
Spirit consciousness' capacity

'Wake me up when you go back to the residence,'

While Ajax and Edmond were shocked at Paulin's answer, Udo felt bored with their conversation and rested his back on the ground.

Udo was not a summoner much less an official one. So, he felt their talk was useless to him and relaxed without paying any attention to them.

As for Darbaurdr, he heard their words; however, his focus was mainly on their surroundings.

"Yes...it took me one hour to form an unofficial contract with Glacious,"

Seeing their shocked looks, Paulin once again gave his answer.

With Paulin's words, both Edmond and Ajax came out of their shock and Edmond immediately turned his head towards Ajax and asked, "Why are you shocked? Did you take more time or less time?"

That's right!

Even though both Ajax and Edmond were shocked by Paulin's words. Their reasons for being shocked were different.