
New Arise

Inflictednote_3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


In the dimly lit cavern of the Land of the Devils, the atmosphere was thick with tension. The recent failure of Heck weighed heavily on the assembly of demonic beings, each one pondering their next move. The Boss, still fuming from the previous encounter, stood at the head of a large stone table, his eyes glowing with barely contained rage.

"One year. It's going to take us one fucking year till we can go back," he muttered, pacing back and forth. "Heck's failure has cost us dearly. He was strong enough to bring back both of them!"

Darren, leaning against a jagged pillar, crossed his arms. "As much as I'm concerned, we need a better strategy for next time, at least you do."

Another demon, smaller but with sharp, calculating eyes, chimed in. "It's a risk, but I'll be the one to go next."

The Boss stopped pacing and turned to face the group. "We need to ensure our next target is secure. We've already identified him as Daniel. He's recently come into his powers; we need to weaken him before sending our next troop."

"Daniel," Darren mused, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "I've heard about him. He's the one who killed his wife, a past that haunts him."

"Exactly," the Boss agreed. "We will be sending Sharon."

The calculating demon, known as Malachi, nodded. "The girl is great, but is she ready? Not to be rude, but she's still a child."

The Boss snapped angrily, "She's my fucking daughter!"

"I'm sorry, Boss, but it's the truth," Malachi quivered in fear.

"Why can't I go instead?" Darren asked. "I'll be quick and smart about it."

The Boss looked around the room, his eyes settling on each demon in turn. "We need someone cunning, someone who can control their blood lust. I don't need greedy soldiers; I need a machine!"

"Alright, Boss." Darren left the meeting room, searching for something to punch.

It had been a couple of years since the confrontation with that demon. Dexter and Elena had been walking around aimlessly, searching for others like them. One day, they stumbled across a high school where there was screaming and shouting. As they made their way closer, they saw him—David—fighting a demon. They didn't intervene immediately due to the many witnesses.

"What are we going to do? He needs our help," Elena exclaimed.

Dexter looked at Elena seriously. "Let's wait a bit. I want to see what happens."

"Look at all of them, they are just standing around taking pictures."

"Yes, those idiots are going to get themselves killed."

In surprise of watching David fight, Elena muttered, "Damn, the kid is good."

"Not good enough." Dexter pointed, "See there, the kid's holding back. He's getting tossed around like a rag doll."

Elena, looking worried and showing concern for David, asked, "Should we go in now?"

"Not yet."

As soon as the demon dropped David, it sprinted towards the other kids trying to kill them all. "Now!"

Dexter and Elena sprang into action. The demon, sensing their approach, turned its attention away from the fleeing students and faced the new threat. Dexter reached the demon first, his fist connecting with its jaw in a powerful uppercut. The demon staggered but quickly regained its footing, snarling in anger.

"You think you can stop me?" the demon Darren roared, its voice echoing through the school courtyard.

Elena, using her enhanced strength, grabbed a nearby bench and swung it at the demon with all her might. The bench shattered on impact, causing the demon to stumble backward. But it was far from defeated.

"Keep it distracted!" Dexter shouted, dodging a swipe from the demon's claws.

The demon lunged at Dexter, who barely managed to sidestep the attack. Elena took the opportunity to grab the demon from behind, locking its arms in a tight grip. "Now, Dexter!" she yelled.

Dexter didn't hesitate. He summoned all his strength and delivered a flurry of punches to the demon's torso. Each hit landed with a bone-crunching force, but the demon fought back fiercely, thrashing and growling.

With a sudden burst of strength, the demon broke free from Elena's hold and sent her flying with a powerful kick. She crashed into a wall, momentarily stunned. The demon then turned its attention back to Dexter, its eyes burning with hatred.

"You'll pay for that," the demon hissed, lunging at Dexter with renewed fury.

Dexter braced himself, ready to counter the attack, but the demon was too fast. It landed a crushing blow to Dexter's chest, sending him sprawling to the ground. As the demon loomed over him, ready to strike the final blow, a low growl filled the air.

David was awake.

His eyes glowed red, and he was bleeding profusely from multiple wounds. But he barely felt the pain. A surge of energy coursed through his body, and he rose to his feet with a newfound determination. "Get away from him," David growled like a caged tiger, his roar sending shockwaves across the city.

The demon turned, surprised to see David standing. "How are you still standing?" it sneered.

David charged at the demon with blinding speed, his fists connecting with its face and body in a relentless assault. The demon tried to fight back, but David's sheer power overwhelmed it. With a final, mighty blow, David sent the demon flying through the air. It crashed on the pavement, and David landed next to it, preparing to punch it over and over again.

"Emma!" David shouted, "You took her from me!" David continued his onslaught.

Dexter, catching his breath, looked at David with a mixture of awe and concern. As he approached, he tried to reason with David, "Hey kid, that's enough."

But David didn't listen. He turned towards Dexter and punched him as hard as he could, sending him crashing through the school into a classroom, where the walls collapsed onto him. Elena, recovering and hunched over, looked towards David, who after punching Dexter, continued pummeling the already dead demon.

David's relentless punching soon slowed down, his rage-filled eyes flickering. He turned to see Elena cradling Emma, who was weak but alive. David's eyes slowly returned to normal, stretching out his arms towards Emma. Although he was still bleeding heavily, he thought he could make it by her side. "I'll be fine," he said, though his voice wavered.

But the injuries were too much for him to bear. As the adrenaline faded, the pain surged, and David's vision blurred. He staggered, trying to stay upright, but his legs gave way. He collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

When David woke up, he was in a dimly lit cave. The cool, damp air and the rough stone beneath him were a stark contrast to the chaos of the schoolyard. He groaned, trying to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his body, reminding him of his injuries.

"Hey, take it easy," a voice said. David turned his head to see Dexter kneeling beside him. "You're pretty banged up."

"Where... where am I?" David croaked.

"You're safe," Elena's voice came from the other side. She approached with a bowl of water. "Here, drink this."

David accepted the bowl with trembling hands, taking small sips. "What happened? How did I get here?"

"We brought you here," Dexter explained. "After you passed out, we couldn't leave you there. Too many questions, too much attention. We figured it was safer to bring you somewhere quiet."

David's eyes widened as he remembered seeing Emma bleeding. "Emma! Is she—"

"She's fine," Elena reassured him. "A bit shaken, but she's safe. We had to get you out of there first. You were in pretty bad shape."

David's body ached, and he felt an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. "Thank you," he managed to say, his voice weak.

"Don't mention it," Dexter said, a hint of a smile on his face. "We couldn't just leave you there."

"By the way," Elena added, "we never got your name."

"David," he replied. "So what happened? Who are you guys?"

"Nice to meet you, David," Dexter said, "I'm Dexter, and this is Elena."

David, feeling a mix of gratitude and confusion, angrily demanded, "Answer my question. What happened, who are you guys, and why are you helping me?"

Dexter stood up and answered, "We are like you. We awakened our powers about fifteen years ago."

Elena chimed in, "We helped because you were knocked out, and we couldn't just let anyone else die out there," as she said that she stared at Dexter. "So you really don't remember anything else, anything at all?" Elena asked.

"No, nothing."

"Very well, David, I'll explain what happened." Dexter proceeded to tell David what happened.