
Chapter 10

Ashidon stood before his commander with head lowered. It had been a day before the main force arrived at the campsite. After eliminating the enemy and saving his team, Ashidon headed to the campsite. There he waited for the main force to arrive. Immediately upon arrival he was ordered to appear before the commander and the other officers. The commander verbally lashed him for his childish decision. That is where we find him now, just having received said lashing.

"Do you understand the severity of your decision!?" the commander yelled from his seat, staring into Ashidon's eyes. Ashidon, unable to meet the commander's furious gaze, lowered his head.

"My team was in danger, I had the means of saving them." Ashidon said.

"I left you in charge of the scout teams, and you abandoned that duty to save one team. What about the two teams that died by enemy ambush? Did they not matter because they weren't part of your team?" the commander asked coldly.

"I, I didn't know that would happen. I left Katto in char-" Ashidon tried to explain but was suddenly cut off by the commander's booming voice.

"I don't give a damn what you thought! Katto was not the one I left in charge. Don't you dare try to push blame onto another." the commander said the last in a low, spine chilling voice.

"I'm not! I was just-"

"Enough!" The commander said, the room went silent as the commander eyed Ashidon. For a long minute nothing was said and Ashidon could do nothing but look down at his feet. He felt that he did the right thing in protecting his team. Yet at the back of his mind he felt guilty for the deaths of the two teams during his absence. He mentally went over his decision, and no matter how he tried to justify his actions, he always came back to the same conclusion. He had made a mistake.

"Perhaps I was wrong about you, maybe you aren't ready." The commander's words shook Ashidon to his core. His head shot up and he forced the words from his throat.

"I understand my mistake, commander. The decision to save my team was entirely selfish. I humbly admit that and assure you that it won't happen again." Ashidon spoke fervently, as if he could tell that this was a turning point for his future. As if failing to meet the expectations of the commander would drastically alter his future, and he could not let that happen.

"Commander, I think he understands his failure. Perhaps he is due a second chance." One of the jonin sitting beside the commander spoke up. Ashidon didn't dare break eye contact with the commander but internally he thanked the jonin who spoke up for him.

The commander remained silent for a moment longer before he spoke. "I will give you a final chance, don't disappoint me."

"I will do my best to meet your expectations, commander." Ashidon replied with relife clear in his voice.

"I want you to organize the scout teams, you will be in charge of their organization and deployment. You will report here everyday to make a report. This means that you will be privy to what goes on in this tent. I expect you to act accordingly. You have two days to get everything organized, now pull up a chair so we can begin the meeting. Listen and learn."

Ashidon did just that, he observed the discussions between the officers and the commander. They went over battle reports, scouting reports and many other reports. Ashidon was surprised at the amount of planning that went into organizing a war.

The meeting went on for hours before everyone was dismissed. Ashidon excused himself from the ten along with the others and made his way to a particular area. He entered the medical tent and scanned the area. Bodies of the wounded lay in agony, some being tended to by the staff. At the far end of the tent he spotted Sumari.

Making his way over to her he noticed that she was out cold. He eyed her as she slept, not saying a word for a long moment. "Hello, do you need any assistance?"

Turning, Ashidon was met with a medical nin. He shook his head in the negative before speaking. "No, just came to check up on her."

"Is that so, well, call if you need anything. But please try not to wake the patient." the medical nin said before walking away.

Ahsidon turned back to look at the sleeping form of Sumari for a moment longer before clenching his fist, steadying his resolve. With a nod he turned on his heel and exited the tent. As he left the tent he was met with the wide eyed Katto.

The two stood silent for a moment before Katto went to bow, however, Ashidon reached out and placed his hand on Katto's shoulder stopping him from going any lower.

"That isn't necessary, rise." Ashidon said and Katto slowly rose.

"But," Katto began but Ashidon raised a hand to stop him.

"Don't, the fault was mine, I failed as a leader and have learned from that mistake. But it's good that you're here, follow me." Ashidon said before walking away. Katto stood dumbly for a moment just watching Ashidon's back. Coming to his senses he chased after Ashidon.

"Where are we going, captain?" Katto asked.

"We are going to my tent." Ashidon replied.

"Tent? You have a tent?" Katto asked.

"I have been charged with the command of the scout teams." Ashidon replied.

"I see, so, what do you need me for?" Katto asked.

"I need your assistance in helping me organize the teams." Ashidon continued.

"Me, but," Katto began before hesitating, no doubt thinking back to his mistake during Ashidon's absence.

"Yes you, don't think too much and just follow me." Ashidon said as they made their way to his newly erected tent. There they went over everything they could. Ashidon expressed his ideas and Katto provided his own. After hours of thinking they had a rough idea of what Ashidon wished to do. Having dismissed Katto for the night, Ashidon sat at his table deep in thought before going to sleep in preparation for the coming day. He had much to do.

Do you guys think I should speed things up a bit or is this fine? I know I need to post more often, but life keeps me busy. Anyway, let me know what you think so far.

Bigbabycreators' thoughts