
No, maybe, yes

Regan had shut everyone out of his life after his parents died. Elena felt she wasn't worthy of love due to her past. the two find each other and slowly fall in love, becoming their own saving grace and light in the dark

kinggmamii · Realistic
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36 Chs

chapter thirty-two

Chapter thirty-two

Music recommendation; planet earth by Novaa [instrumental]…

Regan watched her break down on him. He rubbed her back to soothe her. He heard the whole

conversation with her mother. He understood from the two women's perspective. If he were in Gwen's shoes, he would have been mad too.

"It's okay Perle."

"I was so stupid. I would have told somebody." She looked up at him with a face streaked with tears.

"It is okay. Now pull yourself together, I have something to show you." he stood up from her bed and stretched out a hand for her.

She cleaned her face with her hands and took his hand. He led her to his parents' room. She realized that she had barely been there since she moved in the mansion. "What are we doing here?" she asked.

"This is my parents' room. November is around the corner, so I'm setting up an ofrenda." He said as he pushed the huge double doors open.

"What is an ofrenda?"

"It's an alter for a tradition we perform in honour of our dead. It is for the dia de los muertos." He explained.

"What does that mean?" she asked as she walked over to the table that held boxes of items she didn't know.

"It is the day of the dead." He said no more as he took out a picture of his parents. He let out a deep sigh and wiped his wet eyes.

Elena placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. When she saw his eyes cloud again, she took the framed picture from him and carefully dropped it on the table. She took his face in her small hands and looked him wordlessly in the eye. She wiped a tear that strayed from his eyes and hugged him. Regan's big body couldn't fit into her tiny frame but she continued to hold him until he placed her hand on his mid-back and wrapped his big, muscular arms around her. She squeezed him gently to remind him that he still had her. She pulled away and sought his eyes. Her eyes darted between his mouth and eyes and slowly she covered the space between them by placing her lips on his.

The moment her lips met his, his hands drifted down her back. She let go of his back and tangled her hands in his beautiful mass of red hair. She broke away from the kiss and whispered, "Allow me." He didn't understand what she meant until her lips met his again. And she kissed him the way she knew he wanted to be kissed, like no woman had ever kissed him; soft, moist, tender and delicate. Her kiss was like the caress of sunset warmth on his skin. He moved his lips to her rhythm; soft and slow, seeking oneness and the closeness of sharing one breath, one sensation, one timeless and tender, beautiful moment. She kissed him just long enough that he could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin and the taste of her cherry chap stick that lingered even after she had broken the kiss.

"I love you Elena."

"I love you too, Reggie." She said with a smile on her smile.

He looked at the blue tanzanite ring that sat on his index finger. He sighed and took her hand and faced the table on which the picture laid. "Ma, dad, I found her. I found the girl you talked about." He pulled Elena close to him as he held the picture up. "Ma meet Elena." He introduced her to his mother.

"What are their names?" she whispered. Her heart felt full at Regan's action.

"Aaron and Gwen."

Her eyes widened. "Hello mama Gwen. I am Elena. You bear the same name as my mum. I don't know what to say but I promise you this mama Gwen, I will take care of Reggie and love him no matter what. El te extrana, mama Gwen."

"Where did you get that from?" Regan asked as he looked down at her.

"I have been learning." She smiled back at him.

"I am really impressed." A yawn escaped her mouth and he knew they had to catch some sleep. "Ma, dad, we know we have your blessings already, your ring proves it. Thank you."

"goodnight mama Gwen, papa Aaron. We love you so much."

He led her away to his room where they spent the night.