
So Much Wildlife

Walking out the Village Vain got ready for a big fight. Walking into the forest he found some small trees and using his new dagger, he made several spears. Using his sweater he strapped three spears to his back with one more in his hands. After feeling slightly prepared he started looking for the Beaver Bear.

"So a Beaver Bear? From the name, it probably looks like a bear with beaver characteristics. After all, that smith didn't expect I could take it down so I assume it is the size of maybe a Black Bear?... Beaver characteristics... So probably find a river? I guess that is the best bet for finding any animal..."

As he walked he listened for the sound of running water...

After three hours Vain found something. Walking out from between the trees a huge creature appeared. Having already heard something before, Vain had climbed a tree and hid in the needles.