
New Alpha in Town

Traveling to a new world Oliver Grey along with his new pack has to find a place for themselves amongst this new world.

Ashtin_Pratt · TV
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Hale, Satomi Grey !!!

Standing in front of the mirror I've mentally prepared for this meeting for a while. First impressions matter a lot and even if their pack is weaker currently, their name alone throws a lot of weight around our side of the world. Marin texted me earlier that Laura was back, yet it wasn't until today that we decided to meet.

Today was a school day which meant Erica, Malia, and Lydia went to school already. I was a bit skeptical but according to Lydia having Malia join school earlier will be better for her. While the kids went to learn Carrie had her orientation at the hospital today. Placing her there gives me an eyeliner on Peter, as well as ears on various supernaturally admitted folk.

Jordan and Braeden were still busy setting up an office space, whilst Marin was a teacher. So other than the twins, who I kept behind me for today's meeting, for the first time since coming to Beacon Hills the twins and I were alone.

"Well it's about time we met this mysterious Alpha. I mean this chick has some nerve leaving her territory for so long. Isn't she afraid of someone stealing home."

"Well, Aiden, if you would pay attention someone already stole their home, with them in it."

Seeing the twins about to pick up pace, I gracefully smack them upside their heads and give them the 'no more playing' look. Maybe it's being twin brothers but their playfulness is multiplied when they're together.

"Alright boys, let's go, knowing Satomi I'm almost sure we'll be the last to arrive."

The twins sobered up and came to either side of me, with Aiden on the right and Ethan hanging on my left, the three of us left the house in formation. Our meeting today wasn't supposed to be some secret werewolf meeting in the forest, so we rode our bikes to a nice bistro that was opened by a nice lady who graduated from some fancy Japanese cooking academy.

Although the meal smelt fantastic.

As the twins and I walked into the place we could notice how the entire bistro was rented out and sitting at the only available table were two women each with two people standing behind them.

Satomi looked the same, no shocker, however the two people she brought with her were new and I cannot say I remember their identities. Laura on the other hand was everything an alive, young, powerful Alpha should be. Even her very presence I can smell her pride and courage exuding off of her. With Derek and a younger Cora standing behind her, they turned their heads to us as we walked in.

Naturally I took my seat across from them as the twins mimicked the other guards and just stood quietly on either side. No matter who it was in this room, they had enough strength to walk almost sideways in this city on their own, adding to the tense atmosphere, onlookers would've assumed this was a war meeting.

"I apologize for my tardiness, there was a last minute thing I had to pay attention to. However since we're all here, Ms. Satomi it's a pleasure to see you again. As for Ms. Hale, the rumors don't due you justice. Absolutely stunning."

Laura withheld a smile from forming on her lips, because no girl doesn't like compliments from a handsome guy, as she responded "Mr. Grey, likewise, I've heard many rumors about the Grey family turmoil, and I offer my condolences for your lost."

"Actually Ms. Hale there's no need for condolences, after all Grey and Hale are in a similar situation. Both of us pushed to become Alphas by circumstances, both heads of our families too young, both of us wishing we could go back..."

I let those words hang in the atmosphere a bit before speaking up "Actually Ms. Hale, I do believe I can offer you assistance in this case."

This statement isnt even nonsense. I've had the family looking into the Hale affair for a while. This case was actually extremely well executed and covered up. Normal police and detectives wouldn't have a clue, however if you're like me and you already know the culprit, then by focusing on that person you get a lot of information.

Sure enough the faces of the Hales changed when they heard my words. Laura's eyes glowed red showing her lack of control of her spark as it still bursts with emotion. Satomi noticed the red flicker and couldn't help but give a small sigh, after all the little girl she watched grow up now has to do her mother's job with far less people and power.

"What do you know?"

"I know a lot, Ms. Hale. However..."

Laura took a second to breathe as she realized now was her turn to make some offers.

"If your information is true and reasonable, Not only will the Hales not obstruct you, but there's money we can give as rewards or even let you pick from our vault."


"Wait, what?"

"SILENT!" She stopped the two members of her family "We have guesses and unless we can provide evidence, even if we get revenge other hunter families won't sit still."

"As expected of an Alpha, you see the situation clearly. Well first let me tell you a story."

I've had Braeden do so much digging on Kate that I was able to piece together her entire itinerary for that day.

See what had happened was, Young Kate easily played a young Derek on the tip of her fingers. Family land, enchantments around it, number of people and even just a bunch of random family information.

She used that knowledge to plan out her attack which she did. The day before the fire broke out we got her on camera talking to a high school chemistry teacher, now normally that wouldn't be an issue, but through lip reading, we were able to get some words such as, fire, explosion, and a list of different chemicals that are flammable with no traces or smells.

From there she caught the bus out of town, making sure to leave a record of her leaving before the actual act, and then going to a motel and getting back inside a car before returning. After driving back into the city, the last cctv caught her heading towards the Hales before disappearing and showing back up 25 minutes later on a different camera throwing out a jacket that accidentally caught flame.

The entire video was cut down to less than 5 minutes, however those few minutes had three pairs of glowing eyes, Red, Gold and Blue staring at the tablet in Aiden's hands.

"Under the orders of Gerard Argent, Kate Argent massacred the entire Hale house but still didn't get daddy's approval isn't that sad."

Satomi watched the three youngsters almost losing control as she coughed bringing awareness back to the few. "So Oliver, you collected this evidence, showed it to Laura? What's your plans?"

"I'm preparing in advance."

"Preparing for what?"

"I'm preparing for the day, we can no longer hide. The magic is getting weaker, species are getting weaker, now very few natural werewolves are born each year. It won't be long before the secret is out on a large scale, and I'd rather Grey, Satomi, Hale be allied together against it. So who's in?"