
Poor Newbie Who Only Expected To Get Treated Nicely.

"What the?.." Nicki was so surprised and confused and out of shock couldn't think straight and mistakenly headbutted right on the butt of the person bowing in front of her with her head in the process of trying to stay bowed again as Ariana warned her to.

"Ou…" Nadia, the girl who got headbutted by Nicki wanted to react with a scream, feeling the hurt of her butt being hit by something that was so hard but had to contain it in, due to the fact no one was meant to make any noise in the Alpha's presence or else she would have dealt with the person right now.

It was not a hand that did that but something else. 

And it's quite normal to get your butt smacked anytime one is bowed down, especially by bullies who want to make their victim look bad in the Alpha's presence, but everyone knows better not to mess with Nadia Tate unless they are seeking death.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry…." Nicki didn't quite get the face of the person she headbutted but apologized and rubbed her forehead to relieve the pain she was feeling. 

She doesn't know if she headbutted a rock or a butt because of how hard it was, but the person seriously needs to find a way to get rid of that hard butt and make it a little bit soft.

"F**k, Nicki, I warned you to stay down, you better pray he didn't see you or you could get in trouble" Ariana chided Nicki, she didn't seem to mind or give a damn about Nicki, who was still trying to recover from the pain of the headbutt she was still suffering from.

"Wait a minute…he.. he's the Alpha?" Nicki asked, having slightly recovered from the headbutt pain. Rubbing her forehead mainly did the magic for her. 

"Of course, he is. Who else would be the Alpha?" Ariana responded with sarcasm, lifting her head a little low to steal a glance from where the Alpha was to know if he was staring in their direction.

While Nicki was left dumbfounded and then at the same time, something dawned on her. 

She remembered before she crossed paths and when she was stopped by the man last night who somehow now turns out to be an Alpha. She had first seen him with red eyes but she never spared the time to think about it despite all the werewolf movies she claims she has watched.

Every Alpha is supposed to have red eyes, right? Nicki couldn't believe she doesn't know everything about werewolves though they are her favorite supernatural creatures.

Alphas are particularly described as cruel beings and the man, sorry now Alpha almost proved to her last night like in the supernatural movies she has watched that Alphas are truly bloodthirsty and ruthless beings however he didn't when he saved her instead.

Maybe it's time for her now to stop comparing movies and books she reads to real life since most of them are fictional. 

"He's the one who bit me last night," Nicki told Ariana with an obscure voice. 

"What?" Ariana couldn't get her and asked

"He's the one who bit me, I was human and then he turned me. He's the one I told you I needed to go find so he can tell me why I don't feel changed" Nicki didn't want to act rashly as she did before, almost getting herself into trouble. Instead, she decided to steal a glance from the Alpha this time around carefully.

"Wait, you were human?" Ariana gave Nicki a deadpan look. How did she not figure out she was human earlier?

"Yes, it's kind of a long story but he bit me last night and brought me here. I have to…." Nicki wasn't done when she heard her name called in the hall very loud and clear and she chose to ignore it.

"Oh my God, he just called you" Fear gripped Ariana, scared she might be the next person that gets called since she was right next to Nicki.

"Who..who just called me?" Fear also gripped Nicki, she hopes Ariana doesn't tell her it was the person she was thinking about that just called her out right now. 

"The Alpha, who else would call you? I think he saw you when you got up. Oh my God, you are so f**ked" Ariana made Nicki confirm her suspicion. It's the Alpha who just called her out but she refused to answer, saying some things Ariana found stupid.

"I don't think I'm the one he called, I mean there's no way it could have been me, besides, I can't be the only Nicki around here so he better be specific if he wants anyone with the name Nicki to answer him at all," Nicki thought she was wise however she was put to shame.

"You are not going to answer? You are the Nicki he called. You aren't scared, are you?" Ariana expected Nicki to be quivering in fear but she was doing exactly the opposite.

"Okay, since you aren't going to answer him, I'm going to create a little distance between us so he doesn't think I'm with you. I can't let you get me into trouble too" Ariana moved a bit away from Nicki with the hope she would keep the distance between them but none of that happened.

"Wait, don't stay away from me" Nicki covered up the distance Ariana created between them.

"Nicki Landon!" Nicki's name was called again and this time including her last name too which got her thinking how he knows her last name. If she can recall clearly, she didn't let him know her last name yesterday when he asked. 

However, it still didn't change her mind, she's not going to answer the Alpha.

"Okay now he has called your full name, are you not going to accept the fact that you are the Nicki he's referring to and just answer?" Ariana's face turned to a scowl, what's the big deal in answering the Alpha? Did she do wrong by being nice to Nicki?

If only she had known earlier she would be in this kind of a mess, then she would have just left after apologizing and getting the knife back away from Nicki not being nice and friendly to her.

"I'm not going to answer him, what do I even say? I mean I'm new here, I have no idea how this place works. I got turned yesterday and expected to be treated like a newbie, not almost getting struck by a knife and the next thing I got called by the man who I had no idea was an Alpha when he bit me yesterday" Nicki laid out a complaint to Ariana who rolled her eyes.

She got her point but this isn't what she's supposed to be doing right now, she should just answer the Alpha.

"Look Nicki, I was born in this place, and trust me when I say no one's going to give you any special kind of treatment not even if you were turned by the Alpha, so you better stop waiting for one and just follow all the rules if you want to survive this place. You are even lucky I'm nice to you, no one in here would throw a knife at you and run apologizing for it"

"What? So you intended to throw that knife at me in the first place?" Nicki misunderstood what Ariana said to her.

"No, it's not that, I never saw you coming and I told you it slipped. Trust me, I could never hurt a fly so please just answer the Alpha or you stay away from me. I think you are the reason he hasn't let us up yet" As Ariana created more space between herself and Nicki, she unknowingly bumped into the person next to her in the process.

"Hey, watch it" The person rebuked angrily.

"Sorry," Ariana apologized, moving back towards Nicki and still creating space between them. "Just do it, girl, answer him before you make him mad. Things will only get worse for you if he gets mad" 

Ariana's words made Nicki have a change of mind and she let out a sigh, There can't be any big deal in answering the Alpha. She would just get up and answer and apologize saying she didn't hear her name called.

Yeah, this would be a big fat ass lie since her name was called very loud and clearly up to three times and she ignored it. It would only be reasonable if she was dumb however she isn't.

F**k, this is just stupid. What should she do? 

Nickii was still having thoughts and went back to arguing with Ariana again when the foot that was suddenly in front of her grabbed her attention. 

She swallowed hard, slowly looking up to know who came looking for her, her mind already telling her who it was but she refused to believe it till she saw who it was with her two eyes.

"Hi…" She waved with a voice that could merely be heard the moment her eyes met the Alpha standing right in front of her.

"Follow me" His deep voice resonated very clearly for Nicki who might try claiming she didn't hear him and even with her legs being as soft as jelly, she instantly followed behind with two other people escorting them.

Everyone got up, whispers filling the entire hall till the Alpha left wondering who was the Nicki Landon that was called all the time but never answered while Ariana could only feel piteous towards Nicki.

Now, the Alpha used his two legs and came looking for her when she could have just answered and done things the easiest way, she's surely going to be in hot soup now. 

Poor Newbie who only expected to get treated nicely. 

Hey, mi Amors, do me a favor by dropping some comment and tell me how you feel about this book.

Lil_Amorecreators' thoughts
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