
Chapter 22: I am sorry

After I returned to my house, I saw my mother sitting in our living room.

I went and sat opposite her. Everyone was shocked still, after all, I haven't talked to her in years.

Tilly even 'popped' near me to protect me in case we would start fighting.

The elf started to clench on my robes, it was really funny.

I took out 1 potion. Something I personally prepared after Dumbledore told me what happened. This was something I am sure would cure my mother. Fawkes even helped by giving some of his tears, it helped me to greatly enhance the potions effects.

I kept the potion on the table in between us," Drink this potion. If you do, I will not only follow the marriage contract, I will give you 25% of my business."

I wouldn't do that, like 100% wouldn't, it's just to get her tp drink the potion.

"Swear a magical oath." She stated blandly.

'Wow what trust you have in your son, mom,' I thought while saying, "I Shawn Markus, swear a oath on My Magic, that as long as Melina Markus drinks this potion which is not in anyway harmful to her, I will sign the upcoming engagement contract without any disputes, and I will also pass 25 % of the potions business I own to the Markus family. This is all if Melina Markus still wishes for me to do so in a week."

She just waited for me to continue.

I did a simple spell to show that I still have My Magic," Lumos." My wand shined brightly.

My mother drank the potion without any hesitation.

I stood up and walked away with Tilly still hugging my robes.

Give it a while, if she is really broken, this will help her for sure.


It's been a week, you can see the changes in my mother, even though it was slow. I think today is the day she will realize what she has been doing wrong.

And right as I was about to walk out of my room, my room door swung open, and my mother came in.

She looked like she has been crying all night. Probably regretting everything she has done thus far.

She hesitated for a bit, but eventually hugged me.

She didn't say anything but just started crying.

(Gonna copy a poem next, thought it was the most fitting, I changed about 3/4 of the poem to try to fit the scene)

Eventually while still hugging me and sobbing," I am sorry. I'm sorry for making you sad, I'm sorry for getting you mad. I am sorry because I was not being understanding. I am sorry because I was not compromising. I am sorry my dear child that I have broken your heart. I am sorry that I tore your whole childhood, your whole world apart. Please forgive me." She said while sobbing the whole time.

I didn't reply, but I didn't blame her anymore. She fought a dark-lord, under normal circumstances that would have made me really proud.

"I don't know good of a person you were, or wanted to be, but I will give you a chance. I want to see how good of a mother you would be, when the sorting hat, which has sorted thousands of students has called you one of the purest souls it has ever seen. And, after hearing your story, fighting a dark-lord, I am proud to have such a strong mother." I said while hugging her back, and I genuinely meant it.

Out of nowhere in came a bursting a Phoenix by the name of Fawkes. Fawkes has been doing this for a while, he was able to find my presence and teleport there whenever he wanted, and as always the timing is perfect.

Fawkes started chirping, and the entire house came to my room. Due to Fawkes wonderful singing, the entire mood was really light and happy.

After a while, we just sat in my room, and with Fawkes on my shoulder proudly chirping, a cute sister, decent father, a sobbing mother and two house elf's (Robin and Tilly), I for the first time in a long while, spoke my heart and soul out.


At the living room, the Markus couple were sitting in a couch and were snuggling.

They seemed to have talked about what has been happening after Melinda became 'whole again.'

"Honey don't you think Shawn looked really happy with the Phoenix, maybe we should get him one." Melinda said while smiling.

Joshua Markus started sweating greatly. His wife becomes normal again and the first the she asks for is a Phoenix for his son, sigh.


Fawkes was still sitting on my shoulder and talking to me.

I think with so many creatures pouring their feelings to me, I have become way more of a listener then a talker.

Right when Fawkes was about to leave he said," Master told me to tell you that you should Visit more. He also said he has a surprise for you."

This bird, he is really cute. I started to rub Fawkes chin which he loves the most and asked," Was it that your master wanted me to come more, or you want me to come over more?"

I swear I saw Fawkes go redder as he said," Does it matter, anyway master has been planning on changing my food, and I am scared he will feed me the disgusting wood worms again, he should feed me the sea worms," said Fawkes while salivating before flaming away.

It's really cute how all magical creatures like to act like children in front of me, probably due to not really talking to anyone before.

(Sorry that this is shorter than usual)