
chapter 1

From  the moment it was placed within its current host the Hogkyouku began to work, in  correspondence  with the hosts desire for immortality  the first step  it would have to take is ensuring that the soul of  the host can be sustained indefinitely.

Most divine beings already possess immortality but that wasn't true immortality as they could still be killed in some shape or form, infact  most of them can have their souls completely destroyed by attacks that target the soul as such  to ensure that its host receives actual true immortality the Hogkyoku began its work.

Immortality means  to be unable to die, meaning nothing can ever harm its host. With that realization the Hogkyouku began to reinforce the soul  of  the host making it denser and tougher so that it could withstand and resist any attacks that did soul damage, once  that was done the Hogkyouku began to create soul Shields that would repel soul damaging attacks, it made about  10 layers of Shields. The  shields would return any soul damaging  attack back  to  it's sender amplified about tenfold.

It then began to read the entirety of  the soul and began creating countless copies of  the soul and had them stored in a subspace, those copies will instantly replace the Hosts soul should it be eradicated. It also made a copy of itself incase it was destroyed and  stored it in the same subspace, the copy Hogkyouku will be dormant and will only activate once the original is destroyed.

With countermeasures against the Soul created, the Hogkyouku began to create a way for  the host to have a steady  supply of energy without the need to be reliant on anything.  using the Hosts past life knowledge is created the skill,  [Magicule breeder reactor core]  an  ability that will supply the host with unlimited mana and completely making it so that he never runs out of magic power, once  that was done it began its work on the body.

The host will use mana as a life line to be able to live and since the host has his own unlimited mana he won't need external mana, it also made it so  that his  blood would be silver instead of gold as a result of it carrying copious amounts of mana. The Hogkyouku proceeded to then reinforce his bones, increasing their durability making them harder than any substances that exists in the universe it then increased  his  already great healing ability by a 100 fold making it so he can instantly heal and regenerate.

The next thing to improve was the mind, the Hogkyouku created hundreds of  barriers to  prevent the host's Thoughts  from  being known by anyone but  the host,  the  barriers will also helped against mind attacks that sought to cripple one's mind.

With the most pressing matters done  The Hogkyouku began to work of a few trivial things, overall improving the Hosts physical features and  using the Hosts divine skill to forge various new skills that would come in handy.


Within what seemed to be a luxurious golden and silver castle  made of iron and gold, on its front entrance, a gate leading into the yard of the palace there stood two menacing  creatures, one was a lion with glistening silver skin and fur, the beast was humongous, dwarfing any regular sized palace made by man and next  to it on the other side of the gate was a Dog of similar  size but instead it had golden skin and fur and was just as majestically beautiful as the lion beside him.

The Two beasts furrow their brows and bared their fangs as a figure made its way towards them, The figure was quite far away as such they waited for it to get close before attacking the Perceived intruder, within a couple  of minutes the figure had arrived near them, it was a woman carrying  what looked to be a large roll of cloth that was slung over her shoulder.

Once she arrived near the two beasts her pale skin slowly changed colors returning to its golden sheen revealing herself to be one of the handmaidens of the palace.

"Good afternoon Asími and Chrysós"

She gave her greetings to the two guards to her lords palace before walking past them and opening the gates and entering. She made her way through the paved path in the middle of a field of grass and arrived at the palace door. Placing to cloth to the side she knocked  using the circular handles  on it.

She waited a few minutes before knocking again, she waited another few minutes before knocking once again however no one  opened the door.

"Tria  can you open  the door?"

She asked  the maid  that  was supposed to be responsible for welcoming guests and opening the palace door, however no one came  to  open the door causing the maid to frown.


As soon as she  Shouted footsteps were heard and a feminine voice responded to her statement.


The door opened to reveal another made that also had golden skin   the girl looked like  she just woke up with how she rubbed her eyes.

"What did I tell you about sleeping?, what if the lord had an important guest?"

"the lord never has important guests though"

"And that doesn't give you the excuse to sleep, fucking Tartarus Tria  you wanna get thrown in the forge and be turned into those wheel things."

She stated, mentioning  the tripods  with  golden wheels.

"Whatever Ena, just get in already"

"don't say what ever to your  elder sister"

"yeah, by 3 seconds"

"just take the cloth and send it up to the forge, the lord should be done With his bath or whatever that is"

Tria took the cloth without complaint, she just had to shut up her supposed older sister. Taking  the cloth she then left  to deliver it to the forge however she quickly regretted complying to her sisters order as she realized that the palace was ridiculously huge and it  would take a while to make it Into the forge.


After an hour of traversing the way to  the back of  the palace and  another hour of climbing down  the stairs to the forge Tria finally made it, she  threw  the white cloth on top of a large table that had a few equipment, like hammers and unfinished swords. There was also some food items there as well and Tria took a few fruits for herself.

The  forge was a  large  underground basement,  it  was dark and  only illuminated by the fire and the  giant pot of Molten lava that sat at  the center,  the  walls  were decorated with  various kinds of weapons, swords, axes and maces.

The forge  was  were the lord worked and  spent  most of his time, one  could even say he ate and slept there. Tria  Didn't like  the  forge, it  was hot  and stuffy not to mention her lord had no sense of décor,  who  would let weapons just hang on the  wall like  that?

After having done looking around Tria decided to leave but before she could begin to ascend the stairs  the whole room shook causing her to wobble backwards and almost falling.

"an earthquake?"

 She pondered  but upon further inspection she found out that it was the giant pot of lava that was shaking and in turn threatening to spill. Looking at the lava swish around and threatening to spill she tried to get her bearings but she couldn't so instead she crawled her way to the stairs.

The lava began to bubble almost as if boiling and began to stir around the pot before a small eruption burst forth causing the lava to splatter all over the room and fortunately didn't bring harm to Tria. Feeling the increased temperature of the room Tria turned to look behind her and was awe struck by what she saw.

A man with deep crimson red hair almost as if it was dipped in blood, he had glistening golden eyes, that stared back at her with an unreadable gaze, his face was handsome with a finely chiseled Jaw and a polished nose. His torso was all muscles, lean muscles like  that of an athlete  than that of a body builder by his muscles were defined and visible.

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Xinum_Sensationalcreators' thoughts