
New God of the forge

Hephaestus awakens memories of a past life he didn’t know he had and figures out that he has a device with him called the Hogkyouku and that it has made him much more powerful than ever. with this new found power he declares to make Aphrodite his and only his. ........ this fic is loosely based on Greek myth as such the Gods may behave and act differently than in their original myth. I took complete creative liberty in their portrayal. Also Aphrodite is the main waifu hope you like the story

Xinum_Sensational · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

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will add more, it's pretty difficult finding a consistent art style, I wanted all of them to be realism art but I just couldn't pictures that matched by description and I'm diligent enough to go through all the internet for a picture.