

This is a world that's nearing its end. A reality where humanity is forced to face the consequences of their ignorance and idiocy but the difference is that, In this universe they are not alone. Welcome To The World of NEKROPOLIS! 7 formerly known as Sebastian is a World War 3 veteran , and now a special agent working for UFC corporation a vastly spread out and highly secretive and advance corporation. In one of his missions to secure some classified information from a mysterious group that has the source of some strange artefact, he finds a little girl with bright red eyes. What would this girl bring into his so lifeless life? What kind of sinister truth is hidden behind those red eyes? What are the motives of this mysterious group? Come and join me while we follow 7's adventures and uncover secrets of their world and ours. And find what will be the conclusion of his journey.

Nautilus_Darkstar · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Moments of the past flashes in front of 7's eyes he remembers the first day he was in organization's headquarters where he was being interviewed by a senior agent.

"SO.. Lad why do you think we would be willing to add you into our literal army of agents? " asks the old man.

7 was 22 at this time he has worked very hard for the last three years to get here he couldn't let this opportunity just slip past.

(Gulp) "Well I have a excellent records being a mercenary and I was also a soldier back in NATO-RUSSIAN war so I don't think that UFC will be disappointed by recruiting me. " 7 replies

"Um hmm anything else" the agent pretends to be listening very carefully.

7 was dumbfounded what else can the UFC ask for.

"well I was excellent in academics back in high sch-" aren was cut off by the agent

"Nah Nah Nah don't brag me with that I was really good at studying and all that stupid stuff, tell me..

what you wanna fight for. "

7 is shocked by the agent's words he most definitely has a reason to fight but he didn't knew that such a question will be asked here.

Without wasting a single minute he replied "I want to work as a agent so that I could stop wars and establish a rather peaceful world for everyone here on earth. "

The agent is surprised " Huhh you do understand that you will be dispatched to eliminate human targets." the agent says.

"I know!, I know it very well but I also know that the Organization has been protecting the human society for a long time from the shadows and it even has successfully prevented many catastrophic events from happening. "

As 7 continues to explaining the agent is going through some papers.

"So do you now understand my reason to join your ranks. " 7 asks

"Oh ugh uh-Yeah I do understand haha I mean I was just like you back in my day" the man says

"So Kiddo I have confirmed that you have passed the interview and are more than eligible for being an 'Arch' of the corporation. " the agent announces

7 immediately asks "Wait! so I don't have to give some sort of crazy test Or anything like that. "

"Wha- No no no you don't do anything like that, I mean you ARE a perfect candidate you have some experience and your military records say that you were very versatile and used to be ready for like any situation. " The agent swiftly replies

"So as I say, welcome to team kiddo" The man says as he and 7 shakes hand

"Mr Jason Faraday"

"Uhh my name is not Jason sir " 7 corrects the man

"Wait-what " the man is shocked. " FUCK! don't tell me they were the wrong files" (starts panicking)





"7-7-7! Hey 7!

(End Of Flashback)