
Chapter 11

Two days passed swiftly, and Ashidon used them to the best of his ability. He reorganized the scout teams entirely. He assured that each team had two sensors and secondary combatants to protect them. Lastly, he provided each team with a crow. He also created a chain of command amongst the scout teams to ensure information can pass through the chain of command. After his recent confrontation, he is now able to summon fifty crows comfortably.

Having done everything he could conceive in the two days, Ashidon felt that he was ready. He sat in his tent an hour before he was scheduled to meet with the commander and the other high ranking jonin. Scrolls laid out before him he went over his notes, readying himself for the final meeting before he would head out with his teams.

'It's not much, but it's the best I can do in such a short time. Though, it is surprising how there isn't really a chain of command in the forces. Jonin are considered elite shinobi, yet there aren't any ranks describing the degree of authority. Well, there is the rank of captain, which can only be held by a jonin. Then there is the rank of commander which is held by the overall leader of a large number of shinobi. Yet it still seems bare bones.'

Ashidon lay back in his seat staring up at the ceiling. 'Speaking of the commander, why is he putting so much responsibility on me? No, I know why, it's because of my abilities. Yet, that still doesn't feel entirely right. There has to be more to it than that. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it? No, if something doesn't feel right then I should trust my gut.'

He stood from his chair and began putting on his flak jacket and preparing to head towards the meeting. 'On another note, my progress with unlocking my last power has slowed. Getting back to the front lines will do me some good. The sooner I unlock this last ability the safer I'll feel. At least I've been able to conduct some tests with my ghosts. Since I'm linked with my ghosts, theoretically I should be able to use their senses as well. Say see through their eyes, I should also see to making them function similar to a shadow clone. If I could get experience from them, the thought alone sends a chill down my spine. Sadly I don't have the time to do such dedicated experiments.'

Having finished getting ready Ashidon exited his tent. Directly on the other side stood Nakko. Nakko looked worn out with heavy bags under his eyes. He had helped Ashidon in any way he could. The gratitude he felt for Ashidon keeping him alive till now was immense. He was under no delusions about his skills. He'd managed to reach the rank of jonin long ago and barely at that. The occasional mission let him live a comfortable life. Yet this war has placed him in the heat of things, and he knows he would have died long ago.

Not only that, but he also felt guilt for his failure in keeping things under control while Ashidon was away. No matter how many times Ashidon tells him otherwise, Nakko felt it was his fault and that he should be punished. All he can do is make Ashidons life that much easier, it was the least he could do.

"Morning, captain." Nakko greeted Ashidon who nodded in return.

"Morning Nakko, Are the teams ready?" Ashidon asked as he walked on.

"They are ready to move out on your command. Do you think well be sent out so soon?" Nakko asked.

"It's why I was tasked with organizing the scout teams. Two days have passed and the commander is no doubt expecting us to do our duty." Ashidon replied. The two lapsed into silence as they made their way to the command tent.

"This is where we part, I'll meet you with the others with our orders." Ashidon said just before entering the command tent. Once inside he was met by the commander and his aids. Ashidon stood at attention awaiting for the commander to look up from what he was doing. The commander was an older man with black hair and black eyes, they showed little to no emotion, almost lifeless. Ashidon couldn't say exactly how old he was, but he felt the commander had seen many things in his life. He also could tell that the commander was a cold blooded killer.

"Ashidon, right on time. I hope you have good news." the commander said in a flat tone.

"Commander, I and the scout teams are ready to deploy." Ashidon replied.

"Is that so, that's good because I need you out in the field. The teams I sent out aren't specialized like your teams. Take a look at this." The commander gestured towards the map on the table. Ashidon examined the map thoroughly, noting any marked locations. He spotted the areas that lay behind the main force and recognized them as his own findings. There were some marked locations likely depicting positions of interest.

Taking a long moment to study the map he looked up at the commander. "I have a grasp of our position and immediate area."

"Good, we need to advance here." The commander pointed to a location on the map.

"However, the path is laden with enemy nin. They lay in wait to hamper us at every turn. They also have a few strongholds around this area. Enemy scouts have been spotted all throughout this area. We need you to clear out the scouts and raise their nests. You will methodically make your way to the next campsite. If reinforcements are needed just send word back and I'll see what I can do." The commander pointed out positions on the map where he would like Ashidons teams to clear out.

"Lastly, this is a list of special targets. These are high profile captains of the enemy that we have been able to identify, and this is their commander. I want you to remove these individuals from the board, taking out their command structure would severely cripple the enemy." The commander finished as he passed a scroll with names and images to match.

"I see, I'll do what I can, commander." Ashidon took the scroll and a few others before hiding them on his person.

"Good, I expect result, you're dismissed." Having finished, the commander went back to addressing his aides on other matters.

Ashidon, having been dismissed, left the tent and headed towards his teams. They were all lined up and awaiting his orders. There were a total of eleven teams of five and as Ashidon arrived they stood at attention. "We have been given our orders. We'll spend some time conferring before we head out. All of you know what is expected, but I like to be thorough. Now, let's begin."

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