
Chapter 20: Continuing my talk with the Headmaster


After thanking Fawkes, he looked towards me and asked," So Mr. Markus, I have a few questions I have to ask, I hope you can satisfy the curiosity of this old man." He said with his grandfatherly smile.

"Sure Headmaster, I have some questions if my own if you don't mind me asking." To which he just smiled, I am gonna take that as a yes.

He asked his questions first," Since when have you been able to talk to Wands, and all these various Magical creatures?"

I wasn't really surprised by the question, I wanted the world to know about my abilities. I am not the type of MC who will hide his power. I might hide trump cards, but not this thing which is basic.

"I have been able to talk with all sorts of living things since forever Headmaster, doesn't matter what type, I can even talk to trees, and let me tell you, they are really talkative." I said smiling a little.

Dumbledore seemed to have predicted me being able to talk to creatures, but not trees.

"That is a wonderful ability Mr. Markus, I might have to ask you to come here sometimes, to tell me what Fawkes is thinking," he said while looking at Fawkes on his shoulder.

"It would be my honour to talk to a Phoenix headmaster," Fawkes gave me a chirp, saying,' obviously it is a honour,"while puffing his chest out.

"Headmaster, would it be okay for me to take my O.W.Ls now?," was my question, I didn't really know if I would be allowed to.

"Hmm, I might have to ask the Ministry for some approvals, but it should be fine. You might be able to take the tests with the 5th years as well." He said while nodding.

"Shawn, if I may call you that," to which I just nodded," why have you chosen to attend Hogwarts, if you already have the knowledge required to graduate."

This question also didn't require much thinking.

"The answer to anyone would be to complete my N.E.W.T for my subjects sir, but in reality it's to give me time to make new projects, and delay my upcoming marriage contracts as much as possible. It's also to make a few good friends if possible." Which is the true answer, I need time to avoid the pile of bullshit coming my way.

The headmaster didn't say anything, but he seemed to have read about my engagement which is coming soon on the Prophet.

"Hmm, are you ok with your engagement?" Asked Dumbledore.

"I don't like to be forced into things headmaster," I replied. It's true, now that I have power, I seriously despise being pushed around. If it was in the past I wouldn't retaliate, but now I might.

"Hmm, then do you that there is only one way to avoid a magically binding contract, without looking for loopholes?"

Man, I thought it was supposed to be us asking one question each, not you spamming with them.

"Yes, and I am prepared to do it," I mean, the book in my subconscious even has a way for me to turn partially into a vampire. And if I don't do that, I won't be able to create my future vampire army. I will have an army of them.

"I think it's my turn for a question now headmaster, if I complete my O.W.Ls and N.E.W.T within this year, do think it will be possible if I can be a Hogwarts student in name but, explore the muggle world?" I asked seriously. If it's possible, I can leave, and go out to the muggle world, live a normal life without something hanging over my head.

He didn't reply. It has been 30 min and he was just sitting there. I was beginning to think he has lost it. Until he replied,"Maybe. We might be able to do it, after all, Hogwarts is independent from the Ministry, but it won't do with N.E.W.Ts. You will have to take the Masters test under the Ministry, which they will rig to make sure you fail. You will have to pass that test, then I can make you stay in Hogwarts. By saying you need more time to mature. You will then be able to travel."

Nice, for this year then, I will stay in Hogwarts and grind all my subjects, to become the smartest in the respective subjects, then control the Magical world slowly.

"Why don't you just stop your Marriage contract ?" He asked.

"My mother sir. My mother is threatening to marry my sister into the Malfoy family, a family with death eaters, if I don't marry Daphne. She even sent word to the Malfoy's that she is ok to have the contract next year."

Dumbledore seemed shocked for a moment and then sighed.

I then asked the question which has been bugging me for the past few months." Sir, the sorting hat told me that my mother had been in Hufflepuff and was one of the kindest souls ever to step foot on Hogwarts, I can't say I am a great judge of character but I am pretty sure my mother is not close to being a kind soul."

Dumbledore sighed," Your father probably never told you this, but your mother was tortured by He-Wh" as he was saying that I just said,"Voldemort, sir we both are not afraid to speak his name so let's just say it."

He continued," By Voldemort. If you didn't know, your grandfather, and great grandfather were people I knew rather well. Your great grandfather passed in his sleep, while your grandfather died while trying to help the potters escape. He was only able to bring James and Rose Potter out, and when he returned to help Harry and his mother he got killed. This is common knowledge to the pure-bloods and those higher ups in the ministry. But what nobody knew was he was trying to take revenge on what happened to his daughter-in-law years before. She was tortured by Voldemort for months, but she stayed alive through out the entire ordeal."

I didn't say or fee anything. My aura didn't even fluctuate. As I have said before, I don't treat these two as my real parents. But it did hurt to know that my mother was tortured, so she didn't voluntarily behave like this, it just happened.

But the next question which I answered to myself immediately was, why didn't she take my potions? Then I realised she probably had too much pride to take them.

"My last question Shawn, is why are you trying so hard. Why study so much? What is your goal," Dumbledore asked, not surprised by my change in Expression. He probably knows I practice occlumency. I didn't know how he knew, I didn't even feel a bump on my mental defences.

"Because headmaster, I think Voldemort will come back soon." I didn't see a response until I said," and I also have reason to believe that an even greater threat is out there. Greater than any dark lord the world has ever seen. I cannot say how I know this headmaster, you will just have to take my word for it."

We just sat in silence for a while. Both of us processing what we each said.

After a while, I left the office after thanking the headmaster and Fawkes. The Phoenix said it would visit me later in my dorm to which I just smiled.

Sigh, I need at most 1 more week, I will be able to perfect the Magi-Phone.

I just want to say I don’t think I said Dumbledore approves of MC changing his bloodline.

stay_at_home_pigcreators' thoughts