
New World, New Life!

ANOTHER WORLD is something straight out of fantasy. However, it bedame a reality for Zen. Knowing that he reincarnated in a world of swords and magic, Zen now tries to live hi second life fullest, something he could never do in his past life as a NEET otaku.

0_NovelGuy_0 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 2 : First Steps

The next day. After a bit of slacking in my bed, I got up, clean myself and got down to the dining room. I saw Mom readying breakfast, and she saw me too and says, "Oh, perfect timing! Let's eat! Oh, but call Algen first."

"Alright, " I said after going back up to Algen's room. I knocked on the door and called him, but he doesn't seem to be responding so I opened the door and came in. Inside was a very plain room, however quite messy. Going in his best, I called again.

"Algen, wake up. Breakfast is ready."

"Mhmm... five more minutes..." he mumbled but I answered back, "Oh come on, you wanna make Mom wait down for another five minutes? Come on, wake up."

"...'kay..." he said while trying to get up rubbing his eyes. For some reason, this exchange was very familiar. It's not a bad feeling, that's for sure. We both got down and sure enough, even Dad was there. We sat down and prepared to eat.

...I haven't felt so comfortable like this in my past life. I would just sit in my room, face my computer, play games, and so on. Even my parents didn't care anymore what I was doing. Well, I could say that's maybe it's just my fault not reaching out to them. However, feeling this again... I'm really lucky to have a second chance.

"Zen, what's wrong? You stopped eating suddenly and in a daze just now..." Mom pointed out.

"Ah... sorry, I was just thinking something," I answered. Seems I was in a daze just now, eh?. I continued eating like it was really nothing, but then Algen said, "Brother was like Papa just now."

I was surprised, but that's a kid's perceptiveness for you. You're just 7 year old, you know? Even Dad aaid "Haha, he's really acting like a proper adult. You're still young, but you act like you aren't." I became flustered at his response, thinking that he must've noticed the difference about me.

"Well, maybe it's just Zen growing up! We should be happy for him," My mother said. I'm actually glad he covered up for me there, even if it wasn't intentional. After that we ate while talking about what are we gonna do. I woul've just go to my room and read the books to get more information, but I remembered about the talk yesterday evening. I decided to go to Dad's office later.

After eating, we started doing what we should do. Dad visited the store, Algen got out to have fun with his friends, Mom did the housework, and I got into my room to read more books to get needed informations. The books I have seems to look old, but I could still get the needed information.

I only read the book I read yesterday about magic because I didn't finish it yesterday. But after a while I stopped reading and began to ready going out.

"Zen, where are you going?" Mom appeared and saw me going out and asked me.

"I'm going to Dad's office because I needed to talk with Dad about the business thing."

"Oh, about what he said yesterday? Alright, be careful on the way!"

"Thanks, Mom. I'm off."

After our exchange, I walked down the main street and after a while, got into a big building. I tried to go in, but then the guard stopped me.

"Excuse me, but this is not a place for a child like you," the guard says while looking at me.

I then said, "Sorry, however—" but before I finished saying what I had to say, a voice called to us, "Master Zen, welcome. What have you been doing here?"

Uh...? Wait, her face and that voice, if I remember... "...Kaela-san. Sorry for visiting without a notice." Kaela-san was the secretary of Dad. I guess she was right on time.

"Please, come in. Are you here to visit Glenn-sama?" she inquired. I answered, "Yes. I had something to talk to Father."

"I see. Then, this way please." Kaela-san then guided me to Dad's office. After climbing fourth floor, we stood up into the door of Dad's office. Kaela-san then knocked on the door and said, "Glenn-sama, Zen-sama is here and wishes to see you." After a bit, a reply came inside the room, "Come in."

"Excuse me," I said as I was entering father's room. As you would expect from an office, I thought as I looked from the room. then Dad asked me, "What brings you here?" Huh... So Dad speaks like this while working. I snapped back and answered

"I want to talk about what you said yesterday night, Dad. I decided on what I want to do. I... want to learn at the academy at the capital. Maybe there, I could level up my magic and help fight the Monster Waves."

My Dad was surprised at what I said. Of course, they would be. Dad was a merchant but his first son wants to join the fight against the Waves and will go to the academy at the capital to strengthen his magic.

In the first place, the Waves aren't something easy to fight. I read from the book yesterday that Monster Waves are a big wave of monster that comes from northwest of this kingdom. The waves were happening because it was a form of attack by the Demon Kingdom much farther northwest.

Sometimes, a rare occasion of waves would become so big, and not only that, it even have some demons, that's why this occasions are called the Demon Waves. Many people dies at that battlefield, and his son wants to participate in it.

"Do you know what were you talking about right now, Zen..?"

Dad looked at me worriedly, however I said, "I know you're worried, Dad, but that's why I'm gonna improve my magic at the academy. Going there would help me fight it, after all. And actually, fighting it isn't the my first priority."

That's right. While I also want to fight the Waves, my first priority is to travel the world, and see many things. That's why I want to be strong, and also one of my desires is going to the academy, like what the other isekai MCs do.

Because of my last sentences, Dad thought for a while. After who-knows-how-many-minutes of silence, Dad talked.

"Alright, I will agree to your decision. Then, Algen will be the one who inherits this business. However, I have conditions."

"And that would be?" I asked, thinking this is within expectations. I became worried about what conditions he might say.

"I agree you going take the academy. However, you will not go through northwest if you do not have any combat-related Skills. Well, you still can't take the exam because you need to be 15 years old to take the entrance exam on the Royal Academy. Second, if you ever change your mind about inheriting the business, let me know."

"That would make Algen seem like a convenient replacement that could be removed when needed, so no, thank you." I immediately shot back at his last sentence to voice my disapproval.

"Haha, you really sound like an adult now," Dad just laughed it off and said, "I knew you would say that."

I looked at him, quite exasperated, then remembered something, "Oh right, Dad, how would we know what Skill would I have?"

I asked it since I still don't know how they would determine what skill I could use. Then, Dad said, " You would know tommorow. We'll go to the Guild tommorow to have a look at what you Skill is."

I was surpised by his words. A Guild! A true Adventurer's Guild! My otaku soul inside became really excited. Now I can't wait for tommorrow to come!

Please share what thoughts you might have in this novel. I would try to improve if my writing is so bad :) Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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