

Author: Adelle_oo_
Eastern Fantasy
Ongoing · 533.8K Views
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Read NNNNNNNN novel written by the author Adelle_oo_ on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Eastern Fantasy stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved



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Worship in the bedroom

- If she could be my God, then I can gladly worship her my entire life. She met him as a child, he raised her like his daughter...until she fall in love with him. She was the princess of a kingdom, betrothed to another strong king. He was a priest, swore to only love god and never touch or even think about any woman. Will he be able to resist that love and temptation, and stop himself from doing the greatest sin? Did she ever get the love she wanted? Or will she be trapped in a loveless marriage? And will society ever let them two together or the pure love will be treated as a sin? •••••• I chuckled hearing his answer, he was talking like a possessed man, without any emotion. I already knew I was going to get rejected by him, but still, I tried... He is a priest after all and had years of experience in resisting seduction. What was I even thinking when I decided to tell him my feelings? “ Sure Father, I won't get late”, I replied and turned around as I get the worst idea of my life. I can't be more shameless, can I? It's all worth it though...for him, I have no shame. My heart was pounding, and my whole body was shivering because of fear. Was I really going to do this? Hell, yes. The soft silk gown fell from my body when I removed it. My long golden-brown hair was hiding my back but still, it was outrageous to stand naked in front of another man, and it was even more sinful if that man is your father! I saw his lascivious gaze when I turned around after sitting in the bathtub. The rose petals were hiding my body, but my bare shoulder was still visible. It wasn't even allowed for me to reveal my full face to anyone, but here I am, naked in front of a priest. I tilted my head, smirking at his darkened gaze, " Oh, I thought you left…do you want to join me, Father? The water is still warm…” " Stop this madness Xenia, it's enough.”, He grumbled, glaring at me... resisting me. But his eyes, it said it all he was trying to deny. I smirked, " It's not enough, not yet...I know you want it, the way you are looking at me now…” " It's wrong.” “ So you are not denying that you are thinking something immoral for me?” I asked, smirking, and slowly removed those rose petals from my hands. My entire body was on the show for his eyes now, clear, bare...waiting for him to devour like some forbidden fruit. As his eyes took me in, the cold silver cross around his palm turned red. Blood, dripped down his hand as he was taking deep breaths with a clenched jaw…his darkened ocean eyes were still on my bare body but he hadn't taken a single step to come towards me. He could do whatever he want with me, I was wet, nacked...helpless, begging for him to love me..fuck me, use me as he pleased, but there he was, standing like a statue, just staring at me. Never in my life, I'd begged like this before. I am the only heir of this kingdom, the future queen. But I begged for a man's love like a vagrant. And the worst part is, I could gladly beg like this my entire life as long as he wants me to. ••••••• ⚠️ warning ⚠️ In this book, a priest and a princess fall in love, so, there is a lot of dirty and mature content with BDS.M, foul language, and blasphemy, read-only if you can endure this all.) Ah... and also self-harming and triggering scenes made you uncomfortable then read this book at your own risk. "The setting and characters in this story are fictitious, please do not substitute real life."

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Ratu Istana Gelap

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Rahel_Andrea_Go · Fantasy
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Have you ever thought, what will you do if you meet back with your first love after separated for years and suddenly you were about to marry your own childhood crush because of some unexpected event? This is the story of two people who had a secret crush when they were still young. Because of some tragedy that happen at the same time, they both take their own path and never cross each other way for the pass 11 years. 11 years later, they meet again. At the wedding, which is supposed to be her sister’s wedding day. Fate and destiny has their own way to make these two meet and bound them together again. Because of the bride and the groom has left the wedding ceremony, her sister, Athena and her childhood crush, Aslan were to be the substitute for the bride and the groom position. Along the 11 years that they have been separate, so many things have been change. Little by little a secret from 11 years ago start to revealing. .. “Aslan, did you have any girlfriend right now?” Richard ask making Aslan who just drink his juice suddenly choked a bit. “Uh..” he want to say no. But it feels like he had one. Even though he never said anything to Jye Yin, but their relationship more likely looks like a couple. “What happen actually?” Andy ask again.. “Our daughter, the bride for tomorrow has been run away to find the groom that also has been run away.” Hai Rin finally spill out the situation they’re facing right now “Adrian already married, I had only two daughter left. One already run away, so the only choice I have is..” He turn to look at Athena again. Athena know what his father meant, so she bit her bottom of lips. ‘Relax..it just for helping my family. Nothing could go wrong from doing a good deed.’ she try to calm her heartbeat right now. Athena finally nod. “I’m ready dad.” “One side is settle, then the problem is..where do I find the groom?” Richard finally let out his worries. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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Another world: A young master in a different world?!

Charlotte was an ordinary lady until she got a notification saying she died. No way she was just gonna die after living such a quiet, normal life. So she decided to select the second option to transmigrate that was on the system. But that was a big mistake, she regretted it soon as she pressed the option. It seemed like she was going into an endless void filled with the person’s memories she was soon going to take over their body. This body she was transmigrated into had a tragic past that made them emotionless. That only had made her more determined to fix both of their tragic, boring life. Nevertheless, the problem seems like the body??? The body she transmitted into is a young duke’s graceful body?!?! No way she was gonna survive in this body since they would be targeting him nonstop because he is the inheritor to the dukedom. She sighed and got up to adapt to the situation all because she had no other choice. Just when she got up she heard the noise again. *Ding!* she looked to her side to see a box framed by like-rose bright colors contained texts inside it. “You have acquired passive skill ‘Adaptation’! This will help you to adapt to the current situation more naturally also increases your intelligence by 10 points! Please tap ‘requirements’ to level up the skill.” He tilted his head while reading this in pure confusion. He now had even more questions than earlier. ‘Oh here goes nothing’ he thought while he touched the button below that said ‘description’. As he goes and uncover the secrets of his transmigration he finds out this is the novel Endless Misery, ah the mysteries never end do they? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is my first novel and english is not my first language so please do inform me if there’s any mistakes. I hope you guys enjoy reading this!!! Ps: Art is not mine!! Credits to the artist. If the artist has any problems with the cover i can take it down anytime!

LisaThePurpleWitch · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Unfolding Plot


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Why’d you delete the entire thing???????


A good story, a shame it appears to be gone now. Guess we’ll just be left with the memories of what it once was and could be. It’s a shame, not really sure why the author deleted it.


Good story with potential, it seems to be going great and the mc has steady mentality and won't be doing dumb stuff, it also has good system which i like(sytems that don't grant power or give quest nor are they sentient).


Where's the novel? ,. . .. .. ... .... ....


The novel is quite good and I haven't found any grammatical errors yet. What I personally like about this novel is that Ning is just like our normal guy. He knows everything that goes in the cultivation world, and avoids most of the cliches that are harmful for him. His extraordinary ability is his knowledge and watching further crystallize that knowledge into strength is quite fun. Lastly, The most important thing is that this is not a mass produced system novel, Ning just has a panel that shows his attribute and that's it. Overall, I hope the author continues.


Good Novel! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I forgot if I read the last chapter so I decided to read... but it's all gone?!


I like it, I hope he doesn’t progress through the realms too quickly. I’d be fine with him reaching 500 years old as the elder of the pure qi sect. Although with the presence of the protagonist I doubt the sect will last long.




There are quite a few novels written with similar idea but almost none of them are well executed. However, this one seems good. Well written, good logic and a likable MC. It is worth reading.


Love the idea of using cliches to your advantage, and also the fact that mc isn't going through the ranks at Mach speed and is actually building a proper foundation.Overall


"Avoiding the Cliches of the Cultivation World" by Adelle is a breath of fresh air in the world of cultivation novels. From the very beginning, it sets itself apart with its unique and innovative approach to the genre.What immediately stands out in this novel is its remarkable character development. Adelle has crafted complex and relatable characters that break free from the typical cultivation archetypes. They are not just powerful cultivators but individuals with their own flaws, dreams, and motivations. This depth adds a layer of authenticity to the story that keeps readers thoroughly engaged.The world-building in this novel is nothing short of exceptional. Adelle has constructed a rich and immersive cultivation world that feels vivid and alive. It's evident that the author has put a lot of thought into the rules, traditions, and history of this universe, making it a joy to explore alongside the characters.One of the most commendable aspects of "Avoiding the Cliches of the Cultivation World" is its ability to blend action, adventure, and emotional depth seamlessly. It isn't just about martial arts and power; it delves into the emotional and moral dilemmas faced by the characters as they navigate the complexities of the cultivation world.Furthermore, Adelle has a remarkable talent for pacing the story. There are no excessive info-dumps or slow sections; instead, the plot moves at a steady and engaging pace, keeping readers eagerly turning pages.In summary, "Avoiding the Cliches of the Cultivation World" is a refreshing and original addition to the cultivation genre. Adelle has managed to subvert expectations while delivering a compelling story with well-crafted characters and a captivating world. If you're looking for a cultivation novel that breaks free from the cliches and offers something genuinely unique, this is a must-read. Adelle has undoubtedly left her mark on the genre with this outstanding work. 👍👍👍👍


Reveal spoiler


Wow, that was really cool. I have read all the currently available chapters and I can say that this is a really good work. The good one is a smart protagonist. No cliches. The logic of what is happening. Sustainable development of strength and personality. I hope the author will release chapters more often and the story will not stop. And I really hope it doesn't turn into a harem of Pokemon. Otherwise I really like it 9.5/10 (English is not my native language)


Great idea, and consistency in character behaviorKeep it up 💪


it s refreshing to read something like this novel


Remarkable writing quality and story has been interesting so far. Haven't seen this idea of using Earth classics to cheat before, not in this manner at least. Looking forward to see how the story develops as it's still early and not enough chapters to go into details yet.


Good read. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I love Ning! So relatable- especially when it comes to food-, I also like the world building!


I like how the story begins which straight to the main plot. The world background and setting is amazing! Overall the story is quite interesting. Keep up your work!


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