It took him a week to realize that a normal life is not for him. He grew restless and without a particular goal he found himself without anything to do. Picking up the phone he called the only contact the phone had
"Hey Nat"
"You do realize I am working right."
"Who are you working with?"
"It's classified" , Harry was sure that she was smirking on the other side of the phone.
Natasha continued, "How is normal life treating you?"
Harry paused for a moment before saying, "It's going on."
There was a pause before she said, "Why don't you go look for you teachers in the magic school. It would be nice to have a familiar face talk with you."
Harry shook his head, "How am I going to explain about the other students who went missing with me? I tracked them down and took them down myself."
Natasha said, "At least go to Britain and meet your friends' family. They deserve it."
"I will go to Britain but don't expect me to talk to anyone from my old life."
Natasha said, "Well good for you, I have to go now. Nice talking to you Harry."
"Bye Nat" He hung up the phone and looked at his small one-bedroom house. He hoped he would find something interesting in Britain.
The war really did something to the wizarding world. Voldemort really did a lot of damage. He captured the ministry after being resurrected shortly after Harry left. He held it for five years until he was finally killed but the damage was already done. A large number of muggle born were executed along with their entire families. Changing the school curriculum, most of the current generation knew more about dark arts than their own parents.
With a large part of the ministry made up of Voldemort sympathizers did not help in clean up. It seemed as if it would take years to undo most of the damage he had done.
As Harry made his way through the damaged Diagon Alley he entered a shop that sold potion ingredients.
"I want all the items on the list."
The vendor took the list and read it. "You are not from here, are you?"
Harry replied truthfully, "No, I am not. I was cut off from the wizarding world due certain reasons."
The vendor nodded at him and said, "I have the items you want but not in this quantity."
"I will take what you have."
The vendor nodded and said, "I will get everything, so come back in an hour."
Harry nodded and made his way to a shop that was having more customers than other shops. He entered the shop that had an assortment of items. "Welcome to Weasely's Wizard Wheezes. What can I get you?"
"Just looking around." Harry replied. Harry made his way to the back of the shop when he met the Weasely twins. "Hi Hadrian"
"How did you know it was me?"
They pointed at a parchment on the desk, "We made one a couple months back. So how are you Hadrian? You disappeared years ago with a few first years and everyone believed that You-Know-Who captured and performed some ritual to come to life."
Harry replied, "That's false."
Fred snorted, "We know that. What happened to the others?"
Harry gave a short reply, "They are dead."
"Oh" George said. They stayed quite for some time until Fred said, "We wanted to close this when Percy and Ron died. But we realized that we can atleast bring a bit of joy to others' lives after this war. Look around for something you like. We will make sure to give you a discount."
"I want to know how you made the map." Harry said.
"Well, we can't give you the production method but we will give you an empty one. You just need to bind it to the main ward stone for it to work."
"I'll take three." Harry said.
"Sure." They opened a drawer and pulled a few parchments out. "We made four after we figured out how to make it."
"Then I will take the fourth one as well."
"It is pretty costly you know." Fred warned.
Harry replied, "I can afford it."
Harry stayed in the shop for a lot longer than he expected. He had also bought a lot of stuff that seemed useful like Peruvian instant darkness powder, decoy detonator and even a couple of joke sweets that made people fall sick. He returned to the apothecary and took all the items he had ordered. He had a quick lunch in the Leaky Cauldron before leaving Diagon alley.
'Britain is pretty beat up. I wonder how the rest of Europe is handling this.' Harry thought, 'maybe I should go check.'
Natasha Romanoff pov
She sat watching the live press conference of Tony Stark.
"I am Iron Man"
She sat there staring at the foolish man when Fury came in, "You are going undercover as Pepper Potts assistant next week. Make sure Stark does not screw up."
Natasha said, "He just did." She pointed at the video.
"Did he just announce to the world that he is Iron Man?"
Natasha simply nodded.
"That's it, you are on babysitting duty and you are going right now."
Timeskip 2 years
"Hey Nat, nice to see you pick up my call."
"I am in work Harry, now is not the time to talk." Natasha replied.
"Thank god. I thought that I did not meet the expectations of the great Black Widow on our date." Harry sighed dramatically.
Natasha smirked at that, "You passed."
"So, tell me. How is Tony Stark?" Harry asked.
"How do you know that?" Natasha asked.
"By the fact that I saw you on the internet giving a drink to Ms Potts. You are not a really good spy are you?" Harry said.
"One of the big problems when you are taking care of one of the richest and powerful man in the world." Natasha said.
"More like the biggest playboy." Harry muttered under his breath.
"Aw, is little Harry jealous?"
"Stop that baby talk please." Harry grumbled.
"Well, I got to go. My cover will stay for a couple of days. Then I am free to talk."
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Harry asked playfully.
"I can cancel it if you don't want." She said.
"Alright, alright I am free as well." He grumbled, "How do you always win?"
"It's a gift. Bye"
"Good bye" Harry said. He looked at the beach from the window before shaking his head. He had to take another international portkey and they were ten times worse than a normal portkey. He had tried to make travelling more pleasant but so far, he had only managed to transport a bunch of rats to God knows where.
He packed up all his belongings and pointed his ring at the book, 'portus'
He took a deep breath and grabbed the portkey which will take him to California.
[From suggestions I have got two names, Augurey(which is a good idea) or Phoenix(Harry was reborn twice and he has become what he is now)
Choose which one you like more or I may have to go with a coin flip.]