
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
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41 Chs

Ch~Five: Jeremy Styles [1] // Timeskip // Spar With Dremo.

Jeremy Styles, originally known as Cesaire from Planet Earth, reincarnated to another world called Crystal 7. A world where power rules and authority comes second. Hunters were the powerhouses of the world. No... Not the hunters with just arrows and bow y'all are thinking about, but Mystical Hunters with powers of fantasy.

Jeremy Styles come from a very powerful family that has the heritage of a ninja. They were a force with all sort of mysterious ninja abilities that could bring about earth shattering and heaven defying events. When Nature Energy emerged and Hunters and Dire Beasts began appearing on the face of the earth while Realm Cracks started spewing out Monsters with monstrous powers, The Styles Family's Ninja Heritage got stronger.

The Styles Family also helped in uniting mankind with other powerful families, government and military organizations with other agencies to help fight against the enemies. But humanity would always be humanity for a reason. The Styles Family were destroyed for their growing power by their rivals and were hunted down to the last.

Jeremy was the only survivor of the Styles. His mother was a Styles that married a black man which explains his tanned skin. Jeremy doesn't know of these as his mother and father died at the jaws of Monsters or so.....in a Realm Crack so nobody told him the stories.

His father's name was also Jeremy and his mother's name was Maki. They were both powerful Hunters but they sadly died in Realm Crack expedition that went wrong.


At this moment, Jae stood in front of Dremo. Each side facing each other with their fists raised. They were in dueling stances while Dennis and the kids formed a circle around the both of them. It's been 3 weeks ever since the kids have gotten to Netherensis.

Just like the beginning, they were going to be doing training everyday and only rest once a week. They trained in physical aspects and for the spiritual aspects, they learned to meditate and did yoga.

Yes, Yoga.

Jae has surprisingly been improving on his performance. Ever since that first training day, he used his newfound determination to train seriously and never complained. Another surprising thing is that, Jae had lost weight and was no longer fat. He doesn't look skinny but his physique does not give any fat vibes. This shows just how much determination he put in his training.

In just less than a month, He looked ripped with little but firm muscles. His spiky raven blue hair has gotten longer, silkier and finer. His night eyes glowed like the combination of cosmic darkness. His pretty tanned face and skin glistened with sweat as he looked at his opponent.

Jae hadn't been the only one that worked progresses on himself. Every kid has improved. Dennis raised his hands upbin the air before dropping them as a signal to start the fight.

Dremo was an aggressive fighter. He follows the 'no mercy to your opponent' code. Taking the initiative, he rushed towards Jae before shooting out a punch to Jae's face.

Jae's expression became solemn as he quickly took action. He knew blocking was out of the question as Dremo was stronger than him in strength which leaves him dodging to the left while whipping out a kick to interrupt Dremo's advance.

This technique proved well and successfully tripped Dremo off his feet. The boy skidded on the fall across his fall. Dremo got up angrily and started approaching Jae slowly this time.

The boys:

''What are you doing?'' ''Take him down Dremo'' ''Advance slowly and attack! Jae's very fast on his feet'' etc

The girls:

''Nice one Jae!'' ''You can do it!'' ''Beat up that Dremo Brute to a pulp''

This duel happens almost every day to test fighting skills. The boys were cheering for Dremo while Jae got the ladies' attentions ever since his looks and body started changing.

Jae suddenly rushed forward to Dremo before releasing two fast punches aimed at his face. Dremo tilted his head to his sides, successfully dodging before letting out his own punch. Jae only raised his palm and redirected the blow to his side, then he stepped forward before shooting a quick elbow strike to Dremo's face causing him to wince in pain and followed it with a punch but Dremo blocked it and quickly grabbed Jae's head and brought his knee up to hit him.

'Not the face mehn!' Jae shouted in his mind. If he doesn't dodge it, his nose could be broken by the brute but the knee was coming to fast. Jae left the thought of dodging and blocked the knee by shielding his face with his hands. Seeing that his move didn't work, Dremo pushed Jae away and gave him a solid kick to his chest.

Like a stone out of a catapult, Jae's body flew out and also skidded the floor in pain of his chest. This earned cheers from the boys while the girls scolded Dremo for being ruthless. Dremo paid them no heed and looked at Jae ''come on now, that little kick possibly can bring you down so fast right, haha. I won't show mercy!''

Jae quickly suppressed his pain and stood to meet the fist of Dremo. Jae dodged it and retaliated with his own punches and kicks. Sadly, all of these was just not enough to beat Dremo. Jae quickly changed his fighting approach from direct to going around Dremo in circles while hitting anything that look soft on Dremo's body.

This proved effective as Dremo started feeling the pain of being hit in the same spot like his legs, thighs, stomach, neck and sometimes Jae just slaps him earning boos from the boys saying he fights like a lady.

Out of all their sparring matches up till now, Jae had never won à single one. Although he tries his best, he haven't been able to win. This time, he wanna win. God knows how he pushes himself through pains just to get stronger and lose weight. A person cannot just burn all fat in the body in less than a month. Jae achieving this feat proved just what he had to go through to come out like this and so, he had to win.

The fight continued and Jae decided to end it. Blocking a huge and painful punch from Dremo, he suddenly slid down and locked Dremo's legs with his. After Dremo falls to the ground, Jae quickly got on his back, spread Dremo's hands apart and twisted it causing the boy to scream in pain. Jae wasn't done, raising his fist up, he punched him in his gut.

Dennis quickly stopped the battle and announced Jae as the winner.

'This is not a battle against enemies but a sparring match with colleagues. So you two should end any thought of malice now'' Dennis said as he separated the both of them. He didn't want any of them having bad blood against each other.

Jae who has retreated to the side to recover his breath quickly walked towards Dremo and helped him up. Shaking hands with him, he said ''Good spar Dre''

''Good spar? You just burst out with strength from nowhere and almost killed me! And since when did you learn to fight like a lady?'' Dremo accepted the handshake as he jokingly replied.

Jae just snorted before going to join his colleagues. The girls were all cheering for him. Anyway, the spar ended right there. Dennis stood in front of them with solemn expression. The atmosphere was suddenly filled with seriousness. The kids quickly assembled themselves while waiting for Dennis to begin.

''I remembered the first time you brats walked in here with dreams of becoming Hunters. I bet some of you didn't even sleep and kept fantasizing about the powers you were gonna wield but lemme tell you something that should seep into your skulls for now.

Being a Hunter is not so much a good thing. The moment a person becomes a Hunter, his life becomes very hard at that moment. That moment, his life had been pledged to serve humanity to fight against our enemies.

Sure, they will enjoy wealth, fame and other good stuffs but what use are those things when your days are already numbered to die quicker than normal humans'' Dennis stopped to see the looks on their faces. They were all serious and had a thoughtful look. Dennis nodded in satisfaction seeing this before he continued his words.

''Tomorrow is going to be a turning point for you all. Tomorrow is the day to decide if y'all are born to be Mystic Hunters or not. If you become Mystic Hunters, I want you to do your best to become stronger than before and if you don't become Mystic Hunters, do not sulk or feel bad. Instead, embrace it and go home to live a good life, in the coming years, make a good family and live your days on Crystal 7.'' Dennis concluded his speech. Some of the kids were already fighting back tears.

They knew that this day was coming. Even though they know not being a Hunter is not bad, their pride wouldn't make them agree to not be Hunters. All of them here have a reason they wanted to be Hunters and so, they were willing to give it their best.

But, even so, tomorrow which would mark the day of Hunter Awakening would be the day their fate would be decided.

Jae looked at his peers that he had bonded with a little and felt sad for them. At least, he knew that with or without the Hunter Abilities, he would become a powerful person due to his sleeping system. He also think tomorrow, his system would be awakened. He was sure of that.