
New World Magic System in Asoiaf

Transmigrated to Asoiaf with the purpose of reviving magic.

Damon_Jager · Book&Literature
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55 Chs


During the 5 Year Skip

While spending time with me kids going on a fishing trip in the Wolfs-Wood, what sounded like a failed teleportation a young blond man wearing a modern Jacket with SCP-507 where a name would be.

He at first looked panic frantically looking around the area obviously trying to find any form of danger he then noticed me and the kids, where Rose, Nym, and I and had pulled our side arms.

Hal-"Son, you seem to be confused on where you are. But I am going to ask you to come with me as you are clearly not from here."

507-"Y—es, sir...…please don't shoot me."

Nym then stunned the boy knocking him unconscious. Putting him in one of the nicer cells while we searched and made sure he did not bring anything by accident or place by The SCP Foundation.

We found a variety of mundane equipment ranging from MREs and flashlights to a regular gun using rubber bullets.

The most interesting was a small journal, which outlined his adventures of traveling the multiverse. His power usually did not allow him to travel outside his local multiverse, but he had not jumped for his longest time till he jumped here.

I did fill the girls in on what the SCP Foundation is and what their purpose is and just how dangerous that multiverse is. After a lot of debate we came to a consensus that we will let 507 explore (with an escort) Eskigarðr and it closest lands as a way to let the poor boy relax some.

And when he was getting closer to him jump home we would give him a variety of books and letter to the SCP Foundation in hopes of explaining we mean no harm and are willing to help in term of magical expertise.

And we will gift 507 a bracelet that will monitor and display how much of a "charge" he had gather and when he reached 100% he would jump to home or a random location.

When he finally woke up I was their to greet him.

Hal-"Well 507 or what ever your name is, you have put me in quite the situation. I had hoped not to deal with your foundation and their anomalies but you have dropped in my lap by the fates.

So now I have to figure out what do with you, and no I'm not going to kill you as my kids would be upset with me.

So you are going to be the messager, first you will be allowed to travel my city and explore but with a escort, and second we will give you a variety of thing to give to your foundation. Understood?"


Hal-"Good, someone will escort you and give you some money while you are here."


This jump even after being kidnapped was not the worst. I had seen world that the foundation failed in but, here it was amazing I took pictures of everything and bought a bunch of things for the lab guys back home.

The city was beautiful, with its mix of modern amenities and medieval architecture the place truly get one of a kind. When I watched one of the magical duels i thought I had seen everything, but then I saw the massive airships flying over the city.

Their were hundreds of them flying back and forth from the airship docks in the cent of the city. I was able thank to the escort to see some of the navy ships and they had massive guns all over the craft.

When I asked my escort who name was Alfhild, apparently she was a local legend here. What powered the massive ships or if I could ride one.

She said that they were powered by a mix of mundane engineering and a variety of magical calculations done via magical counting machines that Lord Maelstrom had invented.

What I was expecting was some kind of computer or server system, instead was a massive clockwork machine that was outputting a wall of numbers and percentages that I could not comprehend.

I was then escorted to the engine room, a massive Bright Red Crystal that was covered in a variety of glyphs and sigils. Which was encased in massive steel shell that was pumping steam through the vessel.

Soon found out that these Dust Crystals could be used in anything, as a neigh infinite source of power as once a crystal reach a certain size they would begin to explain more energy than they need to grow allowing them to constantly regenerate.

We then continued to travel all around the city, i tried to experience everything once. I went and shot at a gun range with Dust Rounds. And I talked to as many people and other sentient being as possible.

I met a Goblin when getting my coin at a local bank, a Centaur was traveling with a caravan heading North to their colonies, but the most amazing person who I met by complete accident was a woman by the name Eldrid who was buying supplies at a small trading post.

Who I came to learn is the sect leader of the Druids here in the North and she is one of the most dangerous people here besides the Lords family.

She was very kind and told me about the nature spirts here and what to do should I come across them.

But sadly my time was limited here, with the bracelet from Lord Maelstrom I now had some form of idea how long I would be in a dimension. So I knew that I only had one more day left here and I made the most of it.

I went to the most expensive restaurant and ate the best meal, and I went on a spending spree buying as much as I could putting into that bag of holding. And one moment I was sitting with my escort and the next I was in the facility


On February XX, 20XX SCP-507 who had not jumped for over 3 months had jumped and was their for 2 weeks. Once their they were captured by the local government, who not just knew of the Foundation but knew of multiple Anomalies.

SCP-507 was also given and bought a variety of items varying in their uses. From Books detailing that dimension history, to thaumaturgic Crystals that emit a kind of radiation.

SCP-507 also took a large amounting photos that show this dimension, 507 also brought back a letter from Lord Maelstrom now SCP-7000.


Dear, SCP Foundation.

Never purposely enter my dimension again, should you like to contact me and come to agreement I would happily assist in containment and disposal of certain SCPs.

I am giving SCP-507 a variety of items I would think will help you in your jobs. If you agree to a trade agreement please write a letter to Lord Maelstrom, Head of the Department of Magic, United Federation Planetoes.


The O-5 council has been alerted to this circumstance and have begun discussions.