
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Six: Awakening Of The Hunters.

This is it! Its time! Jae thought as he looked at the dome he was in. Jae and his colleagues are currently standing among hundreds of people of their age. It seems like its time for the awakening. Taking a deep breath, he looked forward to see that Dennis was now standing on a podium with two other instructors beside him. In front of them was a huge box with a red button on it.

One of them stepped forward and introduced himself ''Hello future Mystic Hunters, my name is Kamiru. I am going to be the one to test your talents. Everyone, take a look at the Crystal Network on your wrist''

Everyone, including Jae and his crew looked at the wristband given to them by Dennis. They didn't know what's its for and could only wait for Dennis' explanation.

''The Crystal Network is a special connector to this box device right here. I will press the button and once I do, a current of energy will flow inside your body and your body would respond with two types of colors which would emerge on the Crystal Network.

If it shows red, it means you have no talent to be a Hunter. You will automatically be teleported out of the academy to the Hunter Organization where your new life begins afresh.

If it shows green, it means you have talents to be a Hunter. Your body would accept the energy and you will awaken your Hunter Abilities on that spot. After that, you would all be automatically teleported to a new location to start your Hunter journey. The Crystal Network or C-Net is a device that operates like a mobile phone. It also helps in showing your Hunter Stats.

Now I will begin in one minute so you should say your last words to your comrades!'' The cold voice of Kamiru resounded once again.

Soon, the whole area was filled with noise as everyone started chatting. Jae and his crew looked at each other for a while before Ezek broke the silence with his cheery voice.

''Guys, we can't waste one minute without speaking a single word''

''Maybe we don't even need to say anything to each other'' a boy chuckled from the side.

''Well, I just wanna say that being with you guys in this month was very fun. Good luck to us'' Mina said with a smile on her cute face.

''Well, I can't wait to become a Hunter. The first thing I would do is to wipe his ass on the floor'' Sol shouted from the side while pointing at Soji.

''Tch, let's first see if ya worthy to be a Hunter! Haha'' Soji snorted with a playful look on his face.

''Hmm, let's promise to find each other once all of this is over'' Emmy who was silent for a while finally chipped in.

''Sure thing Emmy! Come let's cheer it out'' Dremo brought forth his hand in front of them before urging the others to do the same. With their hands now stacked on top of each other, they then lift them above while shouting ''Mystics Hunters!!!''

Jae just looked at their optimism with almost lack of interest. Although he hasn't bonded quite well with them, he also didn't want to be left out as he joined the cheering activity. The moment they finished that act, The one minute was up and the voice of the kids all died down.

They all watched as Instructor Kamiru pushed the red button. After that, the C-Net on the whole children suddenly started shaking while releasing currents and waves of energy that quickly seeped into the bodies of the kids. They all felt shocked as the feeling of something running along the veins of their body felt uncomfortable.

Soon, colors started appearing one by one on each individual. Greens started glowing and reds started emerging. From far above, it looked a colony of red and green. Sadly, the red outmatched and overshadowed the greens. Out of all the colors there, the greens were no more than 50.

The kids with green glows started getting teleported one by one and soon all greens were gone. The reds smiled wryly before they all started getting teleported as well to their destination. It took more than five minutes for all the reds to finally get teleported away.

Mr. Kamiru, Mr. Dennis and the other lady who was known as Lady Corinna looked at each other for one last time before they nodded. Lady Corrina snapped her fingers and the next thing that haooened would have shocked the hell out of Jae and his fellow crew if they were here. The whole place the instructors were standing on started fading out of reality. Buildings after buildings were fading and soon, an empty mass of land was revealed.

Netherensis, The Hunter Academy, was now nowhere to be seen. It was as if an illusion was breaking apart. The three instructors looked at the surroundings one last time before teleporting away.


Planet Kaz - Safety Zone - Netherensis

Jae opened his eyes and found himself in a huge field of grass and rocks. Looking around him, he saw that there were many teenagers that had the same confused looks on their faces.

''Whoa! What is that building right there?!'' A voice sounded out and everyone looked at the source of the voice and saw the person pointing at a direction. When they looked, they saw a huge structure that seems to be a building.


Their thoughts were soon interrupted by a beep from their C-Net which then projected out a hologram of themselves.

Jae looked at the hologram and marveled at the technological development this world has attained

[Crystal Network Connection

Name: Jeremy Styles

Hunter Rank: Level 1 Iron

Type/Rank/Ability: Special Type - Elite Rank - Arts Of The Ninja Ability

Hunter Attributes: Strength: 5 - Agility: 5 - Constitution: 5 - Intelligence: 5 - Energy: 5]

''I.. Is t.. Is this a system?'' Jae stuttered nervously. Then he looked around and saw that the others also had it displayed by their C-Net which confirmed that that wasn't his Ninja God System.

'Where is my system anyway!' Jae thought before his eyes caught something flashing before him. Taking a closer look, he saw <[Ninja God System]> in his view. He felt joy in him. He was about to click on it when the C-Net on his wrist started beeping and then, a voice came out.

''Hello Disciples! Congrats on awakening your abilities. You must be wondering where you all are but don't worry, you are just on a new planet away from Planet Crystal...''

Jae already confirmed that as he was seeing two blue moons appearing in the bright orange sky. ''This must be Planet Kaz. One of mankind's stronghold''

The voice continued ''you see that huge building, that is Netherensis. Your new academy. Now, some of you have known your powers and stats through the C-Net and so without wasting anymore time, proceed to the academy if you don't want to be eaten by Dire Beasts. Once you reach the academy, just start your class like normal student and continue. There won't be anymore formalities from this point. Good bye'' the voice of the person faded away after that.

Hearing that Dire Beasts are out there, they all started running to the academy including Jae. He just awakened his system and he doesn't want to die now. Tens of disciples could be seen running to the academy while being on the lookout for any beast.

Thirty minutes later....

''Hah! Ha! Hah!'' Panting sounds could be heard from everyon including Jae. Only those that awakens Warrior type abilities were able to somehow maintain their breathing. Right now, everybody was in front of a huge gate. After sometime, the gate opened and they started walking inside. They couldn't find anyone at first but after they walked for some time, they were finally able to see more people of their age and older.

Mr. Dennis had already explained to Jae and his crew that a person can only study in an academy for three years and after that, they can either become Rogue Hunters or they join an organization. Some of these kids were ready to graduate while others were in their middle years.

Their C-Net beeped once again and projected a map of the academy's layout. There was a red navigator that directed them to their class. Hunters have classes exclusive for the types they awaken.

Jae found himself being navigated away from the others to a place faraway from other buildings. Surprisingly, three more people were behind him and he knows them. There were two males and a female. The two males had been bickering ever since and didn't even pay attention to any other person. These two were obviously Solomon Dave and Soji Kusen always at each other's throats. The female was Mina, the cute girl in the group. Surprisingly, they were all Special Disciples.

'At least, they are people I know and be okay with. Kasha, you sent me to this world when other worlds are there. But don't worry, I will just make sure to enjoy the journey ahead with my powers' Jae thought as his hands trembled in excitement at the things he would be doing from now on.

''Beep'' C-Net beeped again to indicate its stop. They were now standing in front of a building. Jae stepped inside and the others also followed. The door then suddenly closed by itself.