
A King has come to Vist

I have spent 17 years on Westeros now, and it has now been longer here than I had spent in my previous life. Which is a crazy thing to say, I have a family here 5 beautiful wives, 7 children and a huge amount of power that I wield here.

But now these upcoming events have put a amazing opportunity forward, with Roberts soon to be death will allow me to consolidate our standing in the world.

Spies and Manipulators have been put into place throughout Vale and The River lands, wizards over the past 5 years have infiltrated in every Noble house in both lands and have put a master plan in place.

In Vale, some Lords have alerted to the fact Robert Arryn is not his son. Thus a new claimant has been chosen House Belmore which is a Cadet branch of Arryn, which just so happens to be one of the few worshipers of the old gods in the area and just so happens to have a Airship port here in Vale.

While in the Riverlands we have had a hard time figuring out who to support as a new claimant, as non of us trusted the Tully's at all. So we decided on a Fishes raised as a Wolf one Bran Stark will take over as a leader here but while he is young a Regent of a Wizard will be put in place to teach and guide him.

The reasoning behind the taking of the River lands is when the war breaks out the three factions; Lannisters, Stannis, and Renly all wanting the throne. They of course will try and wage war in the River-lands which we can offer protection to, this will pull us into the war which we can then subjugate the rest of Westeros. But that is for in the coming years.


We had finally received a Raven that Lord Jon Arryn had passed and King Robert is making his way to Winterfell through the Kingroad. I then set my plans in motion, all merchants were told to avoid non Federation ports in Westeros till further notice, troops from the colonies were loaded up on transport and were making their way to Westeros.

I had also had a sit down with Ned about the future, he was going to travel down to Kings landing but he was equipped with a port key along with Mage Bannermen that will protect him. He out right said non of his kids will be joining him down south.

He did bring up an interesting point that Robert will try and have Sansa married to Joffrey which he and I both disagreed with, thankfully having been taught by wizards and having The Black sisters as unofficial aunts made the girl way more realistic, also Catelyn Tully had also passed these past couple of years from what I do not know I simply did not ask.

So we got into talks about who she should marry, which Narsscia is leaning to having her marry Lio which would have our families United as this would give us a good amount of legitimacy in the eyes of nobles.

But the king is on his way and we need to be ready.


Thankfully my lands are not along the major highway going up to Winterfell so we just had to take a quick flight over when Ned sent word that he was demanding I join in the festivities as he did not want to have to deal with Robert on his own.

Ned over the past years has not been left in the dark over what Robert had done as a king, his whoring and drinking had also just been worse this time as with the Crown taxes that he received from the North were funneled right into whores and tournaments with little finger skimming of the top, The crown was still in large amount of debt. At least 6 million Dragons of not more with little finger stealing even more.

Ned had basically ordered me to arrive early so we would be their in Winterfell with Airships when all the Lannister arrived, he wanted a small fleet docked over the town in addition to the Police craft that fly over the city and its guards.

But now Robert the fat had arrived and the game will be coming to an end soon.