
On A New Journey!

After taking a small look around, he was able to see some stands that were basically normal shops, specializing in certain goods. Real organizations always had some type of building that was built separately from the hanger-looking place, most were painted in different colors to stand out.

After seeing that most shops that had a building would buy your items and sell them themselves. You could tell which stands were made by other Wanderers who didn't want to sell their items to the big shops to get a better profit margin.

One building in particular really made Vain look twice. It was selling a long flat cart that most people walking around had one of per group. These carrier carts were mentioned by Pops that people usually have one of these for the beginner level to gather supplies, but the only reason they didn't have one at that time was that they were having a celebration for Silvana becoming an official Wanderer. So the only thing they had wanted to collect was Almond water.

Vain sighed looking at the shop thinking about the five bottles of water he had that were given to him to have enough arrows for his bow by Pops' group. Looking up at the sign that read 'Starting prices 1BB!' Vain decided to stop his window shopping and just buy his arrows which were 1B per arrow.

Vain bought 4 more arrows, bringing up his count to 7 arrows, only saving one to get two bottles worth of water that Ted had told him about.

At the water stand, the shopkeeper had one empty bottle of Almond Water and filled a bigger bottle twice with the water that was in the larger container. Slightly confused, Vain asks about it to which the shopkeeper said in an annoyed voice, "We used to sell the bottle already filled up, but they didn't believe they were getting their monies worth, to which some scammers did, now though our honest salesmen are forced to fill it upright in front of the customer using an empty bottle. Like they can't just fill the bottom with something else only to give less water! I even used to have annoying people ask to check my bottle just to see if its weight is higher than it should be. Like my job isn't to just move water that it becomes important to save a little! *sigh* Sorry about my ranting, I shouldn't complain too much now since now that I moved in front of MEG it hasn't happened as often."

Vain was slightly shocked at how angry the shopkeeper was about his question. He couldn't help but blame those idiot scammers that expect to do so much. He could only comfort the shopkeeper and told him that as long as he didn't start scamming Vain he would definitely come again.

Vain sighed and realized how tired he was, but also how he spent all his money and will need to sleep on the cold cement on the other side of the exit. With a sad sigh, Vain left through the exit he had come from.

Walking through the exit, Vain felt the dizziness he had felt before. When the world straightened out he saw that the guard next to the door had a plastic bin pressed up to his face as if preparing for something while looking in the other direction.

"Umm... can I know what are you doing?"

Hearing a voice questioning him, the guard looked at Vain in surprise. The other guard also exclaimed loudly, "How are you fine?! Aren't you new?! Where's the puke?!"

Vain looked at them with a questioning gaze, "Can you explain what you mean?"

The guard that had the bucket to his face coughed loudly, "Well you see most people can't deal with such spacial distortion. Usually, it takes anywhere from four to twenty times to get used to such a feeling. I'm sure you understand why we are so surprised that you haven't thrown up your lunch."

Vain immediately understood and nodded. He yawned, "Hey do you guys mind if I catch some sleep here? I don't have any money to stay anywhere nice."

One of the guards laughed, "Yeah do what you want, new people often do it, or those who accidentally spend all their money. We'll even guard you, take it as our apology for being so surprised that you don't fall on your knees throwing your lunch into my bin."

"Thanks." Sitting down next to a wall, Vain took out one of his two apples to have a late-night snack, even if he couldn't know what time of day.

Just before he could take a bite, he heard a loud yell, "Wait stop!" Looking up Vain saw both guards running up to him.

"You don't understand! Fresh produce is a rarity here, not only that but seeds of any kind are worth at least 20B! Although I know I can't afford such a thing, but I will give you 50B right here right now! I do so miss the taste of fresh fruit."

Vain saw how desperate the man was and knew that he might even kill him in his sleep, especially the other guard whose eyes were already red. "How about I share with both of you as thanks for guarding me, so you don't kill me in my sleep for not sharing such a rarity." Vain spoke in a joking tone, but he knew that it could happen if he didn't share.

Suddenly both of their eyes became clear again, "Thank you!" The two of them spoke at the same time.

The talkative guard spoke up, "You see, most people need the right connections to even get the chance to buy something like this."

Vain could only smile at them, and pull out his small dagger to cut the apple into three parts. He also took out the seeds and kept them, watching both guards in case they attack him for the seeds as well. Luckily they seemed to have their eyes glued to the fruit.

Vain handed them their own part, "Enjoy!" Vain spoke cheerfully even though his heart was bleeding, but he really needed rest in a safe place that won't have its lights flicker leading to his death.

After ravaging their pieces, both guards took up their positions at the entrance to the Hub as if they weren't looking to kill someone for an apple a few minutes ago. Vain could only sigh at the ridiculous situation and sit a little further from the guards and sleep while laying against the wall.

After about 6 hours of sleep, Vain got up and moved forward, saying goodbye to the guards. Vain couldn't help sigh in relief from escaping from the two killers guarding the door. Vain was happy he didn't show that he had found two apples. He also realized how lucky he had been throughout his whole experience.

Going in a similar way he was taught by Pops' group, Vain kept moving bow in hand ready to kill anything that didn't look human enough.

He kept moving and passing through focusing on Almond water in any crate he comes across. Moving room after room Vain kept moving past each room in whatever direction he wanted. During his time with Pops' group, he picked up a book to mark the path he takes, and learning from Pops, Vain plans on writing about how well he does in crates and entities he has found.

Vain moved for almost ten hours moving room to room, killing 5 hounds, 3 Skin Stealers, and dodging 3 scratchers. Finding a total of 10 bottles Vain stopped exploring and decided he should start heading back the way he came. Going on one more room, Vain heard crying in the next room over. Still with his bow at the ready, Vain pointed at the source of the sound.

What he was expecting to be there wasn't there. The adult crying that was going to be a Skin Stealer wasn't there, instead, it was a child, like it should have been. Vain wasn't sure that a Skin Stealer could take a child form, but he so wanted to believe that it couldn't. Still, the only thing he could do is put up his bow in case it truly was a Skin Stealer.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you Human or a house?"

The little girl raised her head and looked into Vain's eyes.

Athena - Wisdom, handicraft, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, skill

ObsidianWolfcreators' thoughts