
New Path*

The world is starting to evolve and so are humans and other species on earth too. And Chris is one of the people who start their new path. Then waits for him it depends on his actions to see where will his journey lead him.

fegzzxc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 1 - Awakening

When I woke up it was still already bright outside so I start preparing myself thinking it will be a normal day like the other going to college, come back home, and go to a job like always.

I woke up from my bed and go to the bathroom to start brushing my teeth and I looked at myself, brown eyes, dark hair a dark brown skin with muscle where it should be, I wasn't tall but at least I was above average if I take other guys from college as an example.

After finishing brushing my teeth I washed and had my breakfast, and I dressed took my bag, and go out of my apartment, when I was waiting for the bus to go to college I was thinking how life is boring repeating the same thing. the bus came didn't come too long after I arrived at the bus station I entered the bus and looked at the people inside the bus.

Since where I live there is more student who takes the same bus and I always wanted to take the bus earlier otherwise I will be overload with people, inside I saw three guys and 4 girls.

Among the guy the most attractive was a tall guy with muscle showing from his t-shirt and a little of his jean he was looking at the girl on the bus and I can understand him I do it myself, and the second guy was a middle-aged man not so muscle but he has a good body showing that maybe he workout surely and he didn't look old at all, and the last guys was a high school guy since I always see him go out of the bus next of a highschool wand with the vibe around him it's like if saying look I am at high school.

from the side of the girls there is a beautiful girl not really like a top model but from my taste, with not big boob but enough to make you look at it twice and the butt, ohh dude no need to say just think of it and you will understand cough cough I think I got a little too far but the life is so boring might as well enjoy what I see, and the girl next to her is not bad too but not my taste but she is more of the taste of most of the guys and then we have the milf this is what I think when I look at her no need to say more the experienced people will understand she has this aura for relaxing people around her I talked to her some time since we live in the same neighborhood and the last girl is a highschool girl too with her bag her look which make think she is in her period of rebellion.

But all of sudden I heard a whisper in my head but there was no one next to me and I felt a strong headache and I looked at the other people they were in the same state as me and the bus driver stopped the bus suddenly, after that I felt like if something was pulling me and I found myself in a white room, and a ball of light in the middle of the room I looked around me and I find other people and the bus driver here too after that hear again the voice but this time it was coming from the ball of light

"Hello people from the planet called earth I am a messenger send by other beings in the universe since your world started his new evolution "

but when the ball of light was talking the tall guys suddenly screamed in a menacing tone, "who are you and why are we here !!!"

And just after his word a pressure came out from the ball of light I couldn't feel or see what it was but my body started to tremble same for other people around, but the big guy was worse he falls on the floor and started screaming not understanding what was happening to him.

sweat started to go out of all my body and I feel like I will fall at any time, but then I heard the ball.

"learn your place or you will regret your own action and let me finish to talk first, ok I will restart again your planet is starting due to the influence of the universe energy changing other species on earth too but unfortunately humans can't awaken has fast has other specie since they choose technologies for a better life leaving slowly the evolution path"

I hesitate to pose a question but in the end in asked him since if what he said was really then I better know more of this new world

"So does that mean we can't awaken without your help"

- "of course you can but it will take a month or even more depend if more energy appear and start changing other faster than animals who keep the same path since generation which means they have more potential than human, and with all the change it's dangerous to awaken on earth because you will be sleeping due to the pain for adapt your body to the energy"

I tried to understand what he means by energy and potential and then asked again

" but why humans had less potential and can not awaken faster"

- " Some humans can awaken as fast as other species on earth but it because the gene of their family is good or because of their talent but simply the better your body can be connected to the energy the more benefit you get "

after answering my question it turned to the other people

" do you have some questions"

they looked at each other and then asked the same question

"and what will happen to our families and friends"

-"they are undergoing the awakening like you will all do, so now no more questions come next to the ball and touch it, the awakening will then start"

I was hesitating to trust him or not but I remember then that he can kill me easily if he wanted when I looked at the tall guy who was starting to get up from the floor with a look of terror on his face.

I looked at other people they were hesitating too, I then advanced in front of the ball and posed my hand on it and I felt this headache again and a wave of energy going inside my body just like some of the cultivation novel but nothing happened to my body just that I feel like I finally felt natural and a part of my body came back to me.


[You have been awakened and will now choose a path that will lead you to who you want to be.]

And then I saw a blue panel appear in front of me after that I was sure that the world will completely change too .but another panel appeared

[Do you want to follow the path of evolution or gain help through the system

yes or no ]

Those pannel appeared in front of me once again and this time it was asking to follow a path I looked at the other and they were waiting to see what will happen which means they can't see the panel. I then asked the ball a question

"what will change if I choose the evolution path and not the path with the system"

- " Nothing changes except that the growth with the system will grant you a quick help but in exchange, you will have to join a faction depend on which being supervise it "

I started thinking if I should join a faction since like that I will not be threatened or anything else but in exchange, my growth will be less good than others who choose the evolution path

"and what are the type of faction you know?"

- " too much faction exists in the universe and those factions who want to help humanity is trying to get more people with a potential to help their own potential to grow, this is all you need to know"

" So if they can gain potential it means we can do it too"

the small ball seemed to laugh as it emitted several colors with a faint sound of laugh we could hear, but he quickly responded with his monotonous voice.

- "yes but the requirement is more though to join a faction in the later stage, than going for the evolution and upgrade your talent would be harder on your own, if you don't have system help, now stop your question and choose "

everyone wasn't sure if he tried to convince us to go with the system help, our trying to get stronger on our own, but we were already stressed by the situation that we didn't take his word at heart and instead looked at the ball at the center our heart beating faster everyone hoping that maybe it was a joke, to our great dismay it wasn't.

I started to think that even in the apocalypse their still some order and privilege but I rapidly stopped thinking of that and directly refused to get help from the system in exchange to join a faction.

[you have chosen to find your path and therefore will not have access to any help from faction]

after this pannel appeared I felt a change in my body and started to feel as if with just a word the world will obey my command but it was just a feeling, and after that, my mind was more clear like if know what I want to do right now after that the pannel appear again.

[Your Path and who you become will be determined by yourself]

Status access: Restricted

Market access: Refused

Path: ?? ]

after that I know I was reckless but still even if living in this new world will be hard I am excited about what path I will find

- " Since you choose your path please step aside from other needs to be awakened too"

hearing that I looked to others and they came to me asking what happened to me I just told them and they started thinking themself what they want. And it's was the big guys who were on the floor who came after with a feeling like he wants to be more powerful after what happened to him.

Then others also start to awaken themself I wasn't sure what they choose for a path but at least I can figure out or ask some questions later.

When we were all awakened the ball then started to talk to us again

"Since you all have followed your path it's time to take the weapon to protect yourself"

An armory with bow, swords, spears, and other types of weapons. We were surprised when I found this and then I really understand that when we will come back to the world we know will be hard to survive.

we choose our weapons and I saw the big guys took a shield and a huge sword I was surprised when I saw it because this sword looked really and I asked him.

" How can you raise this sword "

he looked at me with a frown and then answered

" didn't you get free stat to strengthen yourself "

- " no I didn't "

"so you choose a different path from me "

when he said it I directly slapped my head forehead being so dumb, of course, it's a system so there a free stat for a beginner and with those things of faction, it's normal for him to be so strong. I then looked at others I understand that some of them really choose the system as a path.

Hey, Guys, I am New at writing and English is not my native language so if you want to help me I welcome it. hope you will enjoy reading it.

You can comment as you want any criticism is welcome as long it helps improve the story

fegzzxccreators' thoughts