, or just do it by himself.

The CTP was open for any planet seeking to buy coins using their currency. They just needed to put an offer based on their currency's worth in the UVR and the interested parties would buy what they want.

Since earthlings joined the SGA for only a year or so, their currency wasn't really that valuable in the UVR. This made the dollar, euro, dirham, and all of those posted currencies in the platform to be completely shunned and ignored.

When Felix tried to trade coins to give Leila enough capital, in order to change the hospital equipment, he had a difficult time finding his family's offers on the platform.

Although the platform had a search bar, Felix didn't know exactly the name of his family's offer. He tried Maxwell and it didn't work, as thousands of results greeted him.

Thus, he stopped bothering with doing it by himself and just started requesting the Queen to buy specifically from his family.

Since the earthlings' currencies value were dog shit in the UVR, not reaching even 1SC = 50$ on average, Felix didn't really waste that many coins. As he traded only 1 million SC from time to time.

This gave him 50 million dollars for each trade. An amount good enough for Leila to handle any situation.

The good part about this was that Felix's trading helped his family immensely. The elders had no idea that Felix was the one giving them free coins to continue helping the juniors and also enough capital to invest in the UVR. Nonetheless, they were grateful to whoever took pity on them.

The elders weren't stupid to not realize that someone was directly helping them out. After all, in the CTP, there were millions upon millions of offers just from planet earth. This meant that the prices varied significantly from each other.

Some retards, who were desperate to get coins by any means, literally accept 1SC for 100$. Yet, Felix totally ignored them and traded only with his family offers.

In his eyes, If he was going to give his coins to someone, it was better to give it to his family. At least Olivia and his grandfather would benefit from them.

This what made the elders believe that some individual was watching them and assisting them. They didn't know what he wanted from them, and they honestly were enjoying his unconditional assistance to care about finding out.

"Sir Felix, the trade had been completed successfully." The Queen informed him, "100 million dollars has been added to your bank account." She asked, "Should I send it all to Leila's bank account?"

"Please." Felix nodded his head and turned around, planning to head back to the hotel. He wanted to give it to Leila directly, but she was still asleep. Today was her day off, and Felix didn't want to ruin her rest.

There were plenty of chances to meet up with her later on.


20 minutes later...

Felix got fully nude again and set foot inside the VR Pod. He already filled his energy tank by using some of the 1k mid-grade stones he got from Fuzzia Shop. He left them inside his spatial card just for this purpose.

After he got himself comfortable, he requested the queen to log him in.


"Queen, contact Mr. Goati please."

The moment Felix opened up his eyes, he voiced his request again. This time, he wasn't going to stop until Mr. Goati picked up his call.

Fortunately, he didn't need to go that far, as the call connected in the first 5 seconds.

"What do you want?" Mr. Goati asked with an unpleasant tone. Clearly, still harboring grudges against Felix.

Well, he was forced to delete his most prized gallery and also stop carrying out his hobby. It might be creepy and wrong, but it was still a hobby.

"How many epic tier 5 bloodlines did you gather for me?" Unbothered by his tone, Felix straightforward laid down his question.

"I managed to secure 5 from my hunters." Mr. Goati warned, "You better get them out of my store, I wasted a huge sum to buy them."

"Hehe, brother Goati, I am a bit short on coins currently, I have only enough to get one bottle." Felix gave a forced laugh while promising, "But don't worry, in three months or so, I will have enough to pay you for all of them."

"Please email me the serial number of the bottles with a timelimit contract. Bye-bye!" Before Mr. Goati could even argue, Felix swiftly hanged up and turned off his AP bracelet phone feature for now.

He didn't want to hear Goati barrage him with insults and curses. He knew that Goati would eventually accept this messed-up situation and email him a contract that had a vicious requirement if he didn't manage to pay up in time.

So, Felix was confident that in 5 minutes or so, he would receive the email.

Just as he expected, the Queen informed him that the newest email was sent by Goati. Felix quickly opened it and read its content with his eyes.

A satisfied smile broke on his lips, as he saw that Goati truly got him 5 epic tier 5 bottles. He believed that at least one of them or two would have the required 9% that he needed to reach greater purity.

However, his smile stiffened immediately after reading that if he failed to pay in exactly three months, their previous contract would turn void.

Felix neither wanted to lose the 30% discount nor the free customs pass. Though, he wasn't really that worried about getting the coins, as he could resell the bottles to Looby, losing only 5% in each bottle. This would lower the amount needed to the bare minimum.

Felix closed the email after registering the serial codes of the bottles. Then, he requested the Queen to send them together with Malon Fish Leg's serial code to Fatty Worm, in order to deliver them as fast as possible.

Felix wanted to reach greater purity before attending the world representative battle. His Landlord persona was gaining more and more attraction in both the UVR and real life, and since Felix was using the same bloodline with the same inducements, a solid relation between him and his Landlord persona was going to be established.

Felix didn't want that to happen. Otherwise, any player from a major background like Princess Bird could easily find him using their massive network.

No one could save him from their aggression. Just sending one random stage 3 bloodliner and Felix would be completely hopeless.

The only way to get himself away from such a situation was by unlocking two more abilities and using them with his real character.

Landlord was currently famous for having three actives, *Poison Bombs*, *Poisonous Aura*, and finally the fake *Poison Revitalization*. As for his passives, he showed that he had, *Poison Immunity*, *SuperStrength*, and lastly *Ultra Infrared Vision*.

On the other hand, in the real-life, he only showed that he had *Poison Bombs* and *Poison Immunity* to his family. This meant, the moment he displayed two different abilities from Landlord, no one would question him or get suspicious of him.

If he reached 75% of integration and unlocked other new passives, he would be completely off the radar. They would never assume that he had 12 abilities but he was simply using a different bloodline that was a bit similar. After all, there were few legendary bloodlines that had abilities able to switch induements just like his.

Felix was taking those great measures because he knew that some of the players were connected one way or another to a background. Either a clan, high staged bloodliner, belonging to an ancient family like Princess Bird, and more.

He had no plans of avoiding killing those players if they offended him or harbored any ill intention towards him inside the games.

This signified that he was going to offend a hefty amount of parties, who would try their best to locate him in real life. However, as long as Felix split his 12 abilities apart, they would always end up targeting anyone except him.


Tomorrow morning, Felix stepped out of his car and walked towards the Teleportation Company, planning to head to the Ivy League's private city. Since it was private, not anyone could just teleport straight to it.

Though, Felix knew exactly what to do in order to get there.

This time instead of entering the base floor teleportation circles, Felix took the elevator and went for the 5th. After exiting the elevator, he saw that the floor was pretty empty when compared to the rage going downstairs.

"good morning, May I help you?" The receptionist, who was sitting right next to the elevator immediately greeted Felix with a smile.

"I want to teleport to the Ivy League's city." He answered.

"Are you willing to pay 200 GP as teleportation fees?" She asked.

Felix nodded his head as he put his bracket in the scanner. A second later, he withdrew his hand after receiving transfer notification.

The receptionist gave him a smile as she gestured with her hand to pick one of the empty circles on the floor.

Without further ado, Felix turned around and went for one of the empty circles. Unlike the base floor where people get teleported every second, those circles weren't that active, as Felix saw that only five people stepped out of them during the duration he entered the floor.

It only made sense, as anyone who was taking the teleportation circles in the upper floors weren't like the broke commoners, who jump from the circles the moment they got teleported, worrying about losing merely 200 SC.

After entering the circle, Felix didn't need to do or click anything, as the moment he paid the receptionist his destination was already set, no matter which circle he used.

He just closed his eyes and waited to get teleported. However, right before his body disintegrated into light particles, He changed his outfit, name, and tag!

Now, he wasn't Felix, but Landlord holder of the unique title, ]Wealthiest of Them All![

Are you going to participate in today's trials?"

"Sigh, this is already my 5th attempt and probably my last."

"Good luck."

The moment Felix's body reconstructed on the milky white circle, his ears began picking chatter of the people in front of him.

In an unhurried manner, he opened his eyes and started sizing up everything before him. If he could describe the scene with two words, it would definitely be bustling and loud!

He stepped outside of the circle while gazing beneath the darkness of his hoodie at the hundreds of people making tens lines that were leading to the exit of the teleportation company.

Without delaying for a second, Felix chose the line nearest to him and lined up compliantly.

If there was a mechanism that lets him skip lining up he would have done so, sadly, those lines were for checking up the identity of the newcomers, not to keep the crowd ordered!

After all, this was a private city belonging to a league, not a kingdom or an empire. Every player with 200 GP could surely teleport, but no matter what he did, he could never bypass those check-up lines and go beyond the teleportation company.

This meant those hundreds of people around Felix, weren't just random individuals, but players belonging to gold rank or even a higher rank than it! Players, who fulfilled one of the three requirements to be here!

Felix was probably the only bronze player in the middle of those elites, who came from all around the empire and the hundreds of kingdoms, just to participate in the trials and join The Ivy League!

This should speak volumes about the desire of everyone to join this elitist organization!

"Oh??? Landlord!!!"

Startled by the abrupt exclamation, Felix turned his head and saw a player he never knew before, was pointing his finger at him with a tingle of shock in his voice.

The rest of the players around them all shushed their chatter at the exclamation and focused on Felix, who was being pointed at.

"It's really him!"

"Who is he?"

"Don't you read the latest news? He is currently one of the hottest talked topics in the empire. He destroyed a silver game solo and everyone in it."

"I read that he caused Goddess Zoe to get demoted to bronze!"

"She deserves it! Sigh, if you guys watched his game, you will see that he was totally robbed from an MVP title."

"Tsk, at least he got the unique title." A red-tailed man pointed his finger at the top of Felix's head, and just like he said, the rest saw a golden title, glittering under the light, almost blinding them after they focused on it too much.

Since the unique title had only one purpose, and that was bragging, the SGA of course was going to make them appear as glamourous and flamboyant as possible.

Felix wasn't planning to remain lowkey and hid it after going through hell to collect that many points and obtain it.

He wasn't that moronic or noble to not brag about his achievement when he had nothing to lose. Heck, he knew that the title was actually going to be beneficial in the market.

Felix knew that by displaying his name and the title, he was going to receive a lot of attention in the city, especially after he just went viral in the empire. However, that was exactly what he wanted, to be as high-profiled as possible!

The more known his name got in this place the better for him. Why? For two reasons, he would have a solid reputation in the city, which would make him have a better appeal to the shoppers who wanted to buy items from his prize pool quicker.

The second and most important reason was that high-ranked players never deal business with unknown players!

If he wanted to collect the materials without any hiccups, he needed to avoid laying-low and make his presence be seen as much as possible. Exposing his name and the title was only the start!

"I do wonder what he is doing here though. I don't think he fulfilled the requirements to join the trials."

"Trials? I doubt he needs them."

"What do you mean?"

Without bothering to answer him, the player pointed his finger at the check-point that was getting closer and closer. His meaning was clear, see it yourself!

After a minute or so, Felix's turn finally arrived. The line was moving pretty quickly as the staff merely asked two straight to the point questions.

"Are you here to join the Ivy league? If so, please tell me which requirement did you fulfill?"

"Yes, I have fulfilled the 3rd requirement." Straightforward as well, Felix answered.

"Good, put your AP bracelet in the scanner please." The staff requested with a dry voice.

Felix did as he was told, and waited for a positive response.


After hearing the sound, the staff recited in a swift manner, "Your application has been approved. If you want any further information about the rules, benefits, map of the city and such, please voice your request to the Queen." He pointed at the door behind him and said, "Welcome to the Ivy League. You are now an official part of the Organization."

Elated by finally hearing those sweet words, Felix nodded his head in appreciation to the staff and walked with hurried steps towards the door, leaving the players behind him, staring at his back with dumbfounded expressions.

Their speechlessness was understandable since not one of the players in those lines got approved instantly like Felix, giving them full freedom to move as they wished in the city.

Instead, they either get thrown to the enforcers after being found that they didn't fulfill any of the three requirements or get sent to the venue where hellish trials were being held each day!


5 minutes later...

Felix kept walking on the clean streets with a wide grin on his face. His eyes continued to roam around in absolute fascination.

Unlike the Androxa Capital and the Mariana Capital, the Ivy League city wasn't massive to the point it stretched to infinity.

In fact, it was built on a humble mountain chain that had all of its mountain's summits smoothen up. And on each of those summits, there was either a unique towering building standing in the center or many smaller buildings clustered to each other in a circular shape, resembling a snail's shell.

Currently, Felix was walking on the summit of the Teleportation Mountain. It was named as such since the main building of the teleportation company was based on the summit of this mountain.

Since, it was a known fact that the majority of people were always clustered around the teleportation companies, the entire summit of the mountain had nothing but the building and long streets, leading to many transportation means.

Just like everyone else, Felix was heading for one of those means. He was a bit excited as in his previous life, every time he stepped into this city, he always gets sent to the Arena Mountain, where the trials were being held on a daily basis. But, now he was finally free to go wherever he wanted in this city!

After reaching the station, he was faced with a hologram that was highlighting all of the transportations currently available. He scrolled down the hovercars and chose a flying mount. Immediately after, a list packed with hundreds of flying mounts was displayed before him.

Not wanting to get entangled in which one was better, Felix chose one randomly and paid for its services.

Whoosh! Thud!

The instant the coins were wired, a golden griffin landed on an empty platform next to Felix.

Satisfied, Felix smiled widely while jumping on the back of the griffin.


It let out a high-pitched whistling while flapping its golden wings twice, lifting itself up from the platform.

Take me to the market place!" Felix ordered while gripping its soft feathers tightly.


The griffin lowered its head and started flapping its wings rapidly towards a mountain that had its summit completely bare!

That's right, there wasn't a single building on the summit. But still, it was actually the most bustling place in the entire city!

Due to Felix's current height, he was able to only see black dots clustered to each other akin to ants. However, as the griffin started to descend, those ants kept growing in his vision until he was able to see exactly what each one of them was doing.


The griffin landed on an empty platform, making Felix sigh dejectedly at how short the flight was due to the close distance between the mountains.

He jumped from the griffin and walked towards the noisy market place like it wasn't packed with elite players but with haggling grannys.

Yet, what was even stranger was that the sellers neither had shops nor stalls, they were just sitting on a comfy armchair while having a huge hologram displayed before them.

And the items showcased on those holograms would give a heart attack to any commoner!

"Finally I am here." Felix murmured to himself as he walked through the rows and rows of those sellers all spread out on the summit in tens of straight lines to make it easier for the shoppers to glance at their products.