
Naruto world Adventurer

I honestly don't know what to say here, you got to read the novel to know what it's about but I'm nice the novel is in the naruto world and he is gonna adventure all over. If you like think of it as a mixture of one piece and a naruto.

YourShadowsenpai · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Getting settle down

" "- means they are talking out loud

''- means they are talking in their head

* *- This is for sound effects and actions

Also, everything said in this novel is fiction, don't try any of it.


Time passed as time does, I turned 2 weeks, I started to develop my vocal cords. I can say simple things like Dadaa but I just cringe up when I say it. The most amazing thing is my Chakra. I started to get a feel for it, every time I move it my body always cools down its the best feeling. Constantly playing with my chakra I didn't notice that someone was behind me.

I would constantly walk around the house aimlessly trying to get a head start on exercising my body. I also experimented with pushing chakra to my eyes trying to unlock my bloodline ability. I had little to zero success. Maybe I don't have enough chakra.

"Hmmm what is this, I should report this to the elder" Hearing a sound of surprise and Turning around I see the scariest thing, they seriously don't make an eye out to what it is in the anime compared to reality is in real life, It f*cking scary. Luckily it is just a branch clan member.

Ryo 'Shiiit I've found out, that ass hole of a father won't let this go.'

"Elder I have something to report, it is about the young master" In the other room, the branch clan member is kneeling with her head facing the floor, not daring to look up.

"What is it and it better be worth my time." sitting above the female Branch clan member, is Elder Brian, my father. He is not even taking the time to look at the branch clan member

" Elder I notice the young master performs wired actions when he is alone. I would normally see him crawling around to hidden corners of the house. Today I notice that he circulated his chakra, which is double the capacity of an ordinary child." She said with little to no emotions in it.

With a look of pleasant surprise, Brian said "Ohh... it seems that brat has some talent, I want you to pay closer attention to him and report everything to me" His face turned cold at the end of his sentence.

_____________________________________________time skip______

In a courtyard, there are 12 kids around the age of 4 and a hyuga clan instructores standing in front.

I'm currently 4 years old, and I'm due to start clan training because of my constant private practice. I'm probably faring better than any of these kids. I'd had minor success with the Byakugan. I was able to activate and see no more than 6 meters around myself. I have been using it to observe myself and my chakra network. I wanted to learn as much as I could with my limited time.

"Alright, kids, today we start your clan training. As you kids should know, our Hyuga clan focuses on taijutsu. In the village of Konoha, we are the best in it. Starting today we would be doing some light exercise, katas, and some chakra control."

'This instructor keeps talking on and on. He just trying to brainwash us into the main Hyuga clan way of thinking'

"Ok enough talking about the greatest of the clan start running, you need to build your body up." the instructor said in a military voice.

__________time skip again_____

I recently turned five, I spent most of the year having the gentle fist burnt into my body and mind. I noticed during training my muscles were torn and were healed for the next day. I concluded it might be because my soul devours the undeveloped soul of this body when it was a baby. With my healing factor, my training got more intense.

Just recently the instructor moved on to the eight trigrams declaring my gentle fist "passible", after months and months of work. So he had me start studying chakra networks.

The Eight Trigrams are not just one technique; there are more than 10 Eight Trigram moves, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms, Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms, and so on and so forth.

The 'Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven' being the one Neji was called a genius for using was sadly not available to me, the instructor explained that it was only for the clan head and heir to learn and not taught to every main clan member. The only reason Neji learns it must be because of his connection to clan head or he is just that good. So if I want to learn I have to ask my ass of a father.

I decided that as cool as creating a giant dome of chakra was it was probity draining and better in the first place to not be hit so I decided to put it out of my mind and focus on the rest of the eight trigrams and come back to it later

"The eight trigrams use the Hyuga's innate ability to expel chakra from every cell in their body"

Bla Bla Bla, the instructor never seemed too tire of his voice, sometimes explaining things like I was retarded or something, seriously the instructor could blabber on all day.

I sometimes thought about asking for a new teacher but this sorry excuse of an adult was the best taijutsu expert the Hyuga had, not counting the clan head, so I put it out of my mind and mentally prepared myself for years of mind-numbing teaching.

My time spent being taught taijutsu was cut short and replaced with standard, math, reading, and calligraphy, a royal pain but nowhere near as bad as the clans' propaganda-filled history lessons.

Thankfully I'm not being tested on history so I've managed to make up for some lost time by practicing with my chakra as well as trying to find other ways to make up for a lost time.

What I came up with was asking for weights or weighted seals if they existed and if I can get access to medical books. Weights are a good way to improve my body and the medical books are for my later plans. Both my Idea of weighted seals and medical books was approved. Honestly, I was surprised but the old man just said.

"Do whatever you want as long as your action doesn't bring shame to the Hyuga clan's name. Plus I don't see what's wrong with you working harder than the other kids. *whisper* Maybe I can use you to fight for the position of clan head."

Yep, there's the old man, I know only helps if it benefits him. Well, whatever I don't plan on sticking around in this clan for long. Plan on going on an adventure around the ninja world and even more worlds.


I have a schedule on how I'm gonna upload chapters only twice per week. I'm busy with school and It takes time to write and fix spelling.

Now for some self-promotion, I already got 4 chapters ahead so don't worry about not having chapters.

Follow my Instagram @yourshadowsenpai where to post updates on how the novel is going and you can DM me ideas and I'll see if I can fit them into the novel.

I got 1217 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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