
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Donquixote Doflamingo

Author: My dear readers, there are still three Schrifts left to be decided by all of you.

The remaining Schrifts (Not including The Royal guards and Uryu, Jugram)

J: The Jail, G: The Glutton, L: The Love, S: The Superstars, R: The Roar, O: The Overkill, P: The Power, Y: The Yourselfs, Z: The Zombie Q: The Question, K: ???, N: ???


As Zaegar reminisced about the past, a vivid flashback suddenly flooded his mind, transporting him back to a moment he had almost forgotten.

( Flashback )

Word had reached Doflamingo that one of the pirates under him had lost to a rookie that had just entered the Grand Line said rookie had a much smaller bounty than Bellamy.

He was making his way toward Jaya with a smile on his face. He just happened to be nearby when he received the message, so he decided to visit his subordinate.

As Doflamingo made his way toward Jaya with a self-assured smile, he was oblivious to the comical yet unfortunate events unfolding high above him in the sky. Little did he know that the Four Kings and Zaegar, one of their own, were hovering above, observing the world below with keen interest.

As they watched Doflamingo approach, the Third King suddenly doubled over in discomfort, his wings flapping frantically as he struggled to maintain his balance. With a violent heave, he expelled the remnants of the spicy food he had consumed earlier, the vomit swirling through the air in a nauseating arc.

Zaegar, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, let out a startled yelp as the foul mixture of spicy food and vomit descended from above. With a series of frantic wingbeats, he narrowly managed to avoid the impending disaster, soaring out of harm's way just in the nick of time.

Unfortunately for Doflamingo, he was not as fortunate. Oblivious to the airborne assault descending upon him, he continued on his merry way, his smile widening with each step.

However, his blissful ignorance was shattered in an instant as the vile concoction of vomit and spicy food plummeted from the sky, landing squarely on his head with a sickening splat.

Doflamingo froze in shock, his expression shifting from one of confidence to one of utter disbelief as he stared incredulously at the mess now adorning his once immaculate attire. His smile faltered, replaced by a look of pure disgust and outrage.

Doflamingo: What the...?!

He sputtered incoherently, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer absurdity of the situation. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that he would be the victim of such a humiliating and utterly bizarre attack.

Meanwhile, high above, the Four Kings and Zaegar watched with amusement as their impromptu prank played out exactly as they had intended. The Third King, now relieved of his gastric distress, let out a hearty laugh, his feathers ruffling with mirth.

Zaegar, ever the sarcastic asshole he was, couldn't help but snicker at the situation, finding the whole ordeal highly amusing.

Zaegar: Looks like someone got a taste of the Four Kings' special sauce! Bet he didn't see that one coming!

The Four Kings and Zaegar couldn't help but find humor in the situation. It was just another day in the eventful lives of the avian quartet and their mischievous hollow companion.

As for Doflamingo, he stood below, seething with anger as he attempted to wipe away the spicy vomit from his clothes. His plans for revenge against the Four Kings and Zaegar were already taking shape in his mind, and he vowed to make them pay dearly for their impudence.

Doflamingo: Mark my words, you feathered pests! You'll regret ever crossing me!

( End of Flashback )

Back in the present, Zaegar chuckled to himself, the memory of their prank on Doflamingo still fresh in his mind. He glanced at the Four Kings, a smirk playing on his lips as he addressed them.

Zaegar: Hey, remember that time we pranked Doflamingo with the spicy vomit? Good times.

The Fourth King let out a hearty laugh, his feathers ruffling with amusement as he reminisced about the incident.

Fourth King: Oh yeah, that was hilarious! I can still picture the look on his face.

The Second King simply scratched his beak in amusement, a faint smirk playing across his lips as he recalled the chaos that ensued.

Second King: Classic. I never thought I'd see the day when Doflamingo got taken down by a well-timed gastric expulsion.

First King nodded in agreement, a reminiscent smile tugging at the corners of his beak.

First King: Yeah... good times indeed.

Yhwach, however, raised an eyebrow in surprise at Zaegar's revelation. He had not been aware of Zaegar's previous encounter with Doflamingo, but he remained composed as he addressed the situation.

Yhwach: Since you seem to have a personal history with Doflamingo, I'll entrust you with the task of negotiating with him. Use whatever means necessary to secure his cooperation.

Zaegar's grin widened into an evil smirk at the prospect of facing off against the infamous Warlord of the Sea once again. He was more than ready to put his persuasive skills to the test and strike a deal that would benefit their cause.

Ginjo couldn't help but voice his concern about Zaegar's evil grin.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, you know Zaegar's evil smile often signals trouble. Are you certain it's wise to trust him with the negotiations?

Yhwach considered Ginjo's words for a moment before responding with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) I am well aware of Zaegar's... tendencies. But sometimes, a bit of mischief can be just what is needed to tip the scales in our favor.

Ginjo sighed inwardly, knowing that he wouldn't be able to dissuade Yhwach from his decision. If Zaegar's negotiation with Doflamingo ended in disaster, it would be on Yhwach's head.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Very well, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Yhwach merely chuckled at Ginjo's concern, confident in Zaegar's abilities to handle whatever challenges lay ahead.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) I appreciate your concern, Ginjo. But sometimes, you have to trust in the instincts of your comrades. Zaegar may be unpredictable, but he has never let us down before.

Zaegar's grin widened further at Yhwach's remark, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he contemplated the possibilities.

Zaegar: You got it, Yhwach! I'll make sure Doflamingo sees things our way, one way or another!

Yhwach nodded in approval, knowing that Zaegar's unique blend of charm and intimidation would serve him well in the negotiations ahead.

Yhwach: Very well. Proceed with caution, and remember—our ultimate goal is to strengthen our position and eliminate any potential threats.

Zaegar nodded enthusiastically, his tail swishing behind him with anticipation as he prepared to embark on his mission. With a confident smile, he turned to leave the room, his mind already buzzing with plans and strategies.

As Zaegar exited the room, the Four kings exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a mixture of amusement and anticipation. They knew that wherever Zaegar went, chaos and mayhem were sure to follow.

As the echoes of Zaegar's departure faded, the First King turned to Yhwach, his eyes filled with curiosity.

First King: Since Zaegar is off to negotiate with Doflamingo, what are your plans now, Yhwach?

Yhwach's gaze was resolute as he responded, his voice carrying a weight of purpose.

Yhwach: I plan to go to Wano to forge an alliance with Kaido of the Beasts. We need powerful allies if we are to destroy the World Government. Raising a few recruits and aligning with the Revolutionary Army isn't enough.

The Four Kings exchanged glances, understanding the gravity of Yhwach's decision.

First King: That makes sense. Kaido's power and resources would be invaluable to our cause.

Second King: Besides, with the Beasts Pirates on our side, our chances of dismantling the World Government improve significantly.

Third King: And having such a fearsome ally would certainly send a strong message to our enemies.

Fourth King: We'll be unstoppable. But what if Kaido refuses?

Yhwach: Kaido will see the benefits of our alliance. If he doesn't, we'll have to convince him otherwise. Either way, this alliance will happen.

The Four Kings nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute. They knew the risks involved, but they also understood that bold moves were necessary for their ultimate goal.

Scene Break - Location: Schatteninsel's Training Grounds.

On the training grounds, Jarek and Rhys were locked in an intense sparring match. Their movements were fluid and precise, each strike and counterstrike a testament to their growing skills. The clashing of their blades echoed through the air, drawing the attention of their fellow recruits.

Rhys: You're getting better, Jarek. But you still have a long way to go.

Jake: Just trying to keep up with you, Rhys.

Their banter was light-hearted, a brief respite from the intensity of their training. However, the mood quickly shifted as Jarek noticed Rhys's expression change from focused determination to bewilderment.

Jarek: Rhys, what's wrong?

Rhys: (pointing upwards, his voice trembling) Look... up there...

Jarek followed Rhys's gaze, his own expression turning to one of dread. Other recruits began to look up as well, their eyes widening in horror and panic. A colossal shadow was descending upon their position, casting a dark veil over the training grounds.

Recruits: (various whispers of panic) What is that? Is it an enemy attack? We're doomed!

Rhys's eyes were wide with horror, staring up at the sky. Jarek followed his gaze, his heart sinking as he saw the colossal shadow descending upon their position. Other recruits around them gasped in shock and panic, their eyes widening in terror.

Jarek: (voice trembling) What the hell is that...?

The recruits scrambled for cover, their training forgotten in the face of the impending threat. The massive shadow continued to descend, revealing itself as a flying ship. It was none other than Golden Lion Shiki.

Shiki's laugh echoed through the air, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present. He looked down at the recruits with a maniacal grin, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Shiki: Well, well, what do we have here? A gathering of young warriors? How delightful!

Rhys: (whispering) That's Shiki... the Golden Lion. What's he doing here?

Jarek: (panicking) We need to get out of here! We're no match for him!

But before they could move, Shiki raised a hand, and a powerful gust of wind swept across the training grounds, knocking several recruits off their feet. He descended from his ship, landing gracefully in the center of the training ground, his presence commanding and terrifying.

Shiki: Now, now, no need to run. I've come here for a reason. Where's your leader, Dragon Slayer? I have a proposition for him.

The recruits exchanged fearful glances, unsure of what to do. Jarek and Rhys stood frozen, their minds racing with the implications of Shiki's arrival.

Rhys: (muttering) This can't be good.

Jarek: We have to inform Yhwach. He needs to know about this.

As the recruits hesitated, Shiki's gaze swept over them, his grin widening with amusement. He knew he had already instilled fear in their hearts, and he relished the power it gave him.

Shiki: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Go on, fetch your leader. I don't have all day.

Scene Break - Location: Yhwach's Office

Yhwach's eyes snapped open, his reikaku spiking as he sensed an extraordinarily strong presence nearby. Before he could fully process the sensation, the office door burst open, and a group of recruits and guards rushed in.

First King and Third King jumped to their feet, startled by the sudden intrusion, and instinctively hugged each other in surprise. instinctively hugged each other, their feathers ruffling in alarm.

First King: (startled, hugging Third King) What in the...?

Third King: (panicking) What's going on?

Yhwach's reiatsu came crashing down on the room, silencing any further commotion.

Yhwach: (sternly) Do not open the door without my permission.

The recruits, shaking in fear, quickly bowed in apology.

Recruit #1: We apologize, Your Majesty, but the flying pirate is here!

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued.

Yhwach: The flying pirate?

Another recruit stepped forward, his voice trembling.

Recruit #2: He means Shiki the Golden Lion, Your Majesty.

Scene Break - Location: Schatteninsel's Training Grounds.

Shiki stood over the bloodied and defeated forms of Rhys and Jarek, his maniacal grin never fading. He enjoyed the chaos and fear he brought with him, relishing every moment. Michiko, her rifle pointed at Shiki, stood frozen in shock, her eyes wide with terror. Before she could react, the overwhelming pressure of Yhwach's reiatsu caused her to faint, her body slumping forward.

As Michiko collapsed, Yhwach appeared in a flash of movement, catching her before she hit the ground. Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Shiki.

Yhwach: (coldly) Take her to safety.

Several recruits hurried forward, carefully lifting Michiko and carrying her away from the danger. Yhwach's eyes locked onto Shiki, his expression unreadable but radiating an aura of power and authority.

Shiki's laughter echoed across the training grounds, a sinister sound that sent chills down the spines of those present.

Shiki: Jihahahaha! Dragon Slayer Yhwach, nice to meet you!

He took a leisurely puff from his large cigar, the smoke curling around him like a sinister shroud.

Shiki: Before we talk business, I just want to see whether you're deserving of being called an Emperor of the Sea or not.

As Shiki spoke, he unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, the intense pressure radiating from him like a palpable force. His observation Haki told him about Yhwach's Reiatsu, though the nature of it was unlike anything he had encountered before.

Shiki grinned as he coated his twin swords in thick black and red lightning, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Shiki: I hope you don't mind me kicking your ass for a bit.

But before Shiki could make a move, Yhwach blitzed past him with incredible speed, appearing in front of Shiki in an instant. Yhwach's sword was drawn from his cloak, poised to strike, but Shiki reacted swiftly, parrying the blow with his own blades.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he locked gazes with Shiki, his expression steely and determined.

Yhwach: You talk too much.

With that, he unleashed a barrage of swift and precise sword strikes, each blow aimed with deadly accuracy. Shiki met each attack head-on, his own swordsmanship matching Yhwach's with equal skill and ferocity.

As the clash between Shiki and Yhwach intensified, Shiki couldn't help but be impressed by Yhwach's skill and determination. Dodging Yhwach's swift strikes, Shiki thoughtfully observed his opponent, noticing an almost uncanny resemblance to Gol D. Roger himself. The way Yhwach moved, the intensity in his eyes, it all reminded Shiki of the legendary Pirate King.

However, before Shiki could dwell further on his thoughts, Yhwach seized the opportunity. With lightning-fast reflexes, Yhwach delivered a powerful punch straight to Shiki's jaw, sending him flying through the air. Shiki crashed into a nearby facility with a resounding impact, causing debris to scatter everywhere. causing Ginjo to groan inwardly within Yhwach's mind.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) They just finished building that facility yesterday...

But Yhwach paid no heed to Ginjo's comment, his attention entirely focused on the fallen pirate before him. He approached Shiki with deliberate steps, his expression unreadable but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Yhwach: You let your guard down, Shiki. That was your mistake.

Shiki growled in frustration, pushing himself to his feet as he wiped a trickle of blood from his mouth. His eyes narrowed as he locked gazes with Yhwach once again, his expression a mixture of defiance and respect.

Shiki: Not bad, Dragon Slayer. You've certainly piqued my interest.

As Shiki used his devil fruit powers to float upward, his twin swords ready to strike, Yhwach stood his ground, his own sword poised for the clash. As Shiki descended upon him, Yhwach met Shiki's attack head-on, his own sword poised to counter the incoming strike. As their blades clashed midway, a powerful shockwave rippled through the air, causing sparks to fly in all directions. The force of their collision was so immense that it seemed to split the very heavens above

The recruits, watching in awe and fear, gasped at the sight of the sky seemingly tearing apart.

Recruit #3: (whispering in awe) Did... did the heavens just split?

As Yhwach felt the immense force of Shiki's attack bearing down on him, he swiftly reinforced his body with Blut Arterie, enhancing his already formidable offensive capabilities. His skin glowed with a faint blue aura as he braced himself for the impact.

Yhwach: Blut Arterie.

The moment Shiki's blades made contact with Yhwach's reinforced form, a shockwave erupted from the point of impact, sending ripples of force cascading through the air. Yhwach stood firm, his expression resolute as he pushed against the force of Shiki's attack.

But even as Yhwach countered Shiki's assault with his enhanced defenses, he knew that defense alone wouldn't be enough to emerge victorious. With a swift mental command, he activated the Schrift I: "The Iron," further bolstering both his offense and defense.

With a mighty swing of his sword, Yhwach sent Shiki hurtling through the air, the force of his blow carrying the pirate far beyond the training grounds. As Shiki recovered and flew back to his feet, he couldn't help but laugh, his eyes shining with a newfound respect for his opponent.

Shiki: Jihahahaha! Alright, Dragon Slayer. You've proven yourself worthy of the title of Emperor of the Sea.

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Shiki, his expression unreadable but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Yhwach: What do you want, Shiki? Are you here to claim the bounty on my head?

Shiki chuckled, lighting up a new cigar as he took a puff, the smoke curling around him like a sinister shroud.

Shiki: Don't be hasty, Dragon Slayer. I'm not here for your bounty. I'm here because I have an offer for you.

Scene Break - Location: Dressrosa, Doflamingo's Royal Palace

Doflamingo sat upon his ornate throne, his expression a mixture of annoyance and curiosity as he watched Zaegar, the enigmatic Hollow, picking his nose and farting with blatant disregard for decorum. The past thirty minutes had been a bizarre spectacle, with Doflamingo attempting every method at his disposal to eliminate the intruder, only to find that none of his attacks seemed to faze Zaegar in the slightest.

Zaegar, for his part, wore a cocky grin as he continued his antics, seemingly impervious to Doflamingo's wrath. His carefree demeanor only served to infuriate the Warlord of the Sea further, who could do nothing but sigh in exasperation.

Doflamingo: (gritting his teeth) What... do you want?

Zaegar paused his nose-picking and farting, turning his attention to Doflamingo with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: Ah, finally decided to talk, huh? I was starting to think you were just a silent type. Well, to answer your question, I'm here to do business.

Doflamingo's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Zaegar's sudden change in demeanor. He had expected the Hollow to be a nuisance, but he hadn't anticipated him coming here for business.

Doflamingo: (raising an eyebrow) Business? What kind of business could you possibly have with me?

Zaegar let out a snicker, his grin widening as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his tiny arms over his chest.

Zaegar: Oh, you know, the usual. Making deals, forming alliances, plotting world domination... that sort of thing.

Doflamingo's confusion only deepened at Zaegar's cryptic response. He glanced at his officers—Trebol, Diamante, Pica, and the others—who shared his baffled expression.

Doflamingo: (sighing) Cut to the chase, Lizard. What exactly are you proposing?

Zaegar's grin turned into a smirk as he leaned forward, his gaze locking onto Doflamingo's with a hint of mischief.

Zaegar: Simple. I'm offering you a chance to join forces with me and my associates. You see, having an "emo Jesus" pushing you around doesn't seem like much fun, does it?

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed at Zaegar's mocking tone, his patience wearing thin.

Zaegar: (teasingly) Besides, being called "Joker" must have its drawbacks. I mean, even DC Comics would probably sue you for copyright infringement!

Doflamingo's confusion turned to frustration, his patience wearing thin as he struggled to make sense of Zaegar's cryptic remarks. His officers, including Trebol, Diamante, and Pica, exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.

Doflamingo: (irritated) What in the world are you talking about, Zaegar? Speak clearly, or I'll have you silenced permanently!

Zaegar's grin widened into a wicked smirk as he leaned in closer to Doflamingo, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Zaegar: (chuckling) Oh, I see you're in the mood for some action, Joker But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I was just about to reveal my master plan—

Before Zaegar could finish his sentence, Trebol, unable to tolerate any more of Zaegar's antics, stepped forward with a menacing glare.

Trebol: Enough of your games, lizard! Doffy said speak clearly, and that's exactly what you're going to do—

But before Trebol could complete his sentence, Zaegar moved with lightning speed, his claw slicing through the air with deadly precision. In a swift and fluid motion, he severed both of Trebol's arms, causing the officer to cry out in pain and shock.

Trebol: AGHHHH!!! MY ARM!!!

Trebol screamed in pain as he rolled on the floor, drowning in his blood. Even Doflamingo was shocked, and he instantly became furious. Just as he was going to jump at Zaegar, Zaegar Reiatsu surged around the hall, just enough to make everyone kneel, some of them even passed out foaming at the mouth.

Zaegar: You disgusting piece of shit, every time I glance at your ugly face, It makes me wanna take my rubber duckie and shove it so far up your ass…don't you see that we're having a fucking conversation right here?

Zaegar said while glaring at Trebol.

Zaegar: Say one more fucking word and your head will be the thing rolling on the ground next time bitch.

Zaegar said before turning his attention to Doflamingo who looked at him in hostility.

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed as he regarded Zaegar with a mix of anger and curiosity. Despite his rage at the Hollow's audacity, he couldn't deny the power emanating from him.

Doflamingo: What do you think is gonna happen if you kill me right here? Ku ku ku! You think the Marines and Kaido are gonna sit still—

But before Doflamingo could finish his sentence, Zaegar cut him off with a ferocity that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Zaegar: Fuck the Marines, fuck Kaido, and FUCK YOU TOO.

Zaegar said, then he continued his voice dripping with disdain 

Zaegar: You think the marines will give a fuck about a celestial brat that happened to be one of the Seven Doggies of The Sea? They will get rid of you the moment they deem you useless…like a bitch ass dog.

Zaegar's tiny dragon form exuded an unsettling aura as he moved closer to Doflamingo, his dark sense of humor evident in his words.

Zaegar: You know, the only reason the other emperors haven't said the same shit to you is because they're scared…

Zaegar's eyes gleamed with mischief as he taunted Doflamingo.

Zaegar: They're either afraid of Kaido or afraid of the war that would leave them weakened. But you see, the problem here is that I'm not afraid. Not of Kaido, not of the Navy. I'll mess with the emperors because they are nothing compared to me.

Zaegar crouched down to Doflamingo's level, his voice a low, dangerous whisper.

Zaegar: And neither are you.

Zaegar's tail wrapped around Doflamingo, lifting him effortlessly as if he were a mere toy. The Warlord's eyes burned with rage and indignation, his body tense with the instinct to fight back.

Doflamingo: Are you going to kill me?

His voice dripped with contempt, but there was an undercurrent of apprehension. Trebol, despite his agony, screamed out, his loyalty unwavering.

Trebol: Doffy! No! Get away from him, you monster!

Zaegar turned his head slowly towards Trebol, his grin widening with malevolent glee.

Zaegar: NAH.

From somewhere behind his back, Zaegar produced a wooden bat wrapped in barbed wire. He held it up for everyone to see, the twisted metal gleaming ominously in the dim light of the palace hall.

Zaegar: You see this, you bitch? This is Lucille... and she is fucking awesome! I'm glad Yhwach gave it to me after the war Negan had with another community. Anyways, I always fucking use this to punish naughty little boys like you or to make my point if they are too damn retarded to understand it.

Doflamingo's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of something akin to doubt passing through his usually confident gaze.

Doflamingo: What are you doing?

Zaegar chuckled, the sound low and menacing, as he let go of Doflamingo and began to approach Trebol with deliberate, measured steps.

Zaegar: I'm just going to beat the absolute fuck out of...

In a blur of movement, Zaegar swung Lucille with terrifying precision and force, striking Trebol across the face. Blood sprayed as the barbed wire tore into his flesh, and Trebol's scream echoed through the hall. Zaegar didn't stop there. He swung again, and again, each blow more brutal than the last. The recruits and officers watched in horrified silence, unable to tear their eyes away from the gruesome spectacle.

Zaegar: (between swings) You see, Doflamingo, this is what happens to those who defy me. This is what happens when you think you're untouchable. You get touched by Lucille. And it ain't a pleasant touch.

Doflamingo's composure finally cracked, a flash of genuine fear crossing his features as he watched his loyal officer being mercilessly beaten. His fists clenched, but he knew better than to make a move.

Everyone looked shocked at the scene, Zaegar's bat was all bloody while Trebol's brain was scattered across the floor. Doflamingo looked extremely furious but there wasn't anything he could do. 

Zaegar: (turning to Doflamingo) Now, do we have an understanding, or do I need to give you a personal demonstration?

There was a moment of silence before a loud laughter could be heard across the hall. 

Doflamingo: KuKukuKuku…Hmhehe he he he hahaha!...now I understand why they call you the Mad Lizard.

Doflamingo laughed manically, understanding his situation before he finally responded 

Doflamingo: Yokarou, I'll do as you say.

Scene Break - Location: Yhwach's Office

Shiki stood in Yhwach's office, his gaze locked onto Yhwach with a mixture of respect and curiosity. Yhwach regarded him with a calm demeanor, his eyes betraying a hint of intrigue.

Third King broke the tense silence with a casual remark.

Third King: So, are we going to start talking or just stare at each other all day?

Shiki's lips curled into a smirk as he glanced at the Four Kings, his eyes lingering on their avian forms.

Shiki: Nice pets you got there. Always fancied myself a bird person.

His comment elicited a chuckle from the Fourth King, his feathers ruffling with amusement.

Fourth King: We're more than just pets, you know. We're Yhwach's trusted companions and advisors.

Shiki nodded, his expression thoughtful as he turned his attention back to Yhwach.

Shiki: Right, right. So, Dragon Slayer, what do you say? Care to hear my proposition?

Yhwach nodded, his expression unreadable but tinged with interest.

Yhwach: I'm listening. But make it quick. I have little patience for idle chatter.

Shiki grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he began to outline his proposal.

Shiki: Alright…since I escaped Impel Down, I've been putting a plan into action.

Shiki stated a confident smile crept into his face before he continued his explanation.

Shiki: I call it the 20-year plan.

Yhwach: The 20-year plan? 

Shiki nodded eagerly, his grin widening with excitement as he began to explain.

Shiki: Ah, my crew member doctor Indigo discovered a special drug SIQ, it makes animals evolve and develop special abilities, I'm planning to build an army of mutated animals for the next year--no I already started a while ago…1 year from now I'll destroy the World Government and East Blue and show this world a living hell, Jihahahaha!

Yhwach listened to Shiki's explanation with a growing sense of disappointment. The Golden Lion's ambitious plan seemed short-sighted and lacking in strategic depth. As Shiki spoke of building an army of mutated animals and unleashing chaos upon the world, Yhwach couldn't help but feel underwhelmed.

Yhwach: You disappoint me, Shiki. To think that someone as powerful as you would waste twenty years of their life on such a petty ambition.

Shiki's expression darkened at Yhwach's critique, his pride wounded by the Quincy king's words.

Shiki: (gritting his teeth) Are you saying my plan is worthless?

Yhwach's gaze turned steely as he met Shiki's defiant glare with a cool determination.

Yhwach: No plan is worthless, Shiki. But yours lacks the foresight and ambition necessary to truly change the world. If you want my support, you'll need to come up with something better than a glorified zoo.

Shiki's fists clenched in frustration, his mind racing as he searched for a response to Yhwach's challenge. After a moment of tense silence, he relaxed slightly, a glimmer of admiration flickering in his eyes as he regarded Yhwach.

Shiki: You have a point, Dragon Slayer. Perhaps my plan is too… simplistic.

Yhwach's gaze remained impassive as he regarded Shiki, waiting for him to continue.

Shiki: But what do you suggest? If my plan lacks ambition, then what would you have me do?

Yhwach nodded in approval, his gaze steady as he continued to address Shiki.

Yhwach: Since I'm feeling generous today, I'll do you a favor. There aren't many who could match you in battle, I'll be your sparring partner and make sure you don't lose your touch. Of course, I won't hesitate to cut off an arm or a leg...

Yhwach's gaze drifts to Shiki's swords, which have replaced his missing legs before he adds with a hint of amusement.

Yhwach: Oh wait, I forgot. You don't have one.

Shiki's lips curled into a smirk at Yhwach's comment, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Shiki: Very funny, Dragon Slayer. You're quite the comedian.

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he regarded Shiki with a cool demeanor.

Yhwach: In the meantime, I'll instruct Dragon to provide financial support for your project. The Revolutionary Army has agreed to lend their assistance as well. With their resources combined, your ambitions may yet bear fruit.

Yhwach's mind was already formulating a plan. He had heard rumors of Shiki's past exploits, including his command of the strongest pirate fleet in the world. If he could convince Dragon to finance and support Shiki's project, it would serve as a valuable asset in their quest to dismantle the World Government.

Shiki's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the name "Dragon." The legendary figure was known throughout the world as the leader of the Revolutionary Army and the most wanted man by the World Government. To hear that he was involved in this conversation piqued Shiki's interest even further.

Shiki: Dragon? As in Garp's kid?

Yhwach nodded, his gaze steady as he regarded Shiki.

Yhwach: Indeed. Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Army.

As Yhwach pulled out the rare white Den Den Mushi, Shiki's curiosity only grew. The white Den Den Mushi was a symbol of high-level communication, typically reserved for top-tier individuals or organizations. To see Yhwach using one was a testament to his influence and power.

Shiki: (raising an eyebrow) That's a rare piece of equipment you've got there. Must be quite the conversation you're about to have.

Dragon picks up the Den Den Mushi, his voice calm but authoritative.

Dragon: (Through Den Den Mushi) ...Yhwach, I've been waiting for your call.

A deep, masculine voice was heard from the Den Den Mushi. Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Shiki as he spoke into the Den Den Mushi, his voice calm and measured.

Yhwach: Dragon, I have a proposition for you. I've encountered an individual who may prove useful to our cause.

Dragon: (Through Den Den Mushi) Interesting. Tell me more about this individual.

Yhwach's gaze shifted from Shiki to the white Den Den Mushi on his desk, a faint smirk playing on his lips. With a calculated tone, he addressed Dragon through the device.

Yhwach: His name is Shiki, the Golden Lion.

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