

Johanna went into his room like Dawn and Ash, he couldn't stop thinking about May, she somehow "betrayed" him but still loved her, she had to be distracted and what better than a hot shower.

Ash immediately stripped of his clothing revealing his muscular body that he obtained through exercise and sacrifice, he immediately entered the bathroom of his room and before closing the door he did not hear that someone had entered.

Dawn: Ash? -I saw everywhere but couldn't see it- where is it? ... wait a moment and this -he lifted an intimate garment- ... -an aggressive crimson tint seized his cheeks- he is ... -while he felt the texture of the garment- it's time -he threw the garment and entered in the bathroom.

Dawn heard that the shower was opened, so her hunch was confirmed and little by little she went to take a little look, but she had bad luck spying on the black-haired man since a curtain covered him with a thick layer of steam, she wanted to see in a way Clara got closer and when she was near the curtain she stopped short because Ash slammed the shower shut, mentioning her name.

Ash: Dawn! What are you doing here?

Dawn: ... -She kept quiet so I wouldn't notice her presence

Ash: Dawn! I know you're there, you can't fool me

Dawn: eh ... eh ... I ... Ash ... -I didn't know what to say

Ash: if you what?

Dawn: I ... I'd better go -and she shot out of the room

Ash: Sometimes Dawn acts very strange -tired- she better go to sleep that tomorrow I have to get to Kalos -and she gets out of the shower

Ash with a towel on his head came out of the bathroom, dried his body and only with a shorts did he go to sleep.

Meanwhile Dawn in her room had her back to the door, her breathing was heavy and her face was filled with a red tinge of shame.

Dawn: "no! No! You are a fool Dawn, now Ash will think badly of us and just for being a coward, you could see it but no, your lack of confidence was your defeat, and now ... Ash" he sighed "... no! I'll put this behind me and try again in the morning before he leaves, I just hope it's not too late "

Dawn stripped off her clothes except for her intimates and before putting on her pajamas, she looked at herself in a mirror.

Dawn: Ash, do you think I'm attractive? -he looked at her body in the mirror- maybe they are not so big -he touched her breasts- but ... -he turned around- this will be enough to please you -while she touched the best of her body- Ash,.

And having said that, he put on his pajamas and in a jump he was already in his bed, before sleeping he thought how it would feel to be melee with Ash, he could not help imagining the sensations that it would cause him or even imagine his friend naked. Dawn's body heated up with each passing second and before she got to commit a madness at that hour, she put those thoughts aside and fell asleep suddenly with her face filled with a red tint.

The hours passed and it was already early morning in Sinnoh, that entire region woke up with a thick layer of mist, it was not possible to see anything even with the headlights that surrounded each street.

In the pokemon center of Heart City, May was having a not-too-pleasant dream for her liking.

-May's Dream

It was an unknown city for the chestnut, it was not located and without knowing where to go, walking through the streets of that city. She thought "what do I do in this city", she looked everywhere and saw people walking without any concern and without realizing she collided with a blond boy and his sister.

May: I'm sorry, I didn't realize it-getting up

¿?: I must also apologize, for being arguing with my sister, don't notice

¿?: You are already to blame for not getting a girlfriend, brother

¿?: Enough! -Blush

May: -he laughed inside

¿?: Excuse my sister, she is very hyperactive

May: there is no

reason ¿?: I'm sorry, we haven't even introduced ourselves, my name is Clemont and she is my sister Bonny

May: Nice to meet you Clemont, Bonny

Bonny: Nice to meet you Miss, I'd like to ask you a favor

May: Yes?

Bonny: you would be the girlfriend of my brother s'il vous plait!

May: ah? -I didn't know what was going on

Clemont: Bonny! arm aipom activate -and a mechanical arm came out that grabbed Bonny and took her away from May

Bonny: now brother

Clemont: no "now brother" we're going -he tried to leave

May: wait

Clemont: excuse me, my sister is like that -flushed with shame

May: no, it's not that, I just want to ask you where I am

Clemont: ah? -Missed- this is the Kalos region and we are in Luminalia

May city : Kalos! -Amazing- how come I got here so soon if I was in Sinnoh

Clemont: maybe you could have traveled long and got tired and because of that maybe you don't remember

May: I think so -not very convinced- by ​​the way they haven't seen a young man about my age with wild hair and a red cap?

Bonny: humm -thinking- I think not

May: ah -discouraged

Clemont: like not Bonny, I think he refers to Ash

Bonny: I don't think ...

May: if it's Ash I'm looking for where he is!

Clemont: he is with Serena in the park that is in front of the Prism Tower -May told him

: "Serena" -he thought sadly- thanks Clemont, maybe we'll see each other later, bye -and he fled

Bonny: hey brother, who do you think? be that girl?

Clemont: I don't know Bonny, maybe she's a friend of Ash

May ran what her legs gave her, she couldn't help but feel powerless with Ash. He arrived at the Prism Tower and found it, Ash sitting next to a girl with celestial orbs and an icy hair that highlighted her smooth skin, they were chatting entertainingly until the girl approached Ash and planted a deep kiss.

May saw the scene astonished and ran towards them to separate them, however she could not because she pierced them as if she were a ghost, each failed attempt made him despair even more.

Serena: I love you Ash

Ash: and I love you Serena -and they kissed

May: NOOOOOOO! -loud scream

-End of sleep

May got up with heavy breathing, although she did not know the girl that Ash was with she knew that somehow she had a relationship with the black-haired man. She was afraid that her nightmare would come true, she looked at her watch and it was almost 9 in the morning, the nightmare did entertain her and with no more time to lose she got up to continue her trip to Kalos where the weather was already clear.

In the same morning, Ash got ready for his daily exercise routine and without warning he left the house not caring that he did not see anything because of the thick fog. To train he was accompanied by his new pokemon, which was a small tyrogue.

Ash: hello tyrogue, this is Ash I hope we get along well from now on

Tyrogue: tyrogue! - roared happy

Ash: I'm glad, but I warn you that my workouts are not easy at all

Tyrogue: tyro tyrogue! -with a hand on his chest he accepted the difficult training

Ash: that's the attitude, let's go -and began to trot

Tirogue: tyro tyrogue! -He was jogging with the black-haired man

Although the mist was very thick, it was no excuse for the black-haired man not to train, after training himself and his tyrogue, he returned to the house where he is staying at 7am, congratulated Tyrogue for his effort and before entering he crashed with a Johanna who came out with a face of concern and despair.

Ash: I'm sorry Johanna - joining

Johanna: no Ash, I'm the one who owes you an apology, I didn't know you were there

Ash: well, everything in order

Johanna: by the way Ash! - raising his voice a little

Ash: yes? -

Johanna was concerned with that attitude : why did you go out without warning? You had me worried because I went through your room that was open and I didn't find anyone

Ash: I'm sorry Johanna, I didn't mean to worry you, I just went out to train

Johanna: at dawn? -Weird

Ash: that's right, I don't know if Dawn has told you, but she knows that I was training at that time of the morning

Johanna: if she told me, but I didn't believe her, until now, yes, you are an early riser Ash - calm

Ash: I apologize again if I misinterpreted things, I did not want to cause a scare, I'm sorry

Johanna: nothing happens Ash, at first I thought you had left without saying goodbye or that you were kidnapped, but now I am calmer to see you healthy

Ash: huh! I would never leave without saying goodbye, that's not my style, and because of the kidnapping, don't worry, I know how to take care of myself

Johanna: come in Ash

Ash: with your permission

Johanna: "he is an excellent boy"

Ash: by the way Johanna, I don't want to demand nothing, but could you prepare some juice, please

Johanna: of course Ash, I'll make it for you right away

Ash: thank you

Ash covered his head with a towel and settled on the living room sofa to rest for a moment, but soon Johanna came out

Johanna: excuse me Ash

Ash: ah? but if you haven't done anything

Johanna: no, what happens is that I don't have supplies and I won't be able to prepare your juice.

Ash: eh! -Something upset- go -Johanna sighed

: but don't worry, I'm going to the market for some shopping I'll be right back

Ash: calm down, be careful I'm not going anywhere

Johanna: I hope so -and closed the door leaving Ash alone , or so I thought

Dawn, who had already woken up, listened to the whole conversation and since she knew that her mother was delaying with her purchases, she took the moment to connect with Ash.

Dawn: good morning Ash -covered his chocolate eyes with his hands

Ash: good morning Dawn -taking Dawn's hands to take them away

Dawn: I see that you are continuing with your training

Ash: of course, I have not neglected

Dawn: and now that you go to do?

Ash: I'm waiting for your mom to have breakfast and then I'll go to Kalos

Dawn: ... -he lowered his head

Ash: by the way!

Dawn: yes Ash? what's going on? -recovery

Ash: what were you doing yesterday in my room?

Dawn: uh ... uh ... I wasn't in your room-nervous

Ash: Dawn, you know you can't lie to me

Dawn: uh ... I just wanted to tell you something-blushing

Ash: well this is the moment

Dawn: eh ... As ... sh ... -he couldn't articulate his words

Ash: be calm, I'm not going to eat you

Dawn: "but I would love for you to devour me" -I thought all red

Ash: well?

Dawn: Ash I ... I -I took air

Ash: yes?

Dawn: how do you see me? -She felt foolish when she asked that

Ash: well I see you as a person who appreciates their pokemons, that you keep up with fashion and that you are a good friend

Dawn: just a friend?

Ash: no Dawn -she shook her head

Dawn: then -illusioned

Ash: I see you as the sister I never had, I really like you

Dawn: is it serious?

Ash: of course Dawn

Dawn: mmmm - I did not know what to do, or have a good relationship as it would be with brothers or take risks to win their love

Dawn left the black-haired man alone and went upstairs without saying a word. Ash was surprised by that behavior but had a slight idea of ​​why he took that attitude.

In a short time the blue-haired woman returned and prostrated herself in front of the black-haired man with her head lowered.

Dawn: Ash

Ash: yes? -restless

Dawn raised her head with a smile and pounced on Ash, they both fell along the sofa, the bluehead grabbed him with her legs and wrapped her arms around his neck so that he could not escape.

Ash: no Dawn, wait

Dawn: shhh!

He did not let him continue and planted a passionate kiss that left him with all his essence.

Ash: Dawn I ...

And Dawn continued with her game, every time Ash tried to speak she silenced him with her kisses that left an exotic mixture of honey and passion that one could not leave. It was like this for a few moments until Ash was being overcome by the charms of the blue hair, and thus they went to another level.

Dawn: let's go on Ash -and she began to undress

Ash: ... -just watching her

Dawn slowly began to undress, played with her skirt revealing all her lower anatomy, her long and slender legs that would leave most of them speechless, and what to say about her intimacy that stood out for how small her panties were, and when she gave herself a Lap showed the best of her body, a well molded ass that managed to charm anyone, with the purpose of entertaining the black-haired man who for some strange reason was not paying attention to such a wonderful private show that his friend was giving him.

Ash's mind could not divert his gaze from that girl, but instead of seeing Dawn, he saw May, no matter what happened between them, Ash really still loved her and couldn't somehow fixate on another girl .

And so it was, while Dawn was intending to take off her bra, Ash stopped her in her tracks.

Ash: wait Dawn I ...

Dawn: calm down just let yourself go

Ash: no Dawn, stop -lifting a little

Dawn: what's up Ash, don't you want to continue -a little sad

Ash: no, isn't that

Dawn: then?

Ash: sit down - patting the sofa

Dawn: - she agreed not before putting her blouse back on

Ash: Dawn, you are an incredible, beautiful girl, you get along well with anyone, you have that inclination for fashion and you have almost no flaws, but ...

Dawn: but? If I am like that, why not try Ash, I consider you a handsome, loving boy, you take care of everyone and although sometimes you drive me crazy, you are the boy who considered ideal

Ash: do not misunderstand me Dawn, I also consider you an ideal girl but there is one thing

Dawn: which one?

Ash: I already chose a girl, that's why I can't be with you

Dawn: but ... -small tears began to flow- because no, if she loved you she would be with you right now like I do

Ash: that It is true, although we had some differences, she is already on her way, I am sure, that is why I can not be with you Dawn, I'm sorry

Dawn: no Ash, give me a little chance, please, I will make you the happiest man in the world , I promise you

Ash: I'm sorry Dawn - unexpectedly hugs her - I would like to try it, but it's a decision I already made - she was breaking

And Dawn could no longer bear everything she was hearing so she began to sob in the arms of an Ash who tried to console her and comfort her for not being able to reciprocate, he too was infected by Dawn's emotions but he was firm.

Once Dawn got rid of all her discomfort from her interior, she began to calm down but she did not stop hugging Ash who kept stroking her head so that she calms down completely.

Dawn: Ash

Ash: tell me Dawn

Dawn: you told me that you consider me as your sister, is that true?

Ash: that's right, I always wanted to have a sister like you Dawn

Dawn: so, can I be your sister? -He raised his head to face each other, his eyes were reddish from his crying

Ash: I would love Dawn, if that's what you want, from now on you are my sister

Dawn: thanks Ash! -Now she went from her sadness to radiating joy- I swear I will be the best sister in the world -and she plunged back into his arms

Ash: I will be too, if you are in trouble or need something, you just have to call me, okay ?

Dawn: yes!

¿?: Oh! how cute they look -looked tenderly

Dawn: mom! -I was startled

Johanna: daughter, you don't have to get like that, I heard them

Ash: Johanna -he pronounced- I hope you understand

Johanna: don't worry Ash, surely both will take care of each other, like the brothers that are now

Dawn and Ash: yes!

Johanna went to the kitchen to make breakfast while Ash returned to his room to shower and get ready for his trip to Kalos, Dawn went with her mom to talk for a moment.

After a while, Ash came down ready to have breakfast, he sat down with Dawn who was still with the same smile when they both agreed to be like brothers.

Johanna: good Ash, what are you going to do now

Ash: I'm going to Kalos

Johanna: so soon

Ash: -Dawn

agreed: no Ash! now that I'm your sister you should spend more time with me

Ash: but

Dawn: nothing! You told me that you still have vacations, and how to miss them

Ash: but

Dawn: let's go to the amusement park together, okay? -with irresistible eyes- we have to spend more time together

Johanna: come on Ash, Dawn appreciates you too much, I don't think you'll have any inconvenience in staying a few more days here

Ash: well, I think so

Dawn: that means ...

Ash: - He smiled- I'm going to stay a few more days here Dawn

Dawn; yes!

Johanna shouted with joy : calm down daughter

And once that decision was made, Ash and Dawn went to the small fair that passed through the town, although it seemed strange they were holding hands all the way, neither of them cared about that situation. They spent the whole day chatting, one or another training with their pokemos and by the end of the day, together with Johanna, they lit the fireplace and chatted at ease for a few hours.

While in another region, May had already reached the Kalos region, now it was 8pm and she was located in Luminalia city, she had to rest as well as salamance. She went into the pokemon center and asked for a room to leave her things and return to dinner.

After May had eaten, she returned to her room, took a bubble bath, and slammed into bed from the long journey.

May: "I'm already in Kalos, now I just need to look for Ash, I hope I'm not late" -and with some concern she fell asleep