
No, maybe, yes

Regan had shut everyone out of his life after his parents died. Elena felt she wasn't worthy of love due to her past. the two find each other and slowly fall in love, becoming their own saving grace and light in the dark

kinggmamii · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

chapter thirty-one

Chapter thirty-one

After the day's work, Regan went home. On his way, Lucy called to inform him that she had called the detectives and they would be coming over to the office the next day. He called Arielle to put that on his schedule. When he arrived home, he found Elena in the kitchen preparing dinner.

Before he even stepped into the kitchen, his scent was all over the place. Subconsciously, a smile settled on her face and she giggled when he hugged her from behind. "How was work today?"

"It was okay. I only had one job today. If I had known that my schedule wasn't packed, I would have spent more time with you." he nuzzled into the crook of her neck and kissed her there.

"Good for you. At least you were not stressed. How is the case going?" she turned around and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He kissed her back and pulled away. He let her go from his embrace and took off his tie, undid the first few buttons of his shirt and rolled up the sleeves. "The detectives will be coming over tomorrow." He said and hugged her again from behind. "What are we having for dinner?"

She smiled, "Baked fish with tomatoes and onions and rice."

"You are cooking the rice so I guess you are done already."

"Yes. Now get off me and get me some plates. A girl has to eat around here."

After dinner came a downpour. Elena stared out of the window in her room. Everything suddenly felt lonely. As the rain poured down, she wondered if things would have been different if Connor didn't change. Somewhere deep down in her hear, she still had a soft spot for him. It was really hard to get over first love, she sighed. She wanted better for him but there was nothing she could do now, it was too late. Her hand went to her stomach and rubbed gently. "I'm sorry." She whispered. The stared at the papers that proved the abortion on her bed and a lone tear escaped her eye, resolutely, she wiped it. If she didn't stand up for herself, Connor wouldn't take her seriously. She grabbed her phone and dialed the doctor's number.

"Hello" a deep baritone voice boomed from the other end.

"Hello good evening. This is Elena, is this doctor Terry?"

There was silence for a while on the other end before the man named Terry spoke, "Yes Elena, how are you?" his voice was as soft and gentle as a father's when he talked to her.

She sniffed, "I am okay."

"No you're not. What is the matter, Connor again?" he asked.

"I am pressing charges against him."

"That is good but why are you crying?" his voice dripped with concern for his former patient.

"It's just- I… I'm overwhelmed with everything that is going on now. It would have ended better."

"Lena, it is okay. He saw the signs clearly but he chose to do what he chose to do. No one chose this path for him and at this point I think you should be a little selfish. If you are filing a lawsuit against him, then do it for yourself," his already gently voice turned ten times softer, "And for the baby." He paused as he heard her sniff again. "I will be there when you need me just give me a call so that I'll know when to fly down."

"Thank you, Doctor Terry, this means a lot to me." She was full of gratitude. She knew he couldn't do anything at the time of the abortion as she opened up to him when the deed had already been done but he had been very helpful. She disconnected the call and called her mother.

Immediately the call connected, all she heard was a rambling mother hen. "Elena, why haven't you called for so long? You had us worried. How are you? Are you okay? I hope you are safe from that man. What about the young man, Regan, is you still with him?"

"Mum," she smiled. "I am really sorry for shutting out this long but I am fine and everything is okay. Regan is doing well. Connor tried to poison him but he is doing okay now."


"Don't worry about it mum, we have contacted the police and I am pressing charges against him."

"Lena," her voice softened. You had us so worried. You were going through all this but you wouldn't just tell us what was happening with you. Is that how much you don't trust us? Even if he threatened you, your father and I have way more than enough connection to handle him." Although she was scolding her daughter at the moment, she knew that she needed support more.

"I am sorry mum. It won't happen again."

"It is okay my darling. At least he will get what he deserves."

"Mum, I have something else to tell you." she said. Her body was tense as she didn't know how to tell her mother about it.

"What is it?"

She hesitated for a while but she had to let her mother know everything. "He made me have an abortion."

The line went dead silent.

"Mum?' she called quietly.

"Elena how could you." Gwen's voice was broken and Elena could tell that she was crying. "He did that to you and you kept it from me and your father? I am really angry with you." she said and disconnected the call.

She texted her brother to meet her the next day at the office as the detectives were coming and she let her tears loose. She shuddered when a masculine hand enclosed her shoulders and she didn't hesitate to bury her face in his chest and cry.