

The star king gave his presence in the morning of Kalos, in Lumiose City more precisely in the pokemon center of that city, May began to open her sapphire orbs, around those beautiful eyes there were dark circles due to bad sleep.

The brunette, rubbing her eyes to get rid of her fatigue, went in the direction of the shower to freshen up.

Once inside the bathroom, she took off her thin pajamas, remaining in her underwear, unbuttoned her white bra, releasing those imposing breasts that missed her lover's caresses; Immediately, she removed her little panties, giving a view to that intimate area that had already been conquered and from behind that perfect ass that she longed to have again contact.

He went into the shower, at first he was shivering from how cold the water was but little by little he got used to it as the water gained temperature.

Once she finished her bath and dressed, she went down to breakfast something simple to go quickly in search of the black-haired man. Right in the middle of breakfast, she almost choked to see a pair of blond brothers talking to Nurse Joy, she put her food aside to go talk to them since they had the intention of leaving.

May: hey! Clemont! Bonny! -Clemont approaching

: ah? -Missed

Bonny: brother who is she?

Clemont: I don't know Bonny -doubtful

Bonny: it won't be a girl you got-rogue

Clemont: but what are you saying ! -altered

May: Clemont, Bonny, what a joy to see you

Clemont: excuse me if I'm wrong, but do we know each other?

May: of course I ... -he was thinking because he had seen them in his dreams

Bonny: what does it matter brother, better introduce us

Clemont: well, as you said Clemont called me and she is my sister Bonny

Bonny: and forget about dedenne

The little mouse growled happily

May: Nice to meet you, I'm May

Clemont: Nice to meet May, but how did you know our names?

May: let's say I've heard a lot about you

Clemont: well thank you

Bonny: May! May! -slightly pulling her blouse

May: Yes Bonny?

Bonny: would you be the girlfriend of my brother s'ilv vous plait?

Clemont: Bonny! arm aipom activate -altered

May: calm down Clemont, I already lived this -with a smile and a drop in the hundred

Clemont and Bonny: really? -surprised

May: -said

Clemont: it seems unlikely, I'm sure we don't know each other -doubtful

May: I already told you, I've heard of you

Clemont: ok? -not very convinced

May: by the way, haven't you seen Ash?

Clemont: Ash? from what I learned he is on vacation and he has not returned

Bonny: we have not heard from him since

May: he has not arrived yet -surprised- "where he has gone" -fearful

Clemont: not yet, but why do you ask?

May: is that ... I ... I'm his girlfriend -lowering his head

Bonny and Clemont: WHAT!


-I was blushing Bonny: but I thought Ash was going to be Serena's girlfriend!

May: "Serena" -she raised her head and looked serious

Clemont: but what are you saying Bonny -he covered her mouth- excuse my sister, sometimes she doesn't know what she says

May: no, let her speak

Clemont: ah? -he left Bonny

May: tell me Bonny, who is Serena?

Bonny: Serena is a pretty girl, who makes delicious desserts, who always brings nice clothes with her and who gets along well with everyone.

May: well -smiling- and let me guess, she's a girl my size, with honey-colored hair and eyes celestial, isn't it?

Bonny: ah! do you know her

May: I already told you, I've heard a lot about you and her

Clemont: hey, you are a mysterious girl

May: anyway, do you know when Ash will return?

Clemont: I'm sorry, but we don't know

May: ah! -discouraged

Bonny: calm May, May will arrive very soon

: I hope so -sighing

Bonny: come with us, so you can get to know the city

May: since I have nothing to do, I accept

As May, Clemont, and Bonny toured Lumiose City in the Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn enlisted to go to Professor Rowan's lab for an assignment.

Dawn: we're leaving mom

Johanna: take care

Dawn: there's no need to worry

Johanna: now if I start to worry

Ash: -laughed inside

Johanna: Ash, I'll order her, please take care of her

Dawn: mom! I can take care of myself -with pouting

Johanna: but it doesn't

hurt Ash: calm down Johanna, nothing bad is going to happen to my sister -and she hugged Dawn

Dawn: -began to blush

Johanna: I order it for you

And so both brothers, holding hands, left for the laboratory.

On the way to the trip, the blue-haired woman chatted happily with her brother Ash, asking him about his training sessions, to which he answered with everything and details. Missing a stretch to get to the lab, Dawn thinks to ask something mischievous and daring.

Ash: there is little left

Dawn: yes ...-taking courage- hey Ash!

Ash: yes?

Dawn: eh ... -very nervous

Ash: hey Dawn -dawn stopped

: ... -was still nervous

Ash: -I take her by the shoulders- you can ask me anything, you are ashamed that I am not going to scold you -and they continued with his trip

Dawn: ... -Blushing- Ash?

Ash: yes?

Dawn: have you already done it !? -all red

Ash: ah? What do you mean?

Dawn: I mean you ... and a ... girl ... -I couldn't go on

Ash: Why are you asking me? -Quiet

Dawn: because that time we were about to do it, you could

tell that you had experience Ash: I'm not going to lie to you Dawn, yes, I already have

Dawn: I knew it, and I guess it was ... with her ...

Ash: yes

Dawn: and you ... could you-nervous again

Ash: I already told you not to be ashamed, tell me

Dawn: could teach me!

Ash: Dawn you ...

Dawn: -he lowered his head nodding

Ash: of course

Dawn: really !? -He raised his head excitedly

Ash: but we're not going to do anything, understand?

Dawn: yes! -happy

Arriving at the laboratory, they greeted the professor. Ash asked for a video phone to communicate with his mom while Dawn and the teacher started a conversation until Ash returned.

After about 20 minutes, Ash had finished speaking

Rowan: Ash, I know you have many responsibilities, but I want to take care of this - extending a pokeball

Ash: don't worry, it will be fine in my charge - accepted the pokeball

Rowan: I know that he will be able to help you at some point, he is a specimen very rare here in Sinnoh

Dawn: what kind of pokemon is it?

Ash: well, let's find out

Rowan: let's go to the backyard, there they will have a better atmosphere

Ash: well ... -the laboratory bell rang

The teacher went to answer the door and when he opened it

Dawn: but if it is ...

Ash: Paul

-he gave a smile Paul: good morning Professor -he fixed his gaze on Ash- it has been a long time since I saw you

Ash: me neither -they both challenged each other with glances

Paul: you're ready!

Ash: whenever you want

Paul: professor, would you mind if we use your backyard?

Rowan: no problem

Dawn: what are we waiting for -and she held onto Ash's arm

Already on the battlefield, Paul without wasting time positioned himself on the left side, on the other side, Dawn left Ash for his battle

Paul: It will be a 3 vs 3 battle and whoever wins 2 out of 3 battles will win, okay?

Ash: -he agreed but began to laugh moderately

Paul: what's the fun?

Ash: it's the same as our first battle, remember?

Paul: -smiling- I remember

Ash: we started?

And so began the battle that Paul had longed for since he lost in the Sinnoh league.

Paul: Come out Drapion!

Ash: I choose you -he launched his new pokemon

Dawn: how cute -with hearts in his eyes

Rowan: may be cute, but he can be very powerful

Ash: "with that it was a fennekin, let's see what it can do"

Paul: poison drapion X

Ash: fenekin jumps

The little pokemon jumped as much as he could, however the poison X reached him leaving him very weak

Dawn: but what! that pokemon received a single attack and is already very tired

Rowan: is that ...

Dawn: professor, didn't you say it was very powerful?

Rowan: is that this morning he was just born from his egg -she closed her eyes with an insecure expression

Dawn: -fell anime style

Ash: fennekin, are you okay?

The pokemon growled in agreement.

Ash: use embers

Paul: intercepted with needle missile

The embers were going straight to the scorpion pokemon, but it launched powerful needle missiles that dispelled the embers and hit the fox pokemon completely, leaving it weakened

Ash: well done fennekin, come back

Paul: good job drapion, come back

Ash: snivy, I choose you

Paul: honchkrow, report to battle

Dawn: Paul has the advantage

Rowan: I wouldn't worry about that, the guy isn't everything in a battle

Paul: honchkrow uses dark pulse

Ash: "use strain whip and jump" - he ordered through his aura

Snivy used his whip to take a huge leap until he was level with honchkrow.

Dawn: but what ... but if Ash has not made any order and snivy dodged him without difficulty

Rowan: what happens here?

Paul: hey! because your pokemon dodged it if you didn't give any order


-Just Paul smiled : don't underestimate me, honchkrow air blow

Ash: "make a turn and stand on top of him"

And in one deft move, Ash's snivy was already on top of honchkrow

Paul: shake it off

Ash: "don't leave it, use a strain whip and grab it by its wings"

Paul: what!

Snivy pinned honchkrow's wings and they both fell at considerable speed

Ash: "now hit him with everything on the floor"

Paul: no! honchkrow!

Dawn: that was so ...

Rowan: how can Ash do that?

After the impact, a cloud of smoke arose that after a few seconds was dissipating and you could see honchkrow barely getting up

Paul: you resisted well, now fly

Ash: "stay there a moment"

Paul: use celestial attack

Ash: "now, use attraction"

Snivy winked one of his eyes from which hearts went out to honchkrow, they surrounded him and the effect of the attack worked leaving hunscrow madly in love with snivy

Paul: what was missing - frustrated

Ash: "finish it off with razor blades"

And after that attack, honchkrow weakened leaving snivy as the winner

Paul: good job honchkrow, return

Ash: "excellent job snivy, rest a moment"

Paul: your turn, electivire

Ash: "I choose you" -and his latios came out

Dawn: that's a ... a latios -anonado

Rowan: but how

Paul: ggggg! -frustrated- it doesn't matter if he is a legendary, we will defeat him, go electivire use thunder

Ash: "rise up"-evaded the attack

Paul: use thunder again

Ash: "go for electivire"

Latios with tremendous speed headed towards the electivire, dislodging without problems the thunder that was approaching him

Paul: it can't be, quick, karatazo

The karatazo hit latios that stopped its flight but surprisingly almost without any damage

Paul: but what!

Ash: "let's finish it, use psychic force and raise it up a bit"

Paul: free yourself with a thunderbolt -but his pokemon couldn't move a finger

Ash: "finish it off, dragon pulse"

Latios released from his interior a dragon-shaped energy that hit his opponent completely, knocking him out of combat.

Rowan: this fight is over, Ash is the winner

Dawn: Ash! -and he ran to his place

Paul: well done electivire, take a break

Ash: excellent work latios, come back -he was talking normally again- hey Pa ... -was hugged by his sister

Dawn: that was amazing Ash! how did you do it?

Ash: do what?

Dawn: how did you win without placing an order?

Paul: I also want to know -Ash intervened

: ah, that, well you will see that is simple

Rowan: what is it about -intrigued

Ash: you observed that my pokemons acted by themselves right?

-Everyone agreed

Ash: but it's not like that, what happens is that I ordered their movements through my aura, that's all

Paul: what! that's not possible

Ash: of course it is, you just witnessed it

Rowan: that may be true, I have heard rumors that some individuals can use the power of the aura

Dawn: amazing! I'm glad to be the sister of an aura bearer

Paul: sister? perhaps you ...

Ash: no no no, it's not what you think

Paul: then?

Ash: I consider Dawn as my sister, and since yesterday, with her mother's permission, we have become like a family, that's all

Paul: mmmmm -not very convinced

After a short talk, Paul attended to the matter that he came to at the beginning and then withdrew but not before promising Ash a future battle.

Shortly after Paul's withdrawal, both brothers were also leaving the laboratory to return to Twinblade town.

Night was falling, and both Ash and Dawn had no choice but to camp in the middle of the forest.

Ash: we will have to camp today

Dawn: if there is no other option -she roared her stomach- sorry- blushed

Ash: haha ​​I already told you not to be ashamed, it is common for you to be hungry

Dawn: yes I know, but I don't know what do, I don't know how to cook, I can barely make a juice

Ash: hahaha -happy- don't worry, I wouldn't leave my sister hungry, I'll cook

Dawn: you! but ...

Ash: shhh -he stopped her- you wait and after trying my food you think, even that if you set up the

Dawn stores : -he agreed

Returning to Kalos, May visited the most important places in Kalos such as patisseries and boutiques, both blonde brothers liked her, despite Bonny's insistence to ask her to be her brother's girlfriend, she had become fond of them. In the afternoon she separated from them and returned to the pokemon center to spend the rest of the day.

May: What do I do, I don't know when Ash will arrive, maybe it will take days to arrive ... mmmm ... I know! I'm going to go for that Serena girl and see her intentions with Ash, maybe so I can know how much competition she has ... Aaaah! -he yawned- I'm going to shower and then to sleep

May undressed to shower and then put on her thin pajamas, however, she could not fall asleep and her body began to burn to the point of giving in to her impulses and began to indulge her intimacy that she was clamoring for attention.

May: ah! -he sighed- I can't, I can't, ah! -he gave another sigh- because this happens, ah! I must stop but I want it ah! -he slapped himself- calm down May! If everything goes well, we can do it with Ash, -his body began to relax- maybe so I can take off this fever -and he took off all his pajamas, even his underwear leaving a perfect view of all those attributes- tomorrow ... tomorrow I will go for Serena

And with nothing on and with her mind looking for Serena, May immediately fell fast asleep.